On December 6th, St. Nicholas paid a visit to Assumption Catholic School! Born in Patara, a land that is part of present-day Turkey, circa 280, St. Nicholas was a Christian bishop who helped the needy. After his death, the legend of his gift-giving grew. St. Nicholas transformed into the legendary character called Santa Claus, who brings Christmas presents to children around the world. Before the visit, all students of ACS enjoyed the wonderful performance by the Senior Drama group under direction of Mrs.Pickering. The play concluded with the students welcoming St. Nicholas to ACS by singing the traditional St. Nicholas Song, “O kto, kto Nikolaja l’ubit.” After Principal’s welcome, St. Nicholas greeted the students and staff with gifts. As St Nicholas was leaving for the next visit on his list, students returned to their classroom to enjoy their new gifts.
Immaculata High School academic competition
Four of our eighth graders (Andrew,Tyler, Diana, and Richard) and two of our seventh graders (Tanya and Laura) recently competed in the Immaculata High School academic competition.called the "Immaculata Academica." Although at first nervous, the students quickly adapted and were very competitive throughout the competition. Besides being knowledgeable, they were also very poised and courteous, and of course, enjoyed themselves. We are proud of them!
Student Council Votes Counted
On Friday after many excellent speeches by those that hoped to hold particular positions on ACS Student Council, students, faculty, and administration cast their votes for the person they felt would do the best job. The results are in and just like our recent national elections, the results are super close!
In the position of president Anali R. and Richard V. will share duties. Julie D. and Jordan C. will represent fellow students as vice presidents. Kayla E. will be secretary and Alyssa R. is our new treasurer. In addition, our new board members are Dylanise C, Katherine P, Anaissa R and Ayden V.
Congratulations to all! If their speeches are any hint of the enthusiasm they have, ACS is in for a wonderful year!
Class of 2017 celebrates Ring Ceremony
On Friday, December 2, 2016 the Class of 2017 officially became the student leaders of Assumption Catholic School. In a ceremony after the Friday Liturgy the students were presented with their class rings. Each student was presented their ring from Fr. Ivan Turyk, the school Administrator.
After posing for pictures, class members and their families enjoyed a small celebration in the Church basement. Students continued with their fun morning back at school where they went to each classroom and had teachers and students turn their rings for good luck.
As the Class of 2017 continues on their journey here at ACS, we hope that each and every day brings them the same joy that they have experienced at their ring ceremony. God bless the Class of 2017!
Turkey Alert!
Be on the lookout! After a brief visit to ACS last year, many Thanksgiving turkeys have been spotted hiding in our building once again this year. At the beginning the turkeys were easy to spot. The turkeys had no cover to help them out. The Classes of 2017, 2018, and 2019 decided to help them out so they would have the best chance to make it through Thanksgiving without winding up on the dinner table at our ACS annual Thanksgiving feast. So, if you are walking through ACS auditorium during Thanksgiving week and hear some quiet gobbling, be sure to look around carefully. You just might spot a turkey in disguise!
Students Elect New Student Council Board.
Every year at ACS students elect fellow students from the seventh and eighth grade to represent them as members of ACS Student Council. This year future Student Council members filled the walls in school with posters telling students why they should be elected to the office of their choice.After lunch on Friday students gathered in the auditorium to listen to speeches from each of the candidates. After careful thinking, student voted for and eight grade boy and an eight h grade girl for president. They then chose who they wanted as secretary and who they thought would make the best treasurer. At this time all classes are anxiously waiting to find out who will lead them over the rest of this school year as student members of ACS Student Council.
Thank you to everyone who supported, worked and attended the ACS Christmas Bazaar this year. By all measures, it was a huge success! The talent of our ACS was very evident in the beauty of the hall and the many items available for purchase or chance. We thank all those who planned, volunteered and worked the booths, the kitchen, the set-up and cleanup, those who solicited donations and tickets, our many sponsors who donated gifts for baskets, gift certificates and donations, and everyone who supported the event. Everyone’s generosity in giving of your time, treasure and talents contributed to our success. A special thank you goes to Mr. Sean R. Daly, President of FSA and his fantastic team of helpers. They planned and executed a great event for the school. A job well done! HOPE TO SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!
Google Classroom is in full swing at ACS!
Google Classroom is in full swing at ACS! It was rolled out three weeks ago to the eighth grade class and it has been a success! It was so successful that sixth and seventh grade were trained and have already created and worked on a cross grade project.
Google classroom allows our middle school students access to teacher’s notes, PowerPoint presentations and allows work to be shared and submitted electronically. Students favorite component has been working on Google Slides and seeing what all their partners are typing and adding in real time. It has cut down on paper and has allowed ACS students to learn one more skill that will prepare them for high school and college.
Fourth and fifth grade are next! Google classroom will be introduced as a tool that will be used in all of our classes!
The Days of Creation.
Our second and third grade students teamed up to study the days of creation. Each group created a poster based on their day.
Helping Saint Nicholas Bring Joy to the children of Ukraine.
While it may seem too early to be thinking about the holidays, the students here at ACS in Perth Amboy, NJ are doing just that. They have taken on the role of being helpers to Saint Nicholas. Although his special day does not get here until December, donation of school supplies, books, and warm clothing items have been collected now so that they may reach the children of Ukraine that have been left parentless, homeless, or both, due to the continued war between Russia and Ukraine.
The Class of 2017 has taken on this effort as a class service project to coordinate the collection of these items to pass on to the Ukrainian American Youth Association. The U.A.Y.A. in turn will be sure that all donations make it in time for Saint Nicholas to make his deliveries of joy to the children. Hopefully, there will be many happy children when Saint Nicholas arrives in Ukraine with these wonderful gifts.