The students from the Class of 2017 have teamed up with Mrs. Derevenska, the kindergarten teacher, to reinforce reading lessons for the Class of 2025. The eighth grade students have been working hard to help the kindergarten students become experts in identifying sounds, words, and even reading sentences. During the year the two groups will continue to get together in areas for work in the areas of reading, writing, math, and holiday activities. This is a wonderful way for younger students to become confident, contributing members of our ACS family. It turn the Class of 2017 has the opportunity to instill our ACS values in the younger children. Always remember: When you Enter this Loving school, Consider yourself One of the special Members of our Extraordinary family!
City Skyline
Third Graders showed how to make multiplication arrays by making the city skyline!
September Middle School Students of the Month
And the names are in! The September 2016 Middle School Students of the Month are:
8th grade Kiaraliz, 7th grade Ayden and 6th grade Victoria!
These students have worked very hard, have not missed any assignments all month and have displayed excellent behavior. They were treated to pizza by their teachers whom are very proud of them.
Congratulations to our students!
Work Shadow
What a pleasure to be work "shadowed" by one of our ACS graduates. As a high school
assignment, this sophomore at Bishop Ahr High School, had to find a professional with a career she is interested in researching. She decided on her middle school language arts teacher, Mrs. Shumny. They discussed college, the advantages and disadvantages of teaching and what hard work goes along with this ever changing profession. They even uncovered that Mrs. Shumny had the same Career Development teacher 24 years ago!
Much luck to our graduate as she creates her presentation for her class.
Teachers Busy Planning!
The teachers at ACS are always planning together and sharing ideas and lessons they have created. With the development of the new language art curriculum, they have met regularly to make sure all students in every grade level are being challenged and standards are been met. Keep up the hard work!
ACS Bowling
ACS Students enjoyed practicing their skills in the bowling alley while competing against each other.
That is the Assumption Catholic kindergarten way!
Dispute the fact that we learned a lot;
There is still many new topics to be taught!
Fire Prevention Month
The Perth Amboy Fire Department visited our school today in recognition of Fire Prevention Month.
Christopher Columbus
In honor of Columbus Day the first grade class watched a short video in which they learned about the life of Christopher Columbus. They then pretended they were explorers like him and discovered America and created mini writing craftivity projects. They all had great ideas about what they would find!
Christmas Bazaar
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