Sr. Yosaphata Litvenczuk, M.S.M.G Celebrates 50 years of Religious Life

Later in 1963 she was assigned with Sister Josepha, M.S.M.G. to open Ukrainian Assumption Catholic School within the Ukrainian Assumption Church parish. In the 50 years since then, she has served only at this parish and has performed multiple roles at the parish school, all the while overseeing the religious instruction of several generations of the school’s graduates.

Known affectionately to many of her students as “Little Sister”, Sr. Yosaphata’s achievements have included being a grade teacher, teaching Ukrainian and religion at all grade levels, preparing children for Holy Communion, moderating the Junior Sodality, and training altar boys. She currently serves as the Vice Principal and Financial Administrator of Assumption Catholic School.

Highlights from Sr. Yosaphata’s lifetime of dedication to her Order, the Ukrainian Assumption Church parish and the parish school were warmly remembered by speakers throughout the event.

The day’s celebration began with a Divine Liturgy celebrated by Metropolitan Soroka and co-celebrated by Archbishop-Metropolitan Emeritus Sulyk, Fr. Dubitsky, current parish pastor Fr. Ivan Turyk, Fr. Silvio Litvenczuk, Deacon Michael Waak, Deacon Paul Maker, and other clergy.

 During his homily, Metropolitan Soroka noted that Sr. Yosaphata has been blessed with gifts of “charisma” and the ability to influence children in a very personal manner, and that hundreds of  graduates from  the parish school have benefitted from her guidance. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, Sr. Yosaphata renewed her spiritual vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience before Metropolitan Soroka. 

Following the Liturgy the parish community filled to capacity the auditorium of Assumption Catholic School, to further celebrate and recognize Sr. Yosaphata’s milestone achievements. The banquet was opened  by a prayer from Archbishop-Metropolitan Emeritus Sulyk, and was emceed by Mr. Andrij Wowk (UAS’80).  
Guests were entertained by current The Glee Club, Junior Drama Club, and Chimmetteers of Assumption Catholic School, who performed five musical numbers under the direction of Mrs. Melanie Lawrence. Also appearing was the parish Choir “Boyan” under the direction of Mra. Alla Korotsil, which performed the works “Molit’sia liudy” (Pray, of People), “C’aryc’e nebesna” (Heavenly Mother), and “V nas vira jedyna” (We Have One Faith). 

In her remarks on behalf of the choir, Mrs. Collette Baginsky (UAS ’75) noted that Sr. Yosaphata’s deep love for music as a teacher led many graduates of the parish school to later join “Boyan”, as well as to continue to be involved in Ukrainian cultural activities as adults. 

Other speakers during the banquet included Sr. Evhenia Prusnay, the Mother Superior of the Missionary Sisters of the Mother of God, who shared childhood memories of Sr. Yosephata while they were both growing up in Brazil, and Mr. Michael Szpyhilsky, the current Principal of Assumption Catholic School, who expressed his admiration and gratitude to Sr. Yosaphata for her history and continued work as an educator within the school.

They were followed by the event’s keynote speaker, former pastor Fr. Roma Dubitsky , who served as the parish pastor for 30 of Sr. Yosaphata’s  50 years of service. Fr. Dubitsky recounted St. Yosephata’s numerous contributions to the school and parish community but also her many talents, which include cooking, baking altar breads, sewing Ukrainian embroidery and making pysanky (Ukrainian Easter eggs) and Ukrainian ceramics. Fr. Dubitsky also noted Sr. Yosaphata’s help with various tasks that were required during the founding of the church’s “sister parish”, St. Stephen’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Toms River, NJ.
Greetings and blessings to Sr. Yospahata were also read from Bishop Paul Patrick Chomnycky, O.S.B.M.. of the Stamford, CT diocese.

Following the presentation of gifts to Sr. Yosaphata by representatives of the parish organizations, Sr. Yosaphata herself addressed the assembled guests. She thanked them for their generosity and for recognizing this milestone in her spiritual career, and noted that she considered her years of service to the Church not so much her own personal achievement, but rather God’s achievement in calling her to a spiritual vocation and in supporting her throughout it.  

Fr. Ivan Turyk closed the day’s festivities with a solemn benediction, in which he prayed that Sr. Yosphata “have the joy and satisfaction here on Earth that her example, her sacrifice, her work over the course of 50 years inspired others to “reach for the unreachable stars” and become “all things to all people” just as she did. On this day of jubilee, we lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving that God grant Sr. Yosaphata many more years of good health and vitality…”

Saint Nicholas Makes Yearly Visit

Each year on December 6 ACS receives a very special visitor. Saint Nicholas comes to spend a little time with the students, bringing a gift for each one. FSA also gives the children a chocolate lollipop and candy cane.To start the afternoon, Senior Drama presented a short play that helped the audience learn a little bit about the life of Saint Nicholas and how he became known as the patron saint of children and sailors. We were entertained by enthusiastic Drama Club members as they showed how, especially here at ACS, the devils are always fighting a losing battle.  By the end of the presentation everyone was ready for Saint Nicholas. Each grade had time with him. Saint Nicholas could be heard asking the children about their behavior during the previous year. Some students made pictures for him. Saint Nicholas shared that he still has pictures that the seventh grade class had made for him when they were in second grade. He loves coming to ACS because the children are so enthusiastic.  By the end of the afternoon all of the students were ready to go home to share their experiences with their parents.

ACS Class Rings Distributed

On Friday, November 30, 2012 the Class of 2013 made their way to Divine Liturgy as they had done every Friday for as long as they could remember. This week it was a little different. The class looked like they were walking on air! This was going to be a special day for them.

After Liturgy was finished, Father Ivan blessed the rings that would soon be given to the class. Following the blessing Mr. S. called each student by name to come to Father Ivan to receive their ring. They were then officially The Class of 2013. Following the ceremony, the Class of 2013 posed for pictures, and went to the Church basement for a chance to celebrate the occasion with their families. This was a day that will not be forgotten by the Class of 2013.

November Lessons

The Classes of 2013, 2014, and 2015 applied some of the math lessons they have learned in the classroom to create some tasty treats for the annual Thanksgiving feast held the day before Thanksgiving. Each class worked to prepare a pumpkin, apple, or chocolate pudding pie. Reading directions, measuring, mixing, and pouring were all part of each team’s effort to create the perfect pie.

In addition to pie baking skills, the Class of 2013 also helped with the preparation of the potatoes that would be used as part of the meal. They took turns peeling, cutting and rinsing over 300 potatoes for the next day.

The fourth grade class was also busy while the middle school classes prepared the pies. They also measured, mixed, and baked. They worked together to prepare cornbread for the feast. At the end of the day all of the students felt good that they had contributed to what would be a wonderful Thanksgiving meal that was shared by everyone in school.

Press Release

While a 50th anniversary is quite an event for any family, the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Assumption and Assumption Catholic School have special cause to celebrate.  Sister Yosaphata Litvenczuk, MSMG, will commemorate fifty years of religious service at a 10:00 am Divine Liturgy.  What makes this 50th Anniversary unique is that Sister has been in the same school and parish for all fifty years!  Archbishop-Metropolitan Stefan Soroka will be the main celebrant at the Liturgy after which Sister will renew her religious vows.

Proceeding to a celebration luncheon and program, Sr. Yosaphata and attendees will walk down the same steps that Sister did fifty years earlier when Ukrainian Assumption School first opened.  Among those paying tribute will be Archbishop Emeritus Stephen Sulyk, the pastor who opened the school fifty years ago.  Students and teachers, both past and present, parishioners, and friends will be on hand to reminisce and rejoice.  The school’s glee club, junior drama, and chimmetteer groups will use their performing talents to honor and entertain Sr. Yosaphata.

From a village in Brazil to a 21st century parish school, Sister has successfully met and overcome many challenges. Having taught most grade levels, she has also been the school’s librarian and art teacher.  Currently she manages the school office including a tuition management program via computer.  As vice-principal, Sr. Yosaphata’s many duties include disciplinarian, counselor, and dispenser of band-aids.  Through the years, her dedication has been vital in the Ukrainian Assumption community.  And, even after all these years, Sister can still navigate the school’s hallways faster than anyone else!

4th Grade Update

They came. They researched.  They learned.  They presented.  Yes, the fourth grade class of ACS did all that in November alone.  They learned what saint they should ask to intercede on their behalf for specific needs.  What a relief to know someone who is already in heaven can still help us in our time of need.

ACS Garden Club Had A Flower Sale

The ACS Garden Club had a fall flower sale and the Vavrak brothers were the big sellers again selling a total of one hundred and fifteen dollars worth of flowers.  Stephanie Chubenko and Jasmyn Nunez were tied for second place each selling ninety-one dollars worth of flowers.  Way to go gardeners!

Science Becomes Art

Last June, after students started summer vacation, Mrs. Rizkallah and Mrs. Pickering planted the pumpkin plants that had been started from seed by the fourth grade during their studies of plant life. Both teachers contemplated whether or not the plants would survive the hot summer with no one around to tend to them. Upon return to school in August, both teachers got a pleasant surprise. There were 5 green pumpkins!

A few weeks later when the pumpkins had turned to a beautiful orange and were no longer protected by their original green color, it was time to pick them. Mrs Rizkallah asked Mrs. Patel, our art teacher for the school, if she could paint them so that they could be raffled off. When Mrs. Patel returned to school with the pumpkins, it was almost like she had performed magic on them. The once plain pumpkins had been turned into beautiful works of art. Each pumpkin will be raffled off for five lucky students to take home. The winners will have an extra special pumpkin on their porch or in their window this year to help celebrate Halloween.

4th Grade Learning About Saint Theresa the Little Flower

Today, Fourth grade students learned about Saint Theresa the Little Flower. They are preparing for their saint project that will be due on All Saint’s day, November First.  On that day, they will present a poster to the class with all their research about the saint they picked.  Look back again, to see some of their work that will be posted to our website.