Young engineers in the making!
Value in Art
This past week the first and second graders learned about value in art. Not how much money a piece of art is worth, but how you can vary the darkness or lightness of your colors for a more interesting picture. They also talked about how using shading and shadows can make their favorite cartoons look more realistic. To practice value, they created a magical forest of trees and arranged the different parts of the trees in order from the lowest value (darkest) to the highest value (lightest). The students had fun experimenting with color, cutting and gluing their trees together.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9512,9511,9510"]100 Books in (Less Than) 100 Days
New Anywhere Carts
ACS finally received their 12 new Anywhere Carts and everyone was super excited! We now have a safer (and less bulky) place to store our chromebooks and chargers. We always plan the use of our funding with students and teacher’s needs in mind. We feel so incredibly blessed.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9503,9504"]Kahoot
Project Based Learning 🔥 5th grade!!
Kindergarten IXL Math
Students has been using their chromebooks with so much ease and continued excitement! They have their system of charging them and are all responsible for properly using and storing them. This week they used them to practice their IXL Math and their reading sight words using our Reading Street curriculum. Way to go Miss Drayton and Kindergarten!
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9484,9485,9486"]