Kindergarten Buddies

On a recent Friday afternoon the Class of 2019 met for the first time with their kindergarten buddies. Every year eighth grade students become tutors, example setters, and best buddies with the children of kindergarten. Mrs. D.,the kindergarten teacher, knows what kind of reinforcement her students need for the week. She gives individualized activities to the eighth graders, who then sit with their buddies to work on particular skills. It might be math skills, alphabet reinforcement, or reading. As the year progresses, the eighth grade class learns just how hard it is to teach the little ones concepts related to kindergarten and the kindergarteners learn just what a big family ACS is. Before you know it, you will see them waving to each other in the cafeteria, and praying with their buddies in liturgy.

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Back to School BBQ!

We welcomed to Assumption Catholic School our new students and their families during our Back to School BBQ on Thursday, 09/20. ACS faculty and administration members worked all day to make sure that everyone would have a good time. It was wonderful seeing our students, families and staff eating and laughing together. Over 150 Guests were treated to choices of hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken. Along with these choices they also had choices of homemade salads like potato salad, pasta salad, coleslaw salad, and some other tasty items. After finishing their meal, and if there was still enough room, the guests moved on to the dessert table where they found great selections of bake goods. Thank you to all who were able to attend the Annual Back to School BBQ. What a great way to begin our new school year! It was an enjoyable evening of food, fun and fellowship with friends and family. Special thank you to ALL our full and part time teachers for all of the hard work and labor before, during and after the event.

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Summer Reading Cereal Box Celebration!

The students had a snack and sat around the table sharing one another’s Cereal Box Book Report! The students each presented their Book Box to the class telling us the Title of the book, The Author, Character Names and descriptions, Setting and a Summary of the book. They ended giving the book a rating! Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Rosell are happy to report most books were given an average of ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

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Monster Draw

Mr. Wythe’s 6th Grade put their descriptive and visualization skills to the test playing a game of Monster Draw. Students paired up back to back while one student had a picture of a cartoon monster. Pairs took turns using descriptive language to paint a mental picture of their monster for their partner, while the artist tried to visualize and draw their partner’s picture from the description. When time was up, pairs turned around and compared pictures. Every student got an opportunity to be both the describer and the drawer.

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Kindergarten learning centers

Currently the kindergarten class has been busy learning how to identify the ‘setting’ and ‘characters’ in parts of a story during their language arts lesson. But all work without play is no fun. Therefore, today the children continued their lesson in “learning centers”.

This allowed the kindergarteners to reduce tension by playing and communicating as they explore, investigate, and discover things that are new to them while making connections with subjects that are already familiar to them.

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ACS first faculty meeting

What time is it? For ACS teachers – it’s Back to School time! Today, our teachers met for our first faculty meeting and first professional development workshop of the 2018-2019 school year. It was exciting to discuss the building upgrades, curriculum updates and getting to know our new teachers. We ended the day with a workshop on Effective Classroom Management by Dr. Garret, a Professor from Rider University. ACS teachers are always open to new research and information and incorporating new ideas while keeping true to our Catholic faith.

We are all looking forward to an exciting and productive school year!

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School Orientation & Open House

The Open House held on Tuesday, August 14 was an opportunity for parents and students to drop in, meet the student’s teacher(s), learn where the classroom is, and of course to speak with our principal and teachers. The evening started with the New Parent Orientation meeting, followed by the uniform exchange sponsored by FSA. Later on, the ice cream was served by our teachers and all visitors had a great fun with the amazing petting zoo animals from The Friendly Farmyard! We also warmly welcomed our new teacher Mrs. Rosell.
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Holy Dormition pilgrimage to Sloatsburg NY.

Last Sunday, 49 pilgrims on the bus and many more  in their own cars returned safely after a wonderful trip to the Holy Dormition Pilgrimage in Sloatsburg, NY. The highlight of the pilgrimage was undoubtedly the Pontifical Divine Liturgy presided by His Beatitude Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk and celebrated by many hierarchs of our Ukrainian Catholic Church in America and thousands of faithful from other parishes praying together. After a nearly an-hour drive filled with prayer and the recitation of the Rosary, our bus arrived at Mary’s House in Sloatsburg, where we were personally greeted with a smile, handshake and even hugs by the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, who organized this beautiful pilgrimage. It was a day of peace, prayerful reflection, spiritually uplifting and joy filled

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Another Successful Parish Festival!

On Saturday, June 23, 2018  the Assumption Parish in Perth Amoy, NJ held its 6th  Annual Ukrainian Cultural Festival on the grounds of the parish. The Festival was a huge success, thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, the support of our sponsors, and the joy and energy of everyone who attended. We are truly blessed at  Assumption parish to have so many parishioners who give of their time, talent, and treasure to support us. We estimate that well over 1000 parishioners and guests joined us for a fun-filled day that included delicious homemade Ukrainian food and deserts, Ukrainian beer, a church tour, a Beautiful Baskets raffle, money loterey  and more.

This year our parish was honored with the presence of Wilda Diaz, a mayor of the City of Perth Amboy and His Excellency Bishop Andriy Rabiy, the Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia, PA who visited the festival for the first time. Thank you again to all that attended and supported the Festival, and we are looking forward to an even bigger and better event next year.

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