Catholic Schools Week 2022 TUESDAY!
If you drove by ACS today you would have been witness to students dressed in crazy socks and crazy hats entering the building. As they did on Monday, 2 members of the Class of 2022 shared what they love about our ACS community. Mrs Lawrence also shared some more ACS trivia. The day started with prayer, the pledge of allegiance and patriotic song. “Post-it” messages continued to be added onto the doors for teachers and McDonald’s lunch was enjoyed by the third, fourth, and fifth graders.
At individual grade levels, Kindergarten decorated their door as a Classroom of Faith while third grade celebrated a friendship day, and grade four had a picture party. The second grade spent the afternoon in Ukraine and finished their thank you cards for the senior citizens while listening to Valentine music of Dean Martin, Nat King Cole and others. The fifth grade made lanyards with Mrs. Cooper and Middle school had a movie afternoon! The Class of 2022 celebrated Chinese New Year with Mrs Shumny and Mrs. Pickering with a treat of Chinese food. ACS Student Council rounded out the day by hosting a mini read a thon for Pre K through second grade. So far Catholic Schools Week at ACS is shaping up to be an amazing and fun filled week!
And it’s only Tuesday!!!!!
#CSW2022 #acsstrong
Monday: Catholic Schools Week 2022
Principal’s Newsletter – January 28, 2022
OPEN HOUSE – Catholic Schools Week
Our principal Mrs. Shumny is always more than happy to do a walk-through with you and answer all your questions! To receive more information about the school, call 732-826-8721 or visit www.assumptioncatholicschool.

ACS Culinary Club
Young engineers in the making!
Value in Art
This past week the first and second graders learned about value in art. Not how much money a piece of art is worth, but how you can vary the darkness or lightness of your colors for a more interesting picture. They also talked about how using shading and shadows can make their favorite cartoons look more realistic. To practice value, they created a magical forest of trees and arranged the different parts of the trees in order from the lowest value (darkest) to the highest value (lightest). The students had fun experimenting with color, cutting and gluing their trees together.
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