Pajama Day in Pre K

Substituting Catholic school uniforms for pajamas isn't an every day occurrence at the ACS, but during the Catholic Schools Week, students relished the exchange. Pajama Day is always a popular classroom fun day!

Students and Staff Volleyball

As part of Catholic Schools Week,  the 8th grade students have challenged their teachers to a volleyball game with the student body cheering on their favorite players. Before the game against the teachers, the 8th grade students had a bit of a pep rally. The game was challenging and fun for all who were involved. Though the teachers won, many of them were pretty sore the next day.

Epiphany – Blessing of the Holy Water

The Feast of Epiphany is a liturgical event that is celebrated every year on January 6th. Over the course of 2000 years, it has evolved to commemorate one of the most significant events in Christendom – the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the river Jordan. During Epiphany, people traditionally attend a prayer service where the priest blesses regular water into holy water – a “Blessing of the Water” ceremony. On Friday, January 6th, 2012, the staff and students of ACS celebrated Epiphany with a prayer service after their weekly Liturgy.  The service was conducted by the school administrator and pastor of the Assumption Church, Fr. Ivan Turyk. After the blessing of the water ceremony, Fr. Ivan  walked around the school with a small group of students and blessed each room with a sprinkle of the newly blessed holy water.

ACS Middle School Celebrates Christmas

Christmas is a time of Santa and holiday traditions. Here at ACS we also have a family tradition. Our sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students have been working to research religious holiday traditions that are connected to their own ethnic background. Students worked in groups or individually gathering information for the entire Christmas season to create a poster, prepares an oral presentation and bring in a prepared holiday food from that country.

On Wednesday, December 14, the students from these grades gathered to hear the presentations and share in an ACS holiday family meal. This allowed students to try foods that they may not have been familiar with. Volunteer parents came to help set up the beautiful buffet of wonderful ethnic foods. Also joining the students were the administration and other faculty members.

Students left with a new understanding of how although we are different, we are all the same. We all celebrate the birthday of Jesus with similar traditions and tasty treats.

Student Council Presents Movie Day!

By Samantha Shumny – S.C. Secretary

On December 10, 2011 the ACS Student Council sponsored a Movie Day for all ACS students. Council members had a wonderful time setting up the auditorium and preparing snacks for movie watchers to enjoy.

Students had a choice of two different movies. The first showing was The Muppets Christmas Carol. There were about 25 students present for the morning session. The afternoon session was Polar Express, attended by around 30 students. Everyone was given a choice of a drink and snack at intermission.

This was ACS Student Council’s first big project. They were excited to host this fun event. It was such a success that they are already planning their next Movie Day.

2011 School Christmas Concert

The Assumption School Auditorium was packed to the rafters with parents and grandparents that had come to see and hear the 2011 PreK-8 Christmas Program. Every student was standing tall, singing loudly and smiling at the crowd. There were lots of Christmas songs that covered all interests and the clapping from the audience demonstrated their appreciation. All students in the school were very excited about being up on the stage singing for their families. Thank you to all who attended, our students, our teachers, and of course Music Teacher Miss Anna Lawrence.

12 Days of Christmas in New Jersey

Today, the Fourth grade class performed the 12 Days of Christmas in New Jersey.  Keeping up with the Social Studies curriculum, they read  interesting facts about  the history of New Jersey, from it's involvement in the Revolutionary war and pirates, to the five light houses that keep our shore safe for ships.  They sang about  horses that are bred and raced in New Jersey, dogs that are trained to help the blind, as well as the state bird and state tree; the goldfinch and red oak. Students howled like the wolves that live on the Lakota wolf reserve and read about the Jersey Devil. They read about Thomas Edison and his inventions and the best blueberry pie in New Jersey's diners.  I bet they will even try to find Captain Kidd's treasure this summer.  What a fun way to learn about the state the students live in.