“A Touch of Nature”

April was an exciting month for Pre-Kindergarten thru fourth grade!  These classes participated in an exciting demonstration by Jerry from “A Touch of Nature”.  This fun filled couple of hours consisted of alligators, spiders, frogs and even a boa constrictor snake!  The facilitator brought in over 20 different animals for the students of ACS to see and learn about.  Yes! Live animals!  The objective was to show the children an innovative, hands-on experience which enhances their animal awareness while developing an understanding and appreciation for all living things.  Not only was this a wonderful enhancement to our Science Curriculum for all grade levels, it also helped develop a stronger vocabulary and hands on understanding for each student.  “A Touch of Nature” offers different types of programs appropriate for all grade levels and meets NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards!  It was an experience our teachers and students will not forget!


From Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka

As you graduate, a hope-filled prayer is offered for you by your parish priest, the religious sisters, your family members and all of your brothers and sisters in Christ in your parish – and mine – that you realize in your lifetime Jesus’ invitation to enjoy abundant life!  In the Gospel of St. John, Jesus tells us that he came so that you and I might have life and have it “to the full” (Jn 10:10).  You have worked hard and dedicated yourself to accomplishing your educational goals.  You are graduating to yet another challenge in life.  We pray that you will pursue the abundant life offered by Jesus Christ in all that you choose to do in your life!

The Blessed Mother reveals to us the joy of steadfast faith in following the will of our heavenly Father.  She accepted invitations to serve God and responded to successive challenges with much courage and compassion.  When you and I emulate her in our own life by being steadfast in our faith as we respond to life’s daily challenges, we come to realize the presence of Jesus Christ.  When we embrace our challenges and respond with conviction and courage as the Blessed Mother did, we come to realize the enabling presence of Jesus Christ.  We come to taste and celebrate the gifts of abundant life promised to you and to me by Jesus Christ.  Reach out in prayer to our Blessed Mother.  She will help you to journey closer with Jesus Christ to enjoy the abundant life in which you are invited to share.  You may feel a strong call to serve Jesus Christ as his priest, religious monk or sister, or in some special ministry.  Seek the counsel of those who can help you to explore such a happy invitation.  Whatever journey of life you choose, ensure that it helps you to realize the abundant life offered by Jesus Christ.

Many have assisted in helping you to achieve the success of your graduation.  Make it a point to especially visit your Church and to offer thanksgiving to God for those who cared and assisted you in achieving this graduation.  Express your gratitude to those who guided and taught you.   Pray for them. Your celebration of gratitude will bring joy to others and to you.

We join the many people who will rejoice and celebrate with you this happy and meaningful event in your life. We offer our prayers of thanksgiving for you and for your continued success!

God grant you many blessed and happy years, “na mnohaya lita!”

Download Ukrainian Version (PDF)

First Solemn Holy Confession and Holy Communion

Twelve children of Assumption Catholic School and Parish made their First Confession on Friday, May 4, and received First Solemn Holy Communion on Saturday, May 5, 2012. Our sincerest congratulations and best wishes are extended to:  Tanya, Adrian, Dylan, Cinthia, Lina, Samantha, Daniel, Aldan , Angelika, Emmanuel, Vitaliy and Lukian. We are grateful to all who have assisted these children on their journey of faith. Thank you for helping to prepare our children for the greatest gift they will ever receive.  May the Most Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Jesus be nourishment for their souls from now until eternal life. Many thanks to the Missionary Sisters of Mother of God, Sr. Yosaphata and Sr. Maria, for instructing our children in Catechism class every Sunday.


Respect for Life Award

The Diocese of Metuchen Office of Respect for Life had a Mass and Awards Luncheon on May 1, 2012 at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center.  This year's Theme was: "I came so that all might have life, and have it to the full."  (John 10:10)  Students were asked to pick someone special in their life and to draw a picture which shows what they could do to be like Jesus and help that person to live life to the full.  The Assumption Parish  parishioner and the student of the parish school, the 1st grade student Laura Grausam was awarded 2nd place in the 2012 Respect for Life poster contest for elementary school children.  She was honored at the Banquet and presented with a 2013 Pro-Life Student Calendar featuring her poster.  Congratulations to Laura and to the other ACS class winners who had their posters entered in the annual contest:  Aleks-Gr.2, Daisy-Gr.3, Justin-Gr.4, Elena-Gr. 5, Jennifer-Gr.6, Thomas-Gr. 7, and Brianna-Gr. 8.  The contest was judged by the Diocesan Commission for Pro-Life Action.

Pre-School “Spring’s” with Excitement over Flowers!

For the last few weeks the Pre-school class has thoroughly enjoyed learning about the season of spring and all of the beautiful changes they are beginning to see in the weather.  The class has learned the parts of a flower, what flowers need to grow, names of flowers, and even planted their own to care for and grow! Each child got to pick the type of flower seeds they wanted to plant and even learned that all flower seeds look different! Some of the flowers chosen were Calendula, Morning Glory, Cosmos, Wild flower, and Marigold. Planting was a great way to put to use all that they have learned!

Great Day For a Hike

Rolling down a great big hill, planting seeds for new dill plants, and hiking were among the activities that the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade ACS students experienced on a recent trip to Deep Cut Gardens and Tatum Park in Middletown, New Jersey.  After a short bus ride down the Garden State Parkway, students found themselves enjoying a day in the great outdoors.

Students were welcomed to the gardens by a resident plant expert and she then shared the history of the gardens. Next, 2 groups were formed. The first group went with the guide where they learned about different types of plant reproduction. The other group went on a self – guided tour of the garden grounds. During their exploration of the gardens the group came across a large hill that called to them to roll down it to their hearts’ delight. They continued exploring the greenhouse, the rockery, and vegetable garden.

When each group had completed both activities, they sat at either the koi pond or at picnic tables in the garden area for lunch. Lunch was followed by a trip to the playground in Tatum Park. Mrs. Lojko led everyone on a very long hike through the trails of the park. By the time the day ended, everyone was ready to take a nap. Luckily, the happy group had a short ride back to school. Many students admitted to going to bed early after their busy day.

Because I Am Worth It

The Class of 2012 recently attended the Diocese of Metuchen’s Teen Outreach program titled Because I Am Worth It. Students from Cardinal Mc Carrick High School and Mount St. Mary’s Academy welcomed eighth graders from all over the diocese with enthusiasm and shared with them about why they need to be careful about choices they make as they enter the world of dating.

Following the teens’ presentations, Pam Stenzel, internationally known chastity speaker, was introduced and for the next forty – five minutes captivated the attention of her audience of eighth graders about the physical and emotional risks of getting involved with sex outside of marriage. When she was finished speaking, she remained with the students and spoke to them individually.

The members of the ACS Class of 2012 came away with excellent information and hopefully will always remember, Because, I am Worth It as a good reason for practicing chastity as they move into the world of dating.

It’s Fraction Pizza Friday!

Mr. David Roman, the owner of David’s Big Size Pizza in Roselle, donated enough pizza dough so that all the Fourth Grade students could make their own pizza.  Ady Roman then demonstrated how to stretch the dough and dress the pizza.  The pizzas were baked and given back to the student so they could cut them into eighths.  The students then had to make an equivalent fraction before they were allowed to finally eat their pie.  For some it was very hard not to take a bite out of the pizza first, but, they had been working with fractions for weeks now and they accomplished their task very quickly. The drooling ended almost before it began.   What fun!

Our Ladybugs!

Did you know that the Ladybug was really named for Our Lady?  It’s true!  During the Middle Ages, farmers prayed to The Blessed Virgin because pests were destroying their crops.  The ladybugs came and ate the pest and therefore were named Our Lady’s bug, which was shortened to Ladybug.  

On April 25, 2012, the garden club ordered 1500 ladybugs for students to observe.  A very special little bug delivered containers filled with the insects to each class.  Then, right before dismissal, all grades met on the playground to free their bugs.  Students, teachers and parents joined in the release.   What fun it was to see everyone enjoying nature up close.

Great and Holy Lent at ACS

Every Wednesday during Lent, students in Pre-K through Grade eight participated in the Divine Liturgy and Stations of the Cross. On March 28 the Sacrament of Penance was available after these devotions. Then on Holy Thursday, "The Living Stations of the Cross" were enacted by the 6th, 7th and 8th graders, during a whole school Spirituality Day. The school children concluded Holy Week by leading the singing of the Good Friday Vespers in English, along with Choir Boyan who sang the Ukrainian responses.  At the end of this service, during the procession with the Most Holy Shroud, the girls in grades K, 1 & 2 had the privilege of portraying the angels who accompanied our Lord to His burial.  Many school families and alumni attended the Good Friday Services and Veneration of the Shroud.  Throughout the remainder of Good Friday over 30 Altar Boys and Sodalists returned to Church in order to pray and keep vigil at Our Lord's Tomb.  ACS is truly grateful to be able to offer such a wealth of spiritual opportunities to the children under our care!