Sodality at Assumption Catholic School

On Friday, October 31, 2014, thirty-six Sodalists from Assumption Catholic School (ACS) in Perth Amboy, NJ participated in a special blessing of Icons. Following the weekly school Divine Liturgy, Father Ivan Turyk, Pastor of Assumption Catholic Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, gave a special blessing and dedication to each of the girls and the Icons they carried. Icons were given to the girls to foster devotions to Our Blessed Lady. Father concluded the service by advising the young ladies to prominently display their Icons in a location at home which will remind both them and their families to call upon Our Lady in times of need. The service was well attended by family, friends and the entire student body of ACS. Afterwards, the new and current Sodalists, along with their attending family members, Sister Yosaphata, Sister Thomas, Father Ivan Turyk and Mr. Michael Szpyhulsky, principal of ACS, enjoyed light refreshments in the church hall.

Sodality is a sisterhood comprised of young ladies and women (grade 3 and beyond) who practice the ideals set forth by Our Blessed Virgin Mary. Sodality has been part of ACS’ history for over 50 years. In the past, Sodality was led by the Missionary Sisters of the Mother of God and lay faculty. Under the past guidance of parishioner and teacher at ACS, Melanie Lawrence, Sodality members made cards for the sick, goody bags of appreciation, visited the elderly, and raised money for neighbors affected by tragedy.

This year, Sodality is facilitated by Mrs. Halyna Lojko and Mrs. Patricia Bernstein both teachers at ACS. The girls meet monthly to pray as a community and plan service activities that will benefit both our immediate and extended communities. During the Easter Season, Sodalists will show their love for Our Lord by taking turns kneeling in adoration at the Tomb of Our Lord from Good Friday through Holy Saturday. Finally, our special devotions to Our Lady will culminate in May with our Moleben Devotions and a gift of flowers to the Blessed Mother.

All Saints Day

With All Saints Day approaching, Nov.1, First Grade were asked to choose a saint and write about them, to display on our bulletin board. They presented their saint in front of their class. It was very interesting hearing about so many different saints and how we can use them as role models for our christian faith.
Each student has started a Saints book at the beginning of the school year. Each month, they are adding a saint, that we learn about, whose feast day lies in that month. So, their All Saints Day project will later make a perfect addition to their Saints book!

We thank God for the gift of the witness of our saints' lives. We ask that they may intercede for us, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Happy All Saints Day!

School’s Trunk or Treat

The forth  annual Trick-or-Trunk Halloween celebration on the Assumption Catholic School parking lot was a huge success this past Saturday!   The parents of our students decorated the trunks of their cars in a myriad of ways. Families hand out treats while the kids parade around in their costumes. The members of the school FSA also prepared hot chocolate for all kids and their parents. After saying a prayer together,  Fr. Ivan gave signal and all children present began their trick-or-treat journey from car to car gathering candies. The event provided a safe family environment for trick or treaters. Thanks go to FSA for sponsoring and organizing the event.

ACS Accredited by AdvancED

For two years, the teachers led our school community through the arduous process of AdvancED accreditation. Based on the visiting team's review of the Diocese of Metuchen’s schools, they have recommended that the Diocese of Metuchen receive international accreditation from AdvancEd for the next 5 years. The overall score of our Diocese was 295.43 compared to an AdvancEd average of 282.45. As you can see, our overall score, which includes ACS, exceeded the AdvancEd average. Thank you to the teachers, parents, and parishioners who were part of this process and worked so hard. We are now in the process of implementing recommended changes to make our schools an even better place for our students! Congratulation to the ACS on a successful result!

ACS Participates in Eagle Challenge

Students from the Classes of 2015 and 2016 represented ACS recently in the annual Eagle Challenge hosted by Cardinal Mc Carrick High School. They participated in a Jeopardy style competition. While they did not win the actual competition, they came away winners because of their team effort. Parents that were present were impressed with the unity of the team and their ability to meet the challenge of the questions given them. Members from the Class of 2015 were: Carlos C, Steven M, team captain, Katherine P, and Elena Z. Representing the Class of 2016 were Jillian P and Andrea V.

Columbus Day at First Grade

In observance of Columbus Day, October 13, students learned about Christopher Columbus' voyage on the three ships that changed the world. They got to imagine that they too, were explorers and wrote about what they would like to explore. There are many interesting voyages ahead for the students, from the exploration of the popular technology game Mine Craft to Arendal- the land from Disney's famous movie, Frozen!
Each first grader also made their own Christopher Columbus puppets and wish everyone a Happy Columbus Day!

Turning Tides/Classroom Based Intervention

The classes of 2019 and 2020 have just completed their twelfth and final session with students from Rutgers University. The program is entitled Turning the Tides. Turning the Tides is a program that utilizes movement, music, and silent storytelling to reduce traumatic stress reactions. A favorite of the students was using the parachute as they played and built community with one another.


by Mrs. Bernstein’s Terrific Third Grade The Terrific.
Third started backed to school with an art project that was anything but ordinary! A glyph is defined as a symbolic figure or picture. Students were tasked to create individual glyphs using symbols that represented answers to a set of questions. The questions included: How many children are in your family? What is your favorite subject? What is your favorite free time activity? How many pets do you have? Once the glyphs were completed each one was framed. Next, the students became super sleuths as they tried to discover the glyph’s true identity!