ACS Participates in Eagle Challenge

Students from the Classes of 2015 and 2016 represented ACS recently in the annual Eagle Challenge hosted by Cardinal Mc Carrick High School. They participated in a Jeopardy style competition. While they did not win the actual competition, they came away winners because of their team effort. Parents that were present were impressed with the unity of the team and their ability to meet the challenge of the questions given them. Members from the Class of 2015 were: Carlos C, Steven M, team captain, Katherine P, and Elena Z. Representing the Class of 2016 were Jillian P and Andrea V.

Columbus Day at First Grade

In observance of Columbus Day, October 13, students learned about Christopher Columbus' voyage on the three ships that changed the world. They got to imagine that they too, were explorers and wrote about what they would like to explore. There are many interesting voyages ahead for the students, from the exploration of the popular technology game Mine Craft to Arendal- the land from Disney's famous movie, Frozen!
Each first grader also made their own Christopher Columbus puppets and wish everyone a Happy Columbus Day!

Turning Tides/Classroom Based Intervention

The classes of 2019 and 2020 have just completed their twelfth and final session with students from Rutgers University. The program is entitled Turning the Tides. Turning the Tides is a program that utilizes movement, music, and silent storytelling to reduce traumatic stress reactions. A favorite of the students was using the parachute as they played and built community with one another.


by Mrs. Bernstein’s Terrific Third Grade The Terrific.
Third started backed to school with an art project that was anything but ordinary! A glyph is defined as a symbolic figure or picture. Students were tasked to create individual glyphs using symbols that represented answers to a set of questions. The questions included: How many children are in your family? What is your favorite subject? What is your favorite free time activity? How many pets do you have? Once the glyphs were completed each one was framed. Next, the students became super sleuths as they tried to discover the glyph’s true identity!

Story Elements Quilt

Ms G’s second graders recently read the story Luka’s Quilt by Georgia Guback. After reading the story they showed their understanding of story elements by creating their very own quilt. The quilt highlighted story elements such as title, author, characters, setting, and plot. Students did a great job developing their knowledge of story elements. Each quilt was unique in color, representing each student’s favorite color.

Students drawings to support Ukrainian soldiers

Last week,  Fr. Ivan has announced a project/competition  at ACS, titled  “Peace in Ukraine through the eyes of American children” . All students expressed their views through drawings and written messages to depict the peaceful Ukraine they want. They  draw heartbreaking pictures to support Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting separatists in eastern Ukraine. On Wednesday, all drawings and letters were sent to the war zone in Ukraine. The prizes were awarded for the best entry in each grade. And the winners are:
K.-  Corey Pikula
Gr.1 – Sophia Ciesla
Cr. 2 – Hailey Scocco
Gr. 3 – Peter Fizer
Gr.4 – Joshua Bouchard
Gr.5 – Mackenzie Fizer
Gr.6 – Nicholas Santiago
Gr. 7 – Andrea Vira
Gr.8 – Katherine Perez   
Thank you to all students for not growing indifferent.