Science and the Circus Come to ACS!

On Monday, February 9, 2015 ACS students in grades K-‐5 were amazed, astonished, and thoroughly entertained as they watched science come to life. Through the use of humor, songs, magic, and circus tricks Grand Falloon’s Professor Winklebottom and side-‐kick, Meatloaf, taughtstudents the importance of conserving and reusing earth’s precious resources.

20th Anniversary of Performing Arts at ACS Show

Professional musicians know the story all too well.  If it didn't happen to them, it probably happened to a colleague.  When the school budget goes up on the chopping block, the arts department is usually one of the first groups to feel the cuts.  Music, art and theater programs are always one of the first to go, deemed the least important of all the academic fields.
But not at Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy, NJ.

For 20 years now, the after school activities have been going strong at ACS, and the halls are alive with the sounds of budding thespians and musicians alike.  Since the first meeting of the glee club on Monday, February 6, 1995 to today, our after school programs have grown to include drama for both the 3rd – 5th and 6th – 8th grade levels, and the unique sounding chimetteers for the 6th – 8th graders as well.  With the popularity of singing ever growing, glee club, which was originally open to all students in 3rd grade or older, was split into two groups, with the middle grades taking over glee club while the show choir would be open for our older students.  Today, these clubs are populated by 44 percent of all eligible students.


To celebrate 20 years of after school programs, a show was put together that revisited the theme of the very first glee club show, songs from Annie and Oliver.  This year, over 50 students from our after school groups got in on the act and shared their talents in song and in skits.  Many of those students are actually in more than one performing group, but made their transitions from one scene to the next with ease.  Drama students, under the direction of Mrs. Pickering, performed skits written by themselves or by Mrs. Lawrence.  The chimetteers performed two songs arranged by Miss Lawrence – one from each Broadway musical, and the glee club and show choir staged some of the more memorable songs from the two shows, "It's a Hard Knock Life" and "You're Never Fully Dressed without a Smile" from Annie, "Food, Glorious Food" and "Who Will Buy?" from Oliver. 

Despite the cold and icy conditions the night of the show, the students performed to a full house.  Over 100 parents, grandparents, siblings and friends came to enjoy the show, which was also attended by our ever supportive Father Ivan, our Missionary Sisters, and our principal, Mr. Szpyhulsky.  Our students – not just our performers, but all of our students – are supported by not just our priest, principal, nuns and teachers, but by so many parents, friends, and parishioners as well, many of whom were not even in attendance. 

While admission to the show was free, the teachers who run the performing arts groups, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Pickering and Miss Lawrence, were asking for donations for music and drama supplies for the students.  On the shopping list – 60 recorders for music class, props and accessories, and a new chimes set, which was the big ticket item at a whopping $840.  Money from the recent spirit wear sale also went towards this goal.  Between the donations collected at the show and also from parishioners of Assumption Church the same weekend, the money from the spirit wear sale, and a generous donation from the FSA, not only was our fundraising goal of $1,240 met, it was exceeded.  Thanks to the generosity of our friends, family and parishioners, we raised just over $1,500.  As Mrs. Lawrence said, "I'm just overwhelmed," and it's true.  In a time where the arts are often left out in the cold, the family of Assumption Catholic School and Church are welcoming the arts in with warm, open arms and saying, no, the arts are here to stay.

Immediately, recorders, recorder music, storage bins, and the new chimes are going to be ordered.  After that the teachers will then sit down and do some research to see how best to spend the rest of the money.


ACS and FSA recently sponsored a family night outing to the N.J. Devils home game against the Ottawa Senators. Included in the ticket was a free pass to a special food spot where nachos, hot dogs, popcorn, and pretzels were available for all ACS fans. The Devils made a happy crowd with a 2 – 1 victory over the Senators. After the game ACS fans were given the opportunity to go down on the ice. Future hockey players slid around on the ice picturing themselves making the big plays for their favorite team while they waited to have their group picture taken.  By the end of the evening the young and not so young were ready to go home, taking with them the dream of next time. Thank you to the FSA board for providing a great way for families to get together for an evening of great fun!<

We are 100 days Smarter!!!

The kindergarten class had a busy day on February 9. It was our 100th  day of school and  a fun filled day of work and learning. Students were doing various math and writing activities using the number 100. Also, we made these Cheerios Necklaces and fabulous 100th day hats to show everyone that we are 100 days Smarter!

Pep Rally Rocks ACS

Snow! Everyone loves it – sometimes.  Snow managed to deflate the feeling of Catholic Schools Week just a little bit this year.  The biggest event of the week was postponed a full week.  But, it turned out to be a day worth waiting for.  Оn February 6, 2015 ACS held the best pep rally ever!  The Class of 2015, led by Student Council President Steven Marcucci and Vice President Alyssa Montalvo, organized a fun afternoon for the rest of our ACS students.

If you felt the earth shake Friday afternoon, it was not an earthquake.  It was just ACS starting their celebration!  The afternoon began with all the students dancing their way into the auditorium.  Once everyone made it to their seats, Steven and Alyssa got things going with individual class shout outs.  This was followed by some freeze dancing, which got the students roaring and ready for some fun.

Clubs were called and students introduced themselves.  This was followed by the recognition of students that achieved honors for the second marking period.  Winners of Mrs. Shumny's writing contests were announced, and finally, the Crazy Hat contest winners were broadcasted too!

Now it was time for the big event of the day!  The Class of 2015 waited throughout the pep rally for their chance to represent ACS students in a volleyball game against the teachers and administration.  The competing eighth grade students were completely confident that they would be THE class to finally beat the undefeated faculty/administration players.  Student observers cheered and screamed for both sides.   The game went back and forth until second grade teacher, Miss Giordano broke it open with 3 unanswered points for the faculty!  The final score left the Class of 2016 dreaming about next year.  Maybe then the teachers and administration would be defeated. Final score:  Teachers/Administration 15 – Students 11.

It was a great end to an extended Catholic Schools Week.  Whether it was making posters, having a game day, or attending the pep rally, CSW 2015 will be remembered by all; and, why not —it was the best ever, snow or no snow!

Volleyball Game

On Friday, Feb.6 the laughter and competition were key factors in bringing the school together at the Student Faculty Volleyball Game. The game was challenging and fun for all who were involved. The score went back and f…orth until finally the faculty was able to seal the game with a 15 – 11 win over the 8th grade students. The game was a great opportunity for students and faculty to interact in a relaxed and fun environment. Congratulations to ACS faculty!

Our Class’ Favorite Color

What’s your favorite color? The 3rd grade students answered this question using data collection and analysis techniques. Each student was asked to color a crayon cut-out using their favorite color. Next, students hung their crayons in the hallway and worked together to create tally charts. Finally, students worked together to create pictographs depicting Our Class’ Favorite Colors. The answer? Stop by the 3rd grade hallway for a look at the colorful display and to find out which color is our very favorite!

New Year’s Resolutions

Coming back from Christmas Break was an exciting time in Third Grade. We discussed how we spent our Christmas Break and how we are all looking forward to 2015. We learned about the word “resolutions” and how it means making a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner. The students wrote their own New Year’s Resolutions, posted them on a student cut-out, and added their own special festive and decorative touches. Student work is on display in the 3rd grade hallway. Come check out our creativity!