A heartfelt thanks to all who came by on Sunday, January 31st, 2016 for the Assumption Catholic School open house. We had a nice turn out for our open house and had the chance to answer a lot of questions and meet many lovely families. Thank you to the families who supported the event! We hope you enjoyed seeing the school.Stop by our OPEN HOUSE next time or call for a SCHOOL TOUR at any time!
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon
In celebration of Catholic Schools Week, Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon.
We have great teachers and they do so much for our students. From the kitchen workers to the administration, from the principal to the teachers, from the maintenance staff to nurse, thank you and may our good Lord bless you always.
Assumption Catholic School Open House
ACS in Perth Amboy NJ will host an Open House on Sunday January 31st, 2016 from 12 noon – 2:00 p.m as part of its Catholic Schools Week celebrations. Light refreshments and school tours will be available for prospective students and their parents. Founded in 1963, Assumption Catholic School brings the tradition of high-quality Catholic Education to the city of Perth Amboy, NJ. AdvancEd accredited, the school provides a Christ-centered, Catholic environment to a diverse population of pre-kindergarten ( age 4) through eighth-grade students. Before Care and After Care are available. Our Open House is a wonderful opportunity to meet our Pastor, the Principal and have a tour of the school by one of our current students. To receive more information about the school, call 732-826-8721 or visit www.assumptioncatholicschool.net.
Carol for Christ
Fourteen members of the ACS Chimmetteers participated in "Carol for Christ", a multi-choir concert sponsored by St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, in Somerset, New Jersey. Our students brought the new experience of our Suzuki hand held tone chimes to the crowd of one-hundred-fifty. They performed two of the most popular Ukrainian Christmas carols, "Boh Predvichnee" and "Carol of the Bells". The students’ efforts and hours of practice were rewarded with the audience’s resounding applause. Miss Anna Lawrence arranged the music and directed the group, which is moderated by Mrs. Lawrence.
Celebrating the Feast of Theophany
The Feast of the Holy Theophany (Epiphany) of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated each year on January 6. The Feast commemorates the Baptism of Christ and the divine revelation of the Holy Trinity. At the Baptism of Christ, all three Persons of the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—were made manifest. Thus, the name of the Feast is Epiphany, meaning manifestation, or Theophany, meaning manifestation of God. On Wednesday, January 6th, 2016, the staff and students of ACS celebrated Epiphany with the blessing of the waters service conducted after the Liturgy. After the blessing of the water service, Fr. Ivan walked around the school with a small group of students and blessed the school’s classrooms and students with holy water and in his prayers asked God to have mercy on the school to rid it of every evil and to fill if with every blessing. Fr. Ivan’s visit was a wonderful way to begin the New Year!
ACS Sodality
Assumption Catholic School Sodality held a raffle for three – filled to the brim – Christmas Socks. Sodalists sold raffle tickets to ACS students over the past week and at the Annual ACS Christmas Program. The drawing was held on Wednesday, December 23rd. As luck would have it, all three winners were boys! Congratulations to Nathaniel P., Cesar C., and Matthew V. The Sodality raised a total of $180.00. Thank you to all that participated.
Class of 2016 Receives Rings.
Today was a very special day for the Class of 2016. After Divine Liturgy Fr. Ivan blessed the rings that represent the hard work and accomplishments of the students. Each student was filled with excitement as they anticipated their own special moment at which they were given their ring. In his homily, Fr. Ivan said that ACS ring is not only a symbol of power and prestige, it is more importantly a symbol of service, a reminder that authority is …to be used for good, it is to be put to service for the benefit of fellow students. At the conclusion of the ring ceremony students posed for many pictures showing their new rings. Following the pictures, the Class of 2016 and their invited guests went downstairs for a small celebration. They were treated to an assortment of bagels and muffins. They also had a chance to spend some time with family and where they begin the traditional "turning of the ring." Parents, teachers and friends took turns turning the ring the same number of times as the year they graduate in. For the class of 2016, the ring will be turned 116 times. Traditionally, a special person takes the last turn which is done in the opposite direction to lock in the luck.
Senior Citizens Club
A Christmas party was held at REO Diner in Woodbridge, NJ on Thursday, December 10 at 12 PM at which our Seniors Organization presented Fr. Ivan with a gift of $1000 to our parish for Christmas. Thank you and may the Lord Almighty bless you and grant you happiness and good health. Officers for 2016: President – Joan Zaleski, Vice-President – Peggy Liberti, Secretary – Dolly Karol, Treasurer – Eleanor Kataryniak.
Saint Nicholas Visits ACS
Each year Saint Nicholas pays a visit to the students of Assumption Catholic School. On Monday, December 7, 2015, students welcomed him with once again much enthusiasm. Students were first treated to a play about Saint Nichols performed by the ACS Senior Drama Club members. Students were then called to the stage by class where each child received a present from Saint Nicholas. After receiving their gift, the class posed for a picture and finally received a candy cane as they left the stage.
When the Class of 2016 reached the stage Saint Nicholas had something to share with them. He had kept letters the students had written to him when they were in second grade. Saint Nicholas read a few of the items they had included on their wish list so long ago. Next, each student received a Saint Nicholas medal as a remembrance of their last Saint Nicholas Day here at ACS. Finally, each child was called up individually to receive their last Saint Nicholas Day gift and candy cane.
As this day becomes a happy memory, we are reminded of the beautiful season that is in front of us. In the blink of an eye, the birth of Christ will be here!