Seventeen children of the Assumption School and parish had First Confession on Friday, May 13, and received First Solemn Holy Communion on Sunday, May 15, 2016. As a parish community celebration, the day was as usual a huge success. Our pastor Fr. Ivan Turyk delivered a homily just for children as they gathered in a church for this special day. We would like to congratulate the children and their parents. Thank you all for you…r cooperation with the school and parish catechists throughout the entire year of catechesis and in the busy final days of preparation and rehearsals. Thank you to Sr. Yosaphata, MSMG for many years of commitment and dedication in preparing the children for First Confession and First Solemn Holy Communion, providing not only the necessary knowledge but, above all, sharing your faith with the children and parents. Special thanks go to our school’s FSA for preparing a delicious breakfast for our children and their families.
Chromebooks for Education.
We gathered two students from each grade for this picture showing off our new chromebooks. These chromebooks add to the technology already in use by our students. Technology, used properly, has made learning easier for many students at ACS and we want all our students to stay comfortable with the latest technology. Thanks to our Principal Mr. S for acquiring funds for this project.
4th and 5th grade field trip.
Cloudy skies and cool temperatures did not dampen the enthusiasm of fourth and fifth grade students as they toured East Jersey Old Town in Piscataway. Guided by Mrs. Flynn and Mr. Mike, students toured the Runyon House, Indian Queen Tavern, Dunn House, Church of the Three Mile Run, and Smalleytown School House. It was a great educational experience. After the tour students completed a map of the village. With all they learned, students now have a new appreciation for living in the 21st century!
Jobs of the Future EXPO.
Jobs of the Future Expo was held at Assumption Catholic School on Thursday, April 28th , 2016. From third grade on, students can and have set their minds on a future career, which is why ACS feels it is important to start early when directing them toward options in the science, technology, engineering, medicine or art. Our 7th and 8th graders had an opportunity to research many interesting jobs, as well as gain information that may shape their future… careers. Prior to the Jobs of the Future EXPO, students have written letters of invitation to professional people in many career fields who came to the event and evaluated every presenter. The Expo was a great success due to the time and effort volunteered by the 7th grade teacher Mrs. Shumny, all of the presenters and teachers volunteers. Thank you all for taking the time to be a part of this great event.
The NED Show visits ACS!
Students were visited by the NED show on Thursday, April 28, 2016. This anti-bullying presentation captivated our students and reminded them to
N – never give up, E- encourage others, D- do your best every day.
Students can buy yo-yo’s and the proceeds will pay for another school to be visited by the NED show, teaching our students to pay it forward!
The faculty and principal spent a beautiful morning at St. Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch. The teachers enjoyed two spiritually uplifting discussions on the Church and Ukrainian Rite led by Father Paul Makar. Father Paul is the priest at St. Michaels Ukrainian Catholic Church in Cherry Hill, as well as an alumni of Assumption Catholic School, class of ’86. The teachers were able to receive the sacrament of penance and also enjoyed a prayer service outside in front of the icon of the Blessed Mother. It was a rejuvenating morning filled with prayer, learning and fellowship.
Barnes & Noble Book Fair
Thank you to everyone who came to the Barnes & Noble book fair on Wednesday, April 7th . It was so nice to see so many ACS families, teachers, and students together after school celebrating the power of reading and music. A special thank you to the teachers who read and all students, who to the delight of their families and friends, recited poetry, sang songs and played chimes. It was a great success, and a lot of fun. Special thanks to the 6th grade teacher Mrs. Lissette D Shumny for all her work in coordinating the book fair.
Easter Mission.
While most students will be enjoying their Easter break, one of A.C.S. our students will be heading on a mission to Haiti to bring God’s word and relief to those in need. Anali R.of the Class of 2017 will be traveling with her dad and sister Amarilis, (Class of 2014) to spend a week teaching and distributing supplies to the less fortunate.
ACS middle school students wanted to show their support for the work they will be doing so they took up a collection and in addition to the donation from Father Ivan and the Assumption parishioners a monetary donation of over $600 was given. In addition students in grade 3-5 sent pencils and Pre K through grade 2 donated crayons.
May God bless and keep Anali and the other members of her family safe as they bring His Word to those in need!
Bunny Bags
"Bunny Bags" filled with treats and sweets were enjoyed by fifth graders at their Resurrection celebration. Though they made the bags before Easter, the joy of our risen Lord could not happen until after His resurrection. Afterward students played a game finishing off a fun afternoon.