Even a pandemic could not stop St. Nicholas from coming to Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy, NJ. During his visit, this Christian bishop, talked to the children and listened to their stories. He also greeted all students and staff with gifts sponsored by school’s FSA board. Just when we thought St. Nicholas forgot about us during this COVID-19 pandemic WHAT A GREAT SURPRISE his visit was! His mission has remained unchanged for centuries: to make all people and especially children happy.
But who is this special visitor? DID YOU KNOW?
ST. NICHOLAS – Sviatiy Mykolai – St. Nicholas is known as the friend and protector of all in trouble or need.
The name Nicholas is of Greek origin and means “victor of people” – Saint Nicholas was born in the year 270 at Patara, Lycia which is now in present-day Turkey .
His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus’ words to “sell what you own and give the money to the poor,” Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick and the suffering.
Because of the many miracles attributed to his praying, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker.
He had a legendary habit of secret gift-giving such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him.
Dressed as a Byzantine bishop, the good saint is often accompanied by angels.
Known for his goodness and generosity, he is said to have inspired the creation of Santa Claus, also known as “Saint Nick”, which was derived from the Dutch word “Sinterklaas” which means St. Nicholas. The Dutch brought “Sinterklaas” with them when they immigrated to North America in 1621 and founded New Amsterdam on the tip of Manhattan Island (now New York City). English speaking settlers later corrupted the name, which evolved into “Santa Claus” .
St. Nicholas died December 6 in the year 343 in the town of Myra, Lycia (now in present-day Turkey).
Candy canes, typically associated with Christmas, are believed to derive from the crozier, the bishop’s staff, of St. Nicholas
While the start to this school year at ACS has a different look to it amid the coronavirus pandemic, there are some school traditions still taking place that will make this school year feel a little normal. One of them took place today, where 8 grade students and their parents came out in social distance style to pray at the morning Divine Liturgy and participate at the Blessing of Class Ring Ceremony for the class of 2021. The Rings Ceremony is one of the most memorable events for the graduating class. The rings were blessed by Fr. Ivan Turyk and presented to the Class of 2021 by the school’s principal, Mrs. Lissette Shumny. Following the Liturgy, students gathered in the school for a special luncheon and to turn each others’ rings.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="8597,8598,8599,8600,8601,8602,8603,8604,8605"]ACS Virtual Christmas Bazaar.
Our annual Christmas Bazaar is officially online. We are LIVE!!!! See below different boards to raffle off during the month of December. Hoping to spin some boards later this week! Please feel free to share the group with family and…
Thanksgiving Food Baskets.
Despite our challenges this year and all the changes it has brought to ACS, we continue to stay committed to our beliefs and mission: To Know, To Love, To Serve God. During this Thanksgiving season we have continued our tradition of collecting food donations and to give back to our Perth Amboy community. We are so grateful for our two alumni, Anali and Amarilis for making their annual food baskets for those in our community who could use these blessings.
To our ACS’ families thank you! Happy Thanksgiving!
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="8587,8586,8585,8584"]In Perth Amboy, a college student and family deliver ‘Baskets for the Needy’
Amarilis Rodriguez and her family have been working around the clock to put together as many baskets as they can.
More money is on the way for 260,000 low-income New Jersey families receiving SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits. The state Human Services department is loading nearly $47 million to SNAP cards in December to help families afford more food.
ACS Pre-K Activities.
Halloween Coloring Contest
The Class of 2020 is trying to make the school year a memorable one despite the limitations that we have due to Covid-19. They, along with the sixth and seventh graders led the school in a Living Rosary earlier this month. They have also sponsored a Halloween coloring contest. Students in grades Pre K – 8 were given a Halloween themed picture to color. Teachers anonymously decided the winner from each class. Winners were announced, and each winner received a certificate and bag of candy as a reward. The Class of 2020 is already planning the next activity for the month of November.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="8556,8557"]MAD Science program
Having to be creative with our “Specials” schedule and our desire to continue to offer our students unique opportunities — ACS has brought a MAD Science program every week! The program has allowed students the change to explore a variety of science topics. Here’s last weeks happenings:
Last week, Mr. Tricolis (our MAD Scientist) introduced “Peanut” and “Jelly”, a 2 and 5 year old juvenile Red Eared Slider Turtles to all students in Pre-K to 8th grade.
Mr. T rescued these turtles from Canal Street in Chinatown, NYC when they were the size of a penny/nickel. In class, students discussed the type of turtle they are, what they eat and how to tell if turtles are male or female. Based on the information given, each class had to figure out the gender of Penut and Jelly and how they came to that conclusion!
The class continues with also discussing potential diseases certain animals can carry and types of foods both animals and humans can get sick from by way of salmonella. Excellent job ACS and thank you Mr. T!
[gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="8550,8551,8552,8553"]ACS hosted a safe, fun and happy Halloween
Our students attended our event, wearing their costumes and filling up their candy bags! The children also painted pumpkins and awards were given. Best Homemade costume went to Amaya M, Best decorated trunk went to the Pipitone Family for their Patriotic decor and Most Original Trunk went to the Burzynski Family. With so many 8th grade ghosts walking around Best Costume went to our very own ghost buster, Jacob! Overall a wonderful and safe day for our students and their families!
[gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="8547,8546,8545,8544,8543,8542,8541,8540,8539,8538,8537,8536"]Pope Francis Invites Children Worldwide to Pray the Rosary.
In honor of our Blessed Mother Mary, the ACS faculty and student body gathered together on the playground to pray the Rosary. Led by students of the middle school, all prayed the Joyous Mysteries together. As each Hail Mary and Our Father was recited, middle school students filled in each bead which was outlined with chalk on the ground. At the completion of the Rosary, the middle school prayed for our country to have God’s blessings and guidance in the upcoming elections.
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