Let’s pray that they have a successful apostolate in our Assumption community and help many people come closer to the Lord through their service.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9235,9236,9237,9239,9240,9241,9248,9249,9250,9251,9252,9253,9254,9255,9238,9234"]ACS PreK had an amazing and successful first month of school!
Notable “Peeps”
High School Bound
Jenga Fun!
Did you ever have fun playing a game of Jenga? Recently the third grade class was spotted playing a playground – sized game of Jenga after lunch on the playground. The STEM Club spent two afternoons putting a coat of polycrylic on the wooden blocks for protection. Then it was just put them outside for classes to play with. Students had fun strategizing as to which block could be pulled without upsetting the rest of the stack. It took at least 10 minutes before the stack finally fell. Then it was time to go back to work in the classroom. Hopefully, students will have a great time with this game for many years to come.
Protection of Blessed Virgin Mary – Pokrov.
Today, October 1st Assumption Catholic Community celebrated this Feast with a special Children Divine Liturgy. After the reading of the Gospel, Fr. Ivan offered a homily in which he spoke about Blessed Mary’s veil and the effectiveness of the Heavenly Mother’s prayers. Prior to the Liturgy, the Principal Mrs. Shumny presented certificates to Students of the Month!
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9187,9188,9189,9190,9191,9192,9193,9194,9195"]Middle School Science Adventures!
This year the ACS middle school students have begun using a new science textbook and curriculum. Students will be doing more investigations, hands on activities and labs to learn about phenomena that exist in their surrounding world. This update will adequately prepare them to become even more inquisitive in the world of science.
Late delivery at ACS!

Kickoff to our first of three MAP tests!
We let all our ACS students know that this school wide assessment gives each teacher a road map to plan the curriculum and make sure they have all the tools to succeed! We prayed together that we just try our best and God will lead the way.
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