Day 4 – ACS Catholic Schools Week 2025!

Day 4: ✨ Student Appreciation Day ✨
Today was Crazy Hat & Socks Day! ���� Our students rocked their gym clothes, adding a fun twist with their wildest hats and socks!
�� Fitness Thursday! We had a special visit from Mr. Jason of Max Edison, Focus on Health & Fitness! He taught our students about making healthy choices while still enjoying treats in moderation.
�� Dance Party Fun! Our youngest students (PK-1st) had an absolute blast at a dance party with Mrs. Shumny!
�� Healthy Lunch & Nutrition Talk: The whole school enjoyed a delicious and nutritious lunch featuring oven-baked chicken, rice, steamed broccoli, and a beautiful spread of fresh fruit! ������ A huge thank you to Mrs. Derevenska, along with her amazing helpers—Mr. Bielak, Father Mike, and our Sisters—for preparing such a wonderful meal!
What a fantastic day celebrating our students and healthy living! ����
PreK – Today the class began with making a card thanking the parents for sending them to such an amazing school. They colored the card and even wrote why they loved their school. After snack the students learned how to make paper snowflakes that they used as the body for a Snowflake Snowman. Each snowflake was as unique as the student who made it, which made each snowman so special. Finally, when they returned from having a special healthy lunch of chicken, rice and broccoli, they colored, cut and put together CSW windsocks. Some students colored them in blue and yellow (the school’s colors), some were rainbow but everyone showed their Catholic School Spirit!
K- Today we had an exciting fun filled Thursday! This morning we started off with exercises and a dance party led by Mrs.Shumny and eighth grade friends. The class, got creative and made “ I �� ACS “ using our school colors, yellow and blue tissue paper. The students had so much crumbling up the paper into pieces. After the students put their writing skills to the test they wrote “ What makes ACS Special ?” Then, they made thank you letters to their parents and a special gift that they will take home tomorrow.
6th grade came to school all decked out in crazy hats & socks! They planked, jumped & hi-kneed their cares away in our morning fitness class and enjoyed a scrumptious healthy lunch! We also wrote the most heartfelt letters of thanks to our parents and finished up all of our week’s work. We are ready for Faith, Family & Fun Friday!
Stay tuned for Pasta Night pictures ��
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Day 3 – ACS Catholic Schools Week 2025!

Day 3: Pop Up Art Gallery and Earth Dome visit!
🌍Catholic Schools Week at ACS – Praying for Our Nation and Our World! 🌍
On our special day dedicated to praying for our nation, we extended our prayers to the entire world! We were blessed to have the Earth Dome visit ACS, giving our students a unique opportunity to explore God’s magnificent creation.
Our instructor—a former Catholic school student and retired engineer—led us on a journey through time, teaching about Pangaea and sharing fascinating facts about each continent. The students were in awe of the beauty and wonder of the world God has given us! And going inside the dome was EPIC! What a powerful reminder that as we grow in faith and knowledge, we are called to care for and appreciate the incredible planet we call home. 🌎💙 
Ms. Lawrence, amount Art Teacher:
Our students got to show off their artistic sides today at our annual pop art gallery all while dressed in their Country or Country Club outfits! Admission to the pop up was very exclusive – you had to know the artists personally to be allowed in! Students enjoyed showing off their own pieces and also loved getting to look at their friends’ art as well. Collaborative art was also on display, our Talavera Tiles and our Diversi-tree. To wrap up their art gallery visit, students, guests and even some of the teachers got to become the art themselves, adding their faces to famous pieces like The Scream, The Frame, Pez Dispenser and Mona Cat. Students enjoyed a fun morning experiencing art and sharing it with their friends and family. 
Here’s what each grade did:
Pre-Kindergarten: Today the class spent the day learning and creating crafts about the church and the cross. They began by making a standing paper bag church that had everything from stained glass windows, to a steeple with a cross. Next, they moved on to making a 3D CSW cross that both showed their love for our school as well as saying thank you. This was followed by the 8th graders coming in and teaching the students a Science lesson about the cycle of Snow. The older students helped each PreK student make 3D snowballs that showed the cycle. The lesson ended with a fun video and a Polar Bear Freeze dance. Finally after lunch, they worked in small groups to make a wristlet Rosary with a cross, which was made with colorful beads and pipe cleaners. The wristlet had enough beads that they could be used as a Rosary. It was truly a great day!
Kindergarten: Today after having parents visit and their Earth Dome, the students made a sticker cross that says “I love Jesus and Jesus loves me”. Later in the afternoon the students made lava mason jars. They chose our school colors for the lava and were very happy to see the results. They are super excited to take their lava mason jars home and show their families how to make it.  Thank you to our 8th grade friends for helping us.
1st & 2nd Grade: What a fun afternoon with our neighbors. We started with a fun game of All Saints Bingo. Congratulations to our winners: 1st Grade: Daniella & Vadym. 2nd Grade: Tristan and Melanie. We ended the day with a Groove for Jesus Dance Party. A special thank you to 8th grade for an exciting and fun math lesson. 
3rd and 4th grade: STEM Wars were so exciting!! They created 3D crosses and churches using Legos and small hash tag blocks. Great job 3rd and 4th grade!
5th grade: 5th graders had a fantastic time as we enjoyed a special middle school breakfast, where our middle school teachers treated them to muffins and bagels. They were amazed by the Earth Dome show, learning all about the globe and all the continents. A highlight of the day was the pop-up art gallery, where they admired their creative artwork with family members. They wrapped up the fun with a board game afternoon, filled with laughter and friendly competition!
6th grade: After having a great time at the Middle School Breakfast, Earth Dome & the Pop-Up Art Gallery in the morning, 6th grade enjoyed cookies & lollipops in the classroom during their Movie Afternoon 🎥🍭 (Thank you to all of our parents who made this happen in every way!)
Grade 7 and 8: 7th and 8th grade had a wonderful time during their Middle School breakfast! After heading up to our class, they learned about the importance of historical artifacts while playing a game with our teacher! 
💙 #CatholicSchoolsWeek #ACSFamily #FaithAndScience #CSW2025
#perthamboynj #acsstrong
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ACS Catholic Schools Week 2025!

Day 2 of Catholic Schools Week was an amazing celebration as we continue to showcase all that makes Assumption Catholic School special! Today, we hosted our Special Person Breakfast for all grades, wore our favorite team jersey and started with our Honor Roll ceremony. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends joined their special student in their classroom, where they created beautiful crafts together and enjoyed delicious muffins and bagels. It was a wonderful time for students to show off their classrooms, share their joy, and create cherished memories with their visitors. Events like these highlight the heart of Catholic Schools Week—faith, community, and connection!
A big thank you to Francisco Family Farm for bringing some of God’s beautiful creatures for our students to enjoy! The bunnies, chickens, rooster, and the cutest goat we’ve ever seen brought so much joy to our day!
We are also so deeply grateful for the support and partnership of the Knights of Columbus San Salvador Council #299. Their dedication shines through especially in events like today’s Basetball Free Throw Contest for grades 3-8. It provides such a wonderful opportunity for our students to have fun, showcase their skills, and build community! Thank you Knights! 
Here are the winners:
Grade 3: Alina B and Anthony G
Grade 4: Ilona V and Nathaniel P
Grade 5: Milena K and Anthony F
Grade 6: Izabella S and Carlos P
Grade 7: Lucia D and Janzel R
Grade 8: Isabella O and Elijah C
Congratulations ! 
By grade: (even more pictures to follow)
Pre-Kindergarten: What a fun filled SNOW day for PK! Their day started with learning about how a snowman is like the Holy Trinity. The students color and attached the pieces of the snowman to show the Trinity, the snowman’s head represents God the Father, his middle is for God The Son and the bottom is for God the Holy Spirit. Next, they did a fun experiment where they created a snow storm in a jar. Each group added water mixed with white paint to baby oil and then dropped in alka seltzer tablets to trigger a bubbling snowfall. They were absolutely amazed with it and wanted to do it again and again. Next, the group’s hands got cold as they made actual snow that they were able to make into snowmen, animals, castles and more. Now if that wasn’t enough, after lunch the students were surprised with a real snow storm in our classroom. The students jumped right in to enjoy the falling snow with their friends. 
Kindergarten: Today they made snow globes out of tumblers. The students were able to choose two glitter colors and no surprise, many chose the school colors. Then they ended the day having a snowball contest. The students were very happy with today’s activities and they can’t wait for tomorrow’s fun crafts!
First grade: Our first grade class enjoyed their Special Person very much! They ended their afternoon with a craft, game and a little movie time!
Second grade: Second grade   had a fun filled afternoon creating a collage showing all they love about ACS. They ended the day with a movie. 
Third and Fourth grade: We had a wonderful morning with our special persons.  We read our CSW essays to our visitors and told them why we love ACS.  We also enjoyed coloring a cross and playing Bible Bingo together. 
5th Grade: Our 5th-grade class had a wonderful time celebrating together. In addition to all the morning activities, they had a delicious nacho party. We filled our day with faith, fellowship, and fun!
6th grade: We enjoyed our fellowship all day today. We loved spending this morning with our special people and crafting beautiful crosses with them.  Continuing our day visiting the petting zoo and taking part in the free throw contest brought us even closer together as a class.  We spent our afternoon polishing up our CSW essays – who will read it aloud on Friday?
7th grade and 8th grade: Our classes came together with our guests to create our crosses. We were able to connect with one another thanks to this combined group! AND let’s not forget our breakfast delivery coordinators, this morning would not have been a success without you!
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Day 1: ACS Catholic Schools Week 2025!

What a fantastic start to our day with School Spirit Day and Community Appreciation Day! 💙💛 Our students showed their pride in blue and yellow while coming together for a Vocations Prayer Service. 🙏 Led by 8th graders: Claire, Inney, Madison, and Mia J, we prayed for our Ukrainian Seminarians and Diocese of Metuchian Seminarians and all those answering a call to serve in our Catholic Church. This meaningful service reminded our students of the importance of supporting vocations and lifting up those who are dedicated to living out their faith.
🎉 Next, we kicked off the day with a special breakfast to celebrate the wonderful people that make up our amazing ACS Community!  Our special guests included Perth Amboy Police and Fire Departments, delegates from the Mayor Caba’s Office, the Knights of Columbus, Assumption Parish members including St. Ann, Holy Name and the Bingo Committee members! Our parish support is unmeasuarable and we are grateful for all their support to ACS! Each grade honored different groups—from our youngest students celebrating local heroes, to our older students welcoming community leaders. The fun continued with a Student Council Pep Rally, filled with games, relay races, and the exciting 8th-grade Hungry Hungry Hippo Challenge. And yes, our special guests joined in the games! 
WHAT’S OUR MISSION? TO KNOW, TO LOVE, TO SERVE GOD! The excitement of CSW Kick off filled our auditorium! 
Thank you to everyone who joined us in making this day so special! 💙💛
PK – Today the class made paper bag puppets of two of their favorite people, Sister Veronica and Father Ivan. At the end of the day they each colored their Catholic Schools week crowns to take home.
Kindergarten:  Today the students made rainbow crosses to take home. They also colored “ We love our Catholic School and the students drew a picture of their school.” We then made hearts and wrote why we love ACS to hang on our classroom bulletin board. The students ended the day by coloring a “Thank You” picture for their parents. Kinder is always
First Grade: Today they colored their Catholic Schools Week worksheets and wrote about “Why We Love Our School”. We also did a “Share God’s Love” coloring sheet. Oh what fun! 
Second Grade: Today we discussed and wrote “Why We Love Our School. 2nd grade drew beautiful pictures representing “What We Love About ACS”. 
Third Grade: Today, the students worked on a fun and educational activity to learn about the books of the Bible. They colored the Old Testament books in red and the New Testament books in pink, following the directions on a heart-shaped worksheet. This activity helped reinforce their understanding of the Bible while incorporating creativity and engagement.
Fourth Grade: Today 4th grade made CSW crowns and necklaces. They also had a special guest reader, Noah’s mom who read two old time stories to us! Thank you!
Fifth grade: The fifth graders were busy bees as we kicked off our Catholic Schools Week! We wrote cards of appreciation for our ACS Parish members, St. Ann Members, our three Sisters of ACS, Father Ivan and ArchBishop Borys. We continued writing our Catholic Schools Week essays and even got a math lesson on triangles from 8th graders; Francis M. Gianluca P. and Elijah M. We had lots of fun watching our classmates participate in our Pep Rally! We did relay races, hungry hungry students, and had a blast dancing with our teachers and principal! 
Sixth Grade:Sixth grade diligently worked on writing their Catholic Schools Week essays, delving into the meaning of knowing, loving and serving God.  They also created beautiful and thoughtful cards for Father Ivan, our Sisters, the St. Ann Society and Archbishop Borys Gudziak. Way to go grade 6! 
Seventh Grade: 7th grade worked on revising their Catholic Schools Week essays. We have some amazing writers! 
Eighth Grade: WOW! They helped Mrs. Shumny with our ACS Appreciation Breakfast and events! And if this wasn’t enough, they set up all the crafts for tomorrow’s event. Couldn’t have had such an amazing day without them!
#CSW2025. #perthamboy #perthamboyfire. #PerthAmboyPolice
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Christmas Bazaar.

Assumption Catholic School Christmas Bazaar held on Sunday, Dec 8, was yet another successful fundraiser for future school and program updates. The bazaar featured an abundance of unique gifts, vendor boutiques, homemade treats, beautiful decorations, gift auctions and a meeting place for many alumni. ACS students and staff are thankful to all who supported the annual event. Special thanks to the Family School Association (FSA) for their hard work all year preparing for this even! See you all next year!

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St. Nicholas in the Battle of Time.

The sneaky devils have hatched a dastardly plan to travel through time and stop St. Nicholas from becoming the beloved saint who inspires kindness, generosity, and joy. Frustrated with the enduring celebration of St. Nicholas’ Day at ACS, they’re determined to erase it from history forever. Little do they know, St. Nicholas is no ordinary saint.
As the devils disrupt key moments in his life—trying to prevent his legendary acts of charity and miracles—St. Nicholas rises to the challenge. Guided by his steadfast faith and aided by time-traveling allies (perhaps a heavenly host!), he thwarts their schemes with cleverness and compassion. From rescuing the three sisters to restoring hope in dire times, his goodness shines brighter than ever.
In the end, good always wins. The devils are defeated, St. Nicholas’ legacy is secured, and the celebration of his day at ACS continues to inspire hearts anew. The Battle of Time reminds us that kindness and generosity are forces no mischief can ever conquer!
Terrific job Jr. Drama!
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