What a fantastic start to our day with School Spirit Day and Community Appreciation Day! 
Our students showed their pride in blue and yellow while coming together for a Vocations Prayer Service.
Led by 8th graders: Claire, Inney, Madison, and Mia J, we prayed for our Ukrainian Seminarians and Diocese of Metuchian Seminarians and all those answering a call to serve in our Catholic Church. This meaningful service reminded our students of the importance of supporting vocations and lifting up those who are dedicated to living out their faith.

WHAT’S OUR MISSION? TO KNOW, TO LOVE, TO SERVE GOD! The excitement of CSW Kick off filled our auditorium!
Thank you to everyone who joined us in making this day so special! 

PK – Today the class made paper bag puppets of two of their favorite people, Sister Veronica and Father Ivan. At the end of the day they each colored their Catholic Schools week crowns to take home.
Kindergarten: Today the students made rainbow crosses to take home. They also colored “ We love our Catholic School and the students drew a picture of their school.” We then made hearts and wrote why we love ACS to hang on our classroom bulletin board. The students ended the day by coloring a “Thank You” picture for their parents. Kinder is always
First Grade: Today they colored their Catholic Schools Week worksheets and wrote about “Why We Love Our School”. We also did a “Share God’s Love” coloring sheet. Oh what fun!
Second Grade: Today we discussed and wrote “Why We Love Our School. 2nd grade drew beautiful pictures representing “What We Love About ACS”.
Third Grade: Today, the students worked on a fun and educational activity to learn about the books of the Bible. They colored the Old Testament books in red and the New Testament books in pink, following the directions on a heart-shaped worksheet. This activity helped reinforce their understanding of the Bible while incorporating creativity and engagement.
Fourth Grade: Today 4th grade made CSW crowns and necklaces. They also had a special guest reader, Noah’s mom who read two old time stories to us! Thank you!
Fifth grade: The fifth graders were busy bees as we kicked off our Catholic Schools Week! We wrote cards of appreciation for our ACS Parish members, St. Ann Members, our three Sisters of ACS, Father Ivan and ArchBishop Borys. We continued writing our Catholic Schools Week essays and even got a math lesson on triangles from 8th graders; Francis M. Gianluca P. and Elijah M. We had lots of fun watching our classmates participate in our Pep Rally! We did relay races, hungry hungry students, and had a blast dancing with our teachers and principal!
Sixth Grade:Sixth grade diligently worked on writing their Catholic Schools Week essays, delving into the meaning of knowing, loving and serving God. They also created beautiful and thoughtful cards for Father Ivan, our Sisters, the St. Ann Society and Archbishop Borys Gudziak. Way to go grade 6!
Seventh Grade: 7th grade worked on revising their Catholic Schools Week essays. We have some amazing writers!
Eighth Grade: WOW! They helped Mrs. Shumny with our ACS Appreciation Breakfast and events! And if this wasn’t enough, they set up all the crafts for tomorrow’s event. Couldn’t have had such an amazing day without them!
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