On Good Friday morning, April 22, ACS students will gather along with the parishioners of Ukrainian Assumption Church to commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. In Ukrainian this day is called Veleka Pyatnysia. We are reminded of the suffering that Jesus freely accepted so that we may have the opportunity to go to heaven and be with God our Father.
A most important part to the service is the Plaschanitsia, a large linen cloth with a picture of how Jesus’ body as it was laid in the tomb. The service is a most beautiful mix of pastor, parish choir, and ACS school students praying together remembering what it must have been like to lay Jesus in the tomb.
Our ACS students have been practicing with Sister Yosaphata and Mrs.Rizkallah three important parts for Good Friday Vespers. They will sing the processional hymns, Psalms 104 and 141, and they will also sing the culminating songs as parishioners approach the Plaschanitsia on their knees to kiss the five wounds of Jesus. The Plaschanitsia will then remain in the church until Easter Sunday morning for visitation by anyone that might want to spend some time in prayer.
Please come with your child for this very special day. Students should come to school at regular time. We will head over to church together at 8:45 with Vespers starting at 9 a.m.
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