There were flowers, flowers everywhere. The ACS Garden Club had its annual Mother’s Day flower sale last Friday. Eighth grade students wrapped the flowers in tissue paper for the students that purchased flowers. It was a huge success, thanks to all who bought flowers for their mothers.
Congratulations to our First Penance and Solemn Communion Class of 2013
May Christ’s life and love fill you today and every time you receive him in Holy Communion.
Congratulations to: Joshua Paul Manuel Bouchard, Alexander Nicholas Brandafi, Natalie Ann Daly, Gabriel Johan Gomez, Victoria Gomez, Laura Anne Grausam, Diana Maria Kalynyak, Brody Joseph Kist, Nathaniel Michael Perez, Jada Rodriguez, Destiny Marie Saez, Adrian Rainer Anatole Wowk, Andrew James Zulin. Our special thank you goes to Mrs. Khouzam ( 2nd grade teacher) and Sr. Yosaphata , MSMG for preparing children for their special day. Please view more pictures on our school site.
The School Sodality Girls!
Over the Easter recess there was a tragic fire in Perth Amboy, NJ involving about six homes three blocks from our school. It turns out that one of the families that lost their home and belongings was a family whose two children graduated from our school. Our Sodality girls had just completed their fundraising efforts for a deserving cause. When the girls (under the direction of Mrs. Lawrence) heard that there was a connection to our school, they decided to donate the money they raised. So, with the help of other alumni, a meeting was arranged. On Monday of this week, the Sodality and Mrs. Lawrence presented $500 to the family. Although this amount cannot bring back everything that was lost in the fire, the Sodality girls hope that it can somehow ease the pain this family is suffering through. What a wonderful gesture on the part of the Sodality girls!
Are You Color- Blind?
The Class of 2013 recently put their science lessons to the test with an experiment of their own. After learning about the role of heredity and physical traits they designed a lab activity in which they tested themselves and other students for color- blindness.
Students first researched the kind of test that is given for this trait. Next, they either designed their own model for testing or used one that they found on a reliable web site. Participating students then were asked to tell what they thought they saw on the paper. This information became part of seventh grade’s data which helped to determine if there might be any students here at ACS that might be color-blind.
In the discussion at the end of the lab, students concluded that most likely there are no color- blind students in the upper grades. They finished up the lab by writing down their findings and handing in their lab report for a grade.
The Path to Citizenship
On a recent afternoon, the eighth grade class waited patiently for Father Ivan to arrive at their classroom. He was coming to discuss their progress in their religion lessons. They were ready, yet a little nervous. Once Father Ivan asked the first question, everyone relaxed and the class showed Father how well they knew their faith lessons.
Upon finishing their religion discussion, Father Ivan announced that he was going to give the class a test. This time it was about social studies. The class then took a sample test as if they were going to become a citizen of the United States. Then Father Ivan shared his personal journey to become a United States citizen. The class was surprised on how much you need to know and how long the journey takes. At the end of the day, the Class of 2013 went home with the memory of a great afternoon spent with our pastor, Father Ivan.
Good Friday Vespers and Procession with Holy Shroud
On Good Friday, the Church strives to express her mourning over the passion and death of Jesus in every possible way. Special events are held throughout the day as a way for the faithful to revisit the events of that day. This year, the parishioners of the Assumption Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ with many students of the Parish School, participated at the moving service called solemn Vespers with the burial procession bearing the Holy Shroud or Plashchanitsa. The “plashchanitsa” is a winding sheet with the picture of Christ’s body lying dead in the tomb. After the procession made three times inside the Church, the shroud was laid out for veneration on a replica of the sepulcher. You can view more pictures at the parish site
It was so EGG-citing!
This Holy Week the fourth grade made eggs in every form. They dyed eggs with their Pre-k buddies. Mrs. Di Gangi came in and guided them in making cookie eggs. Mrs. Pogoda demonstrated how to make pysanka, Ukrainian eggs . The class had a coloring contest and had to color a paper pysanka . And to top it off they make paper mache eggs using napkins and plastic eggs.
Of course, all these Easter eggs represent the Risen Christ. The symbolism of rebirth is carried through in the egg. As the chick broke through its shell to be born, so Our Lord comes forth, from the tomb, bringing new life to us. We remember this in every egg we designed.
Christ is risen. Indeed He is risen!
Letter of Congratulations to Holy Father from Assumption Catholic School
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Your Holiness Pope Francis!
On behalf of the students, faculty, and staff of Assumption Catholic School and the parishioners of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, we ask God for His Blessings as you begin shepherding the faithful of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Our diverse enrollment was very excited to hear of the choice of a Latin American bishop to ascend to Peter’s throne. Many of our students are of Hispanic descent. As a parish and school that practices our faith in the Eastern rites and traditions, we are blessed in having a truly diverse population. This has enabled us all to better understand the universality of the Church.
Your Holiness, we beseech you to continue to pray for the well-being of the Catholic schools in the United States so that we may continue to educate our youth in our Catholic values.
May the Good Lord Bless You!
The Faithful of the Assumption Catholic School Community
St Patrick’s Day
There was green everywhere through out the halls of ACS. The fourth grade class was setting up their leprechaun traps to catch the culprit that left green shamrocks and footprints all over their desks. The students had been learning about simple machines and what better way to remember then to practice what you have read. So, inclined planes and screws, pulleys and levers were used in an attempt to catch the Irish imp. They didn’t catch the leprechaun but they did all catch a leprechaun ducky. Oh well, better luck next St. Patrick’s day. I think Miss Fiore found his hat and I am sure he will want it back.