Lunar Samples Visit ACS

Have you ever looked at the moon and wished you could really get a good look at it? Recently our students here at ACS had that chance. They each had the opportunity to hold pieces of the moon in their hands.

Bringing the lunar samples to ACS was not something that is done every day. Eighth grade teacher, Mrs. Pickering attended a workshop at Georgian Court University to get certified by NASA as a “keeper” of the samples. Father Ivan and our principal, Mr. S. had to sign paperwork agreeing to the rigid conditions for the samples coming here to ACS. Because the lunar samples are considered priceless, they had to be, and were kept in a safe when not being viewed by the students.

Students of all grades were given opportunity to study the samples. In addition, meteoritesamples were also available to the student to viewing. Parents were given the opportunity at the FSA meeting to also view the samples.

After a week of viewing, the samples were returned to NASA. Students and adults alike, can now carry with them the memory that they had held a piece of the moon in their hands. Who knows? Maybe someday our youngest students may vacation on the moon!

First Grade’s Pledge to Earth

First grade has been busy preparing for Earth Day. We have been learning a lot about our home planet, Earth. Students have learned that earth is made up of land and water, and that there's a lot we can do to help protect it. It all started when the first graders participated in Science Day On March 27, 2014. They learned that one way is to use the 3 Rs; reduce, reuse, and recycle. They each built a vehicle or character, out of recycled products. Before we displayed it in our school auditorium, each student got to present and talk about their  finished project. It was interesting to see how much we can do with recycled items. Students decorated their very own stick person, for our bulletin  board. We placed all of the stick people holding hands around one of our painted plate globes, which we made earlier to learn about our earth's continents and oceans. They learned that in order to make our world a better place, we need to work together. After hearing so many great ideas like planting a tree and reducing water use, students added their pledge to a cloud to be good keepers of this great world give. To us by God.


To welcome in spring, the Pre-K class learned about the season through literature, Spring Is Here Corduroy by Don Freeman.  As a follow up activity they created their very own robin’s bird nests. They are excited to be celebrating and learning about spring and nature by expressing their creativity through art!

First Grade Spring Tulips

On March 20, 2014, first grade welcomed spring with a creative writing  assignment. They had to write about what they love most about spring. When they read them loud, we heard many interesting things from their favorite spring sport and kite flying to barbecuing to just seeing all of the pretty flowers. When we were finished sharing, students placed their essays on their own hand-made colorful paper tulips. So, even though it may not feel or look like spring yet, it sure does in our school hallway!

Silence For Ukraine

“Ukraine needs our help! What can we do?”  At a recent Student Council meeting this was the exact question that was being discussed among the student members. It was acknowledged that as young people it would be hard to show their support for the people of Ukraine. They still knew there had to be something they could do.

Silence! That was something that they could accomplish. So on Wednesday, March 19, 2014, the students of grades four through eight zipped their lips for the entire day. They offered their silence as a form of prayer for the people of Ukraine that have been suffering during this trying period of unrest.

Students wore a small tag indicating they were silent for Ukraine. They walked through the halls of school, worked in class, and sat together at lunch in silence. Hopefully, by offering their prayer of silence to the Lord, He will bring comfort to the people of Ukraine. Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy, NJ  families will continue to keep the people of Ukraine in their hearts.

2014 Foundation for Catholic Education Dinner

The 2014 Foundation for Catholic Education Dinner was held on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. This year’s theme was “Serving God by Serving Others”. The spotlight of the evening was on the twenty-six religious orders who were Catholic schools’ first models of service to community – the women and men who have devoted their lives to teaching as Jesus did. Sister Yosaphata attended the reception and accepted a Certificate of Commendation on behalf of the Missionary Sisters of the Mother of God for over 50 years of service to Assumption Catholic School.

Knights Recognize Educator of the Year at A.C.S.

On a recent Friday evening Sister Yosaphata was honored by the Knights of Columbus San Salvador Council # 299 for her dedication to the children of A.C.S. Mr. Ed Troche, parent of Christopher, (Class of 2007) first recognized ACS for our support of activities sponsored by the Knights. Then, he called upon Mrs. Shumny to introduce Sister Yosaphata.

Mrs. Shumny shared how Sister’s life of service and devotion has led to a life of love and dedication which has given A.C.S. half a century of beautiful memories.  Finally, Mr. Troche then presented Sister Yosaphata with a beautiful plaque for Educator of the Year that is now on display in the school office.

Taras Shevchenko Commemoration Essay Contest

To commemorate the bicentennial of the birth of Ukraine’s greatest poet, Taras Shevchenko, the ACS students took part in Taras Shevchenko Essay Contest. They had to write an essay on the theme “Why even today, Taras Shevchenko is still considered Ukraine's Greatest Hero”. This morning, at the Children’s Liturgy, Fr. Ivan Turyk announced winners : First prize and $200 went to Cassandra Rizkallah and the Second Prize – $100 was given to Steven Marcucci. The Third Prize and $50 went to Yuri Deyneka, parishioner of the Assumption Parish. Congratulations to Our Essay Contest Winners!

Chocolate Festival for ACS Middle School

On Tuesday, February 17 the smell of chocolate filled the air of the school auditorium. Yes, Valentine’s Day had passed, but the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students were excited about their Chocolate Festival. Originally scheduled for Valentine’s Day, the big snow of February 13, 2014 got in
the way.

Students were first teamed across the grades. Next, they had to create a product that contained chocolate. Then, they had to market their product including a commercial, a presentation board, and a jingle to describe their product. They had to figure out how much it would cost to produce one packaged serving of their product. Finally, they presented their product to teachers from the other grades. Of course samples accompanied their presentations.

When presentations were finally all finished, all of the students had the opportunity to sample the delicious creations. Snow might have stopped Valentine’s Day at ACS but it didn’t stop the chocolate!