First Grade Welcomes Fall

In the first two weeks of school, first grade scientists learned about the importance of leaves and the shapes and sizes they might be found. Each student chose a leaf from the school playground and did their own leaf rubbing. This was just in time before they farewelled them for the season.
On September 23, 2014, first grade welcomed fall by decorating their classroom with fall symbols, such as the leaves, turkey, pilgrim hats, and cornucopias. They added their first independent creative writing project on what they love about fall. Their stories included many favorites of the season including carving pumpkins and playing in the Fall leaves.

Back to School BBQ

Today was a beautiful day for our Annual Back to School BBQ! With nearly 200 guests, it was a huge success and a great way to kick off a new school year!  Thank you to everyone who helped with this year’s  barbeque and to those families who came along. We had a lovely sunny afternoon, catching up on the summer, as well as meeting up with a few children who left us in June. Thanks to our teachers, who organized the event, field trips for our students will cost a little less this year.

ACS Families Welcomed Back to School

On a recent evening ACS was alive with the sounds of parents as they participated in Back to School Night. Principal, Mr. S. welcomed parents, old and new alike. He reviewed the Parent Handbook before introducing the board members of the Family School Association, otherwise known as the FSA. Parents were made familiar with some of the first parental responsibilities for the school year.  When the first introductions and activity requirements were completed, parents/guardians made their way to their child’s classroom. There the teachers shared their requirements, expectations, ad hopes for their children in this new school year.Welcome back to all of our ACS families! Here’s to a great new year.

Getting Ready for School

Wasting no time, in August, the intermediate school (grades 3-4-5) teachers met to plan for the new academic school year. Ideas discussed were about student behavior expectations and classroom procedures. Here’s to a great year!

Back to School 2014-2015

On August 28, 2014, Father Ivan Turyk and Mr. Szpyhulsky met with all full-time teachers at the very first faculty meeting of the year. From 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. about 20 topics were discussed at great length. Items on the agenda discussed were: a short presentation by Rutgers representatives, a Crisis Plan, Technology Professional Development, the Back-to-School Night, a faculty-sponsored Back-to-School Barbeque, changes in PowerSchool, school safety rules, Common Core Objectives, the new school intercom system and a Hallow’s Eve celebration. It was a very productive first day of work!


Back-to-School comes early for the faculty of Assumption Catholic School (ACS). On Thursday, August 21, 2014, ACS faculty spent the day at Kean University attending a workshop entitled “Classroom Management: The Key to Every Successful Classroom”. The workshop was presented by Doctors Harry and Rosemary Wong and Chelonnda Seroyer. Teachers had the chance to get another viewpoint for successful classroom management. The newer teachers listened to voices of experience, whiled seasoned teachers had the chance to refresh their own approaches. So, as the new year starts, listen as you hear your children talking about all they accomplished in class!

School Intercom Systems Installed

A new school year brings, not only new students and teachers, but also new equipment and new technology to ACS. This summer an  intercom system have been installed throughout the building. The school intercom system will provide  principal's office with the ability to initiate a two-way intercom call and communication with  all classrooms, library, kitchen and the nursing office. The new system will  reduce the need for teachers and secretary to travel from room to room to communicate and definitely add to security in the school.

Parish Festival a success!

On Saturday, June 21, 2014 beyond our expectations, the church grounds of the Assumption Ukrainian Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ swelled with neighbors and those who traveled quite a distance, primarily Ukrainian-Americans, but mostly non-Ukrainians, to appreciate Ukrainian culture, crafts, foods and entertainment at our second Parish Festival.

Throughout the sun filled day, more than 1000 guests, including Congressman Frank Pallone, could be seen enjoying themselves, eating the delicious Ukrainian food, and there certainly was plenty for everyone, listening to lively Ukrainian music, socializing with friends and neighbors, and enjoying the entertainment of our incredible Ukrainian dance performances.

People came to the Ukrainian Festival for a variety of reasons, and one of the biggest attractions was the food. It seems everyone loves Ukrainian home made food. Everywhere, people gathered at indoor and outdoor tables eating pyrohy, holubtsi, shish kebab, hot dogs/hamburgers and  kovbasa.  There were delicious homemade cakes and pastries. Also offered were a variety of special Ukrainian beers, bottled water, soft drinks, tea and coffee, at the indoor and outdoor bars. Adding to the festivities, guests were entertained by a live band, plus a fabulous concert presented by Ukrainian Dance Groups from Perth Amboy, Jersey City and New York City. Visitors also had the opportunity to tour our beautiful church and see how we worship our Lord. Other attractions included children’s corner, face painting table, gift basket raffle, money raffle and vendors.

Our Festival was a huge success, thanks to the incredible work of so many volunteers. Thank you to everyone – festival committee, volunteers, ad booklet organizer, ladies who baked, decorated the hall and were in charge of  raffles, setup and cleanup crews,  sponsors, parish school FSA, parish secretary, teachers, guests and neighbors – who helped make the festival a great success!

Special Thanks goes to the ACS Faculty: Mr. Michael Szpyhulsky – Principal, Sr. Yosaphata  and Sr. Thomas,  Mrs. Bernstein, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Derevenska, Mrs. Lojko, Miss Makar, Miss Anna Lawrence,  Mrs. Pickering and a  former ACS teacher Mrs. Linda Rizkallah  for their hard work during the festival.

It was amazing to see so many people enjoying the day together! It was also wonderful to know that we have so many hardworking parishioners and school parents who are doing their best to help keep our church and school  financially stable.

There were many men and women who helped in some way to make our first festival possible. Those that couldn't help at the event baked cakes, donated money, helped spread the word through advertising, hanging  posters, etc. Others gave up their valuable free time to make traditional Ukrainian food by working many days in a row cooking and serving food.

As your pastor,  I was so proud to see so many  people  working together as ONE PARISH FAMILY. It was another proof that Assumption Parish Community  shines when we all work together as one family!

Please, check out pictures from our festival  at

Best Wishes to Miss Maryann Makar

On behalf of the entire Assumption Catholic School, we would like to extend our best wishes to Miss Maryann Makar, who will be retiring at the end of the school year. We are all grateful for her many years of service and dedication to our school.
Today at the faculty luncheon, Miss Makar was given 27 roses, one rose for every year that she worked at ACS. Congratulations on your retirement and your outstanding teaching career. We pray for your well being and wish you a happy retired life. You will be greatly missed.

School Picnic

Thank you to the FSA and the parents that helped out at our “in-house” picnic. Although the weather did not cooperate, the event went well, and we think the kids had a good time.