Best Wishes to Miss Maryann Makar

On behalf of the entire Assumption Catholic School, we would like to extend our best wishes to Miss Maryann Makar, who will be retiring at the end of the school year. We are all grateful for her many years of service and dedication to our school.
Today at the faculty luncheon, Miss Makar was given 27 roses, one rose for every year that she worked at ACS. Congratulations on your retirement and your outstanding teaching career. We pray for your well being and wish you a happy retired life. You will be greatly missed.

School Picnic

Thank you to the FSA and the parents that helped out at our “in-house” picnic. Although the weather did not cooperate, the event went well, and we think the kids had a good time.

Graduating Classes 2014

There were three graduations ceremonies for students of Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy, NJ.
8th Grade Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Pre-K Graduation
Congratulations to all our graduates! Parents, families, thank you for entrusting your children to us this year.

Second Grade Here We Come!

At the beginning of the school year, each first grader was asked to write how they felt on their first day of school. They talked about their anticipations of the year ahead of them. Now, at the end of their academic year, they had a chance to reflect on their first grade year.

Each student wrote their first grade favorites: events, subjects, recess play, cafeteria lunch, etc. They compiled the sheets together with all of their writing craft work. This included English, social studies, science, etc. This became their very own First Grade Memory book. In addition, a class photo was taken. When completed they enjoyed signing each other’s book.

Each student also wrote a letter to their teacher, telling her what they liked, disliked, and  found challenging about their first grade year. They learned the importance of being thankful to God, their parents, teachers, and anyone who helped them accomplish this year. They patted themselves on the back for a job well done!

We didn’t forget about our dads either! Students made cards and secret letters for their dads to open on Father’s Day.

Finally, we spoke about our plans for the summer, including our summer reading, and how to be safe, and their anticipations for second grade. Have a wonderful summer soon second graders to be. You did a fantastic job!

Happy Memorial Day!

The Pre-K class learned about the holiday of Memorial Day. They learned the meaning behind it and of the men and women we honor for our freedom. To celebrate the holiday we created an art project using our foot prints. The purpose of using our feet was because it symbolized how we only walked for a few years but we are safe as can be because of those who protect us in the air, land, and sea.

Senior Drama Presents: Princess Who?

On Thursday, May 15, 2014 A.C.S. Senior Drama Club presented the Pioneer Drama Service production of Princess Who? It is the story of a young girl who woke up only to find that she had forgotten who she was.

Princess Who?  wandered through the forest where she met several familiar characters. She met Cinderella, Snow White, Goldilocks, and even Rumplestiltskin. Each of the fairy tale characters was able to offer some advice or a clue as to where she might have come from or who she might be.

The production even included a few of our own faculty members as fairies. Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Bernstein were the good fairies.  Mrs. Shumny portrayed the evil fairy that put a curse on the little baby destined to grow up and be the princess that could not remember her name.

In the end Sr. Drama cast members had a great time bringing entertainment to their families, friends, and ACS classmates.

Charlotte’s Web – Novel Based Learning

The 3rd and 4th grade students at ACS recently completed reading their first novel, Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. The classes spent a few weeks together reading the novel, learning new vocabulary, exploring setting and plot, and learning the importance of a true friendship.

After completing the novel, the students wrote their first book report including main character analysis, identification of settings, and summary. Finally, the classes got together a final time to watch the 2006 re-release of the movie starring Dakota Fanning, Julie Roberts, Oprah Winfrey and more!

The students enjoyed the departure from traditional short stories to more challenging, classical text. After watching the movie, students were in agreement that the book was better than the movie! Perhaps the seeds have been sowed for future lovers of reading!

ACS Track and Field 2013-14

Thanks everyone for working so hard to make our track program successful. Special thanks go to the parents and to  ACS coach  Mr. Sean R. Daly for all the love, caring, encouragement, and sacrifice they   gave the team  during the season.