ACS Bowling Begins!

ACS students from kindergarten through eighth grade arrived at the Woodbridge Bowling Center to begin a new year of bowling. The older, more experienced students enthusiastically showed off their skills to some newcomers to the sport. If the first day is an indicator of the rest of the year, ACS is going to have a fun bowling season.

Grand Falloons

This week through the Clean Communities Middlesex County Commission, ACS students welcomed The Grand Falloon! Professor Winkleburger and friends came with their song and dance routine to not only entertain, but to teach our children about garbage and recycling.   The Grand Falloons is dedicated to building passion in children to love the earth and take care of their environment.   They focus on Earth Science and really teach our kids about the importance of all their actions when using water, discarding garbage and preventing waste. They stated the following: "We believe it is our job to build a passion for the subject matter in our young audience helping to start them on a life long journey with an awareness of limited resources and their part in nature is balance."   The Grand Falloons are always welcomed at ACS!

Back to School BBQ – A Tremendous Success

On Friday, October 5, 2017 the smell of barbecue drifted through the Assumption Catholic School neighborhood. The faculty was hosting its annual Back to School Barbecue. They offered a delicious variety of meats and salads. Choices ranged from a simple hot dog to tasty grill chicken. It was an enjoyable afternoon of food, fun and fellowship with friends and ACS family.Thanks to our teachers, who organized the event, field trips for our students will cost a little less this year. We hope those that attended had a great time!

Columbus Day

First graders are excited to have Monday off for Columbus Day, but they also had fun learning about Christopher Columbus. They listened to a story about Christopher Columbus and made necklaces to remember his three ships.

Classroom Highlight: 1st grade

The fantastic first grade is working so hard! I was impressed to see their writing prompt and to see them all on task.  Ms. Salamon was busy helping with guidance but all the students were writing and collaborating to finish their writing pieces.  Our first grade is on their way to being outstanding writers!  Way to go first grade!

ACS Algebra I Class

ACS is proud to announce that eight 8th graders take a High School Algebra I course right here in our building!  These dedicated students arrive at 7:15 to take their one hour course.  The course is taught by Mrs. Billy who plans rigorous lessons and challenges this group to excel in Math. During the day while their peers are in regular math, they work on real life math projects and collaborative projects in the principal’s office.  I am impressed with the level of maturity and dedication – way to go Mrs. Billy and the Algebra I students!

International Coastal Clean-Up & Pick-Up Day

More than 10 students from Assumption Catholic School spent their Saturday morning helping to clean up a Perth Amboy Waterfront as part of International Coastal Cleanup Day. This event highlights the importance of protecting our ecosystems and allows the students of ACS to make a positive impact close to home. Thank YOU! Thank you so much to ACS students and its Principal who came out to make a difference for our city.

School Spirit Wear – FUNDRAISING!

Show your school spirit in and out of the classroom AND support the Technology Upgrades  when you purchase Assumption Catholic School Spirit Wear!   Not only is spirit wear a great way to wear your school proud wherever you go, most of the items have also been approved to be worn for gym class, to class outings and on future spirit days!

Don’t wait!! The Assumption Catholic School Online Store is now open! Should you have any questions, please contact Kathy Gorski at 201.412.2832

Visit the online store at –

Science in First Grade

First graders conducted their first science experiment using bubbles. After learning about what science is and becoming familiar with some science terms, the class formed a hypothesis on whether or not we can make square bubbles. They used straws and string to make a square shape to blow the bubble soap out of to see if the bubbles would stay square. After many tries, the class concluded that the bubbles would still come out as circle shapes.

Myrrh-streaming icon Kardiotissa (Tender Heart) Mother God visits ACS

This past Friday the miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of the Theotokos Kardiotissa ("Tender Heart") from  St.  George Orthodox Church in Taylor, PA was brought to the students of ACS. The Tender Heart icon has been streaming myrrh (fragrant oil) for the last four years.

After Moleben, a special prayer service to the Virgin Mary celebrated by Fr. Ivan Turyk,   the icon’s guardian Fr. Mark Leasure took the icon out of the case telling the children to hold their hands up, and then he would tilt the icon, holding it over their hands. Then the  golden drops of oil were  running off the icon into the children’s hands. All through the service and this special visit  the icon streamed gold-colored myrrh (fragrant oil) in abundance. Fr. Mark told the story of how the icon began to exude myrrh, and many stories of healings after anointing with the oil. At the end, students of ACS sang  the hymn to the Blessed Mary  and then everyone was anointed with the holy oil. All agreed, that the miracle of the constant flow of fragrant myrrh regenerating on this icon is truly a wonder of our times  and a powerful reminder of  the Most Holy Mother of God presence   is  in our midst.