A Big Thank You to FSA!

Assumption Catholic School has a very active FSA which gives tremendous support to the school by arranging social functions for children and parents, and a wide range of fund-raising events for the benefit of the school. Tonight we had a very long 7-10 pm meeting and discussed the final report of our Christmas Bazaar and plans for our future school’s events. Thank you to all the members of the FSA board who worked so extremely hard to organize the Bazaar. This would not have been possible without your support. The accounts for the Christmas Bazaar are now finalized and we are very pleased to announce that we made ……… Come to the next FSA meeting in February to find out how much we made.

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Classroom Blessing 2019

The Feast of the Holy Theophany is celebrated each year on January 6 and commemorates the Baptism of Christ and the divine revelation of the Holy Trinity at the river Jordan. On this very special feast, people traditionally attend a prayer service where the priest blesses regular water into holy water during the “Blessing of the Water” ceremony. This year, after morning Liturgy Fr. Ivan walked around the school and blessed each room with a sprinkle of the newly blessed holy water. He was accompanied by a small choral group lead by 8 grade students who beautifully sang a Theophany hymn. In each class, Fr. Ivan asked students various questions about the feast and was very pleased by their answers. The pre-k students papered a special art work depicting the scene of Christ’s Baptism. Some of the kindergarteners had a chance to use Fr. Ivan’ sprinkler and bless their classmates with holy water.

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Student Council News

It was a busy week before Christmas for members of ACS Student Council. The group sponsored a coloring contest as well as an ugly sweater contest. So many students wore their craziest hat and ugliest sweaters that it was almost too hard to choose a winner! In the end Blake S. of grade 3 and Kiera O. grade 5 stood out among the rest!
Congratulations to all participating students. 
Choosing a winner among the pictures entered for the coloring contest was a little easier. One student from each class was chosen as the outstanding entry for their class. Student Council is already making plans for Catholic Schools Week fun. So watch for reports on future activities.

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Multiplication Project!

Over Christmas break, the fifth graders used their knowledge of multiplication and division to help create and run their own movie theaters. Today, they presented their projects and shared their creativity and hard work! Way to go grade 5!

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ACS Christmas Program

Assumption Catholic School students celebrated the true meaning of Christmas by hosting a beautiful concert for families and friends. This year our theme was celebrating Silent Night’s 200th anniversary and it’s significance all around the world. The students celebrated by singing the meaningful song in German, Spanish and Ukrainian! It was a spectacular performance enjoyed by all in our school community. We also want to acknowledge our special visitors; The Missionary Sisters of the Mother of God who came from Philadelphia to share in this joyous annual event AND our wonderful music teacher, Ms. Lawrence! Merry Christmas from ACS students, teachers and administration!

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Christmas Celebrations

Assumption Catholic School students celebrated the true meaning of Christmas by hosting a beautiful concert for families and friends. This year our theme was celebrating Silent Night’s 200th anniversary and it’s significance all around the world.  The students celebrated by singing the meaningful song in German, Spanish and Ukrainian! It was a spectacular performance enjoyed by all in our school community.  We also want to acknowledge our special visitors; The Missionary Sisters of the Mother of God who came from Philadelphia to share in this joyous annual event AND our wonderful music teacher, Ms. Lawrence! Merry Christmas from ACS students, teachers and administration!

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Christmas Luncheon.

Students of ACS in grades 6 through 8 gathered together for a very special Christmas luncheon and had a chance to try holiday foods from different places in the world. Students also researched their own ethnic traditions, learning where some of their own family traditions possibly started.
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3D Shapes

The children have been busy learning to identify, compare and create 3D shapes. Despite the difficulty of the subject at any age, the kindergartens were successful in understanding and building their own shapes. By using simple items such as play doh and sticks, the children used their hands to learn and build a something all on their own. The experience was educational, fun, and left the kindergartners with a lasting memory of their first architectural structures! Keep succeeding kindergartners, we are all very proud of your progress so far!

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