Today marked the splendid conclusion of an extraordinary Catholic Schools Week. Our morning commenced with Divine Liturgy led by two Bishops from Ukraine: Bishop Andriy Khimyak, Auxiliary Bishop of the Kyiv Archeparchy and Archbishop Emeritus Ihor Isichenko of Kharkiv, along with host parish priest Rev. Ivan Turyk, and teo priests from Ukraine accompaning bishops Rev. Yuriy Chudiak and Rev. Michailo Demyd. Four students of Assumption School welcomed bishops at the door with bread, salt, and flowers.
Following the liturgy, candles were blessed, symbolizing the Meeting of our Lord with Simeon and Anne in the Temple. The students were excited to be part of this special occasion.
After the liturgy, all students and parents gathered in the auditorium for a delightful breakfast and a series of presentations. To begin, we acknowledge our marking period 2 Honor Roll and gave our certificates. Next our CSW essay winners were recognized, and Maddyson and Danielle, winners from the 7th and 8th grades, shared their essays. The audience enjoyed performances by Ukrainian Dancers, Show Choir, and Sodality, which presented a captivating guide on praying the Rosary.
This special visit from the two Bishops to the parish during Catholic Schools Week, was a special treat for students of Assumption Catholic School, who enthusiastically greeted these two shepherds as they were escorted through the school by the Principal Mrs. Lissette Shumny, and pastor.
The event concluded with a CSW slideshow presentation, acknowledging our teachers and receiving a final blessing from Most Rev. Ihor Isichenko.
The week began with a Prayer for Vocations service and the last day of CSW concluded by highlighting our service projects, offering prayers for our school and families. WE COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR A BETTER WEEK!
Thank you FSA for making this week possible! Thank you to all the parents who supported this weeks activities and made time to participate in all our events.
You are appreciated and what makes our school such a special place!
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