Party Planners Project

What real life project are the 8th graders working on this month? Well, they love parties and with graduation on the way they have taken on the job of party planners! They have been working collaboratively on their presentation. The students have been trying to sell their company’s services to potential clients looking for a birthday party for 100 guests. They had to research prices, compare and debate within their groups and finalize a presentation to impress the possible clients. They have to create thank you cards and invitations to go along and select entertainment! They have been very surprised at how expensive it is to have a party!

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Alumni News

ALUMNI NEWS: We congratulate Steven M. and Carlos C., ACS Class of 2015, and current architecture students at EBVT! They won first place in the NJ Engineering Technology & Design Competition hosted by Skills USA. Skills USA, a national organization, encourages students to help develop new technology skills. Carlos and Steven began working on their project and first identified a problem to solve. They settled on the process of daily morning routines and how getting ready involves bending down to reach shoes, drawers, and other containers. They focused on the question: what if someone has trouble doing what we consider simple tasks? This question fueled their research and development. They produced a finished prototype using hardware, laser cut wood, and 3D printed components. The final prototype was a small scale, button operated scissor lift that could elevate objects to be more accessible. Now scissor lifts aren’t a new concept, they exist in different industries, but on a much bigger scale and price point. Yet, the main focus was to take the concept of a scissor lift and apply it to daily use in a household. They not only created this prototype, but they also developed a marketing plan and had to present it to a panel of judges. We are truly proud of their endeavors and we find it important to have a good understanding of all areas of design.

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In what has become an annual tradition for the past several years at Assumption Catholic School, the students in grades 6, 7 and 8 performed a moving depiction of the Stations of the Cross on the Thursday of Holy Week. Teachers, students, parishioners and family members were moved to tears, while listening to readings, singing of 6 grade and a reenactment of the story of Jesus’ condemnation to death, crucifixion and burial.

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Refer a Friend Bonus for 2019-2020.​

Assumption Catholic School re-registration and new application process is now underway! We want to invite you to help spread the word about all the good things happening in our parish elementary school.​ Refer a Friend Bonus is an exciting way that we can use the existing families of our school to share with everyone the great news of Assumption Catholic School. We invite you to earn a Refer a Friend Bonus by referring a student/s to ACS by these options:

  • Option 1. ​ The Refer a Friend bonus amount is $100 paid to a current school family for referring a new family that enrolls a student in our elementary school. The bonus is awarded to the referring family only if the new family maintains enrollment for the entire school year. The referring family’s final tuition payment for the year will reflect a $100 credit.
  • Option 2. If you are a parishioner and don’t have kids in school but referred a family into school and they registered, you will get $100 gift card.

We encourage you to participate as actively as possible, and please spread the word! Let’s help keep our school strong and our faith alive.

ACS Honor Roll

Recently, after prayers we took time as a school community to acknowledge the students who earned third marking period honor roll. Way to go ACS Scholars! During the assembly we also presented the students with their Mayoral Citation for their art work selected to be in the aftercare Perth Amboy Art Showcase. We are blessed to have such hard workers!

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Sustainable Teaching Moments

On Friday, ACS participated in one of Perth Amboy’s sustainable teaching moments. We spoke to many residents and bagged groceries at the Perth Amboy Shop Rite. We provided reusable tote bags free to the residents and reminded them to bring them back each time they shopped. Thank you Mayor Wilda Diaz and Geri Barcheski for always including ACS in making Perth Amboy a better and cleaner place!

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Holy Week and Easter Schedule 2019

Palm Sunday, April 14
9:00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy (Ukr.)Blessing of willows
11:30 a.m. – Divine Liturgy (Eng.) Blessing of willows

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt after both liturgies

Holy Monday, April 15
7:00 p.m. – Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts

Holy Tuesday, April 16
7:00 p.m. – Way of the Cross

Holy Wednesday, April 17
7:00 p.m. – Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts

Holy Thursday, April 18
7:00 p.m. – Matins, Reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels.

Good Friday, April 19
9:00 a.m. – Vespers and Procession and Exposition of the Holy Shroud
(School children and choir “Boyan” will sing)
7:00 p.m. – Jerusalem Matins

Holy Saturday, April 20
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Confessions in the Church
2:00 p.m. – Blessing of Easter Baskets in the School Hall
4:00 p.m. – Blessing of Easter Baskets in the School Hall
5:00 p.m. – Blessing of Easter Baskets in the School Hall
6:30 p.m. – Nadhrobne (Prayer at the Tomb)
7:00 p.m. – Procession & Resurrection Matins

Pascha Sunday, April 21
9:00 a.m. – Liturgy in Ukrainian.
(Blessing of Easter Food Baskets outside the church)
11:30 a.m. – Liturgy in English

Week of the Young Child

Celebrating The Week of the Young Child brings you our spectacular ACS Pre-K Scientists! It is V week in Pre-K and our 3rd graders stepped up to help make erupting Volcanoes. During this epic STEM lesson, we observed, explored, measured, discussed, shared and finally made the volcanoes erupt. The lesson was full of excitement. Also our ACS Pre-K and kindergarteners went on an expedition! During their nature walk the observed many of God’s beautiful creations. They also made stops at the Convent and Rectory to look at the flowers, vegetable garden, and different trees. The two classes enjoyed their time together and of course the beautiful weather!

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