
First and second grade have been learning about Space and the many things we can see with in the sky. We learned about day and night the sun the stars and the moon. Today we ended the week making models of the phases of the moon using Oreo cookies and the cream. It was educational, fun and delicious!

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The Middle Ages Journey

ACS students had a history lesson presented by the noble court set within the walls of an 11th Century style castle. Everyone took a personal journey into the Middle Ages. The day started with an educational presentation followed by a 4 course meal while enjoying an epic 90 minute show.
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Read Across America

The First through fourth Grade students have been celebrating Read Across America all week with different activities during our D.E.A.R. time. Today when we “Dropped Everything to Read” we used our blankets and sat in a spot anywhere in the room to read for 15 minutes. The best part was using our flashlights to read! 
It was followed by our weekly Library Special when everyone was excited to select a book from the ACS Sister Yosephata Library.
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Science standards

In 6th grade we are working on a 2 day fun, eye opening and mathematically accurate activity to teach students about scale sizes and orbits of the planets around the sun while adhering to our Science standards. The students where shocked to see just how different in size the planets are. We are excited to continue our lab tomorrow to see the distance each planet is from each other.

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Day 4: Catholic Schools Week 2020!

Our whole school celebrated today with grades Pre-K to second having a Pajama Day and grades 3 to 8 having Mis-matched Day!

We can’t forget our end of day Pep Rally!! We acknowledged our quarter 1 and 2 Students of the Month, our Jeopardy and Escape Room winners, and all the students who participate in after school clubs! 

Pre-Kindergarten: They made beautiful wreaths with grade 6 and they watched a movie with blankets and pillows and enjoyed their PAJAMA DAY! They also put the finishing touches on their CSW booklets! 

Kindergartenen: Kinder also enjoyed pajama day today!
Grades 1 to 3: Lights! Camera! Action! Today each group acted out their assigned Bible stories and what an excellent performance it was! Noah and the Flood, The Good Samaritan, and The Rich Man and Lazarus were among some of the beautiful stories. The three classes also made cards for first responders.

Fourth and Fifth grade: Their creativity was on fire! They finished their cards to our ACS Support Staff and FSA Board members. They discussed why they love their school and painted “I love my school” pictures.

Middle school- the excitement continued! Today was the final round of Jeopardy and the winners were Caeleb, Kiara, Alyssa, Brian and Mercedes! 

Stay tuned for our wrap up day tomorrow!

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Day 3: Catholic Schools Week 2020!

Pre-Kinder and Kindergarten: SHOW AND TELL!! Each student brought in a favorite toy to share with their class and gave a mini presentation! 
I’m addition: Pre-K observed the effects of orbeez beads in water yesterday watched them expanded over night! 

Kindergarteners worked on an amazing Science Experiment – the topic…. GERMS!! They explored how to stay healthy and how germs are transmitted. 

Grades 1 to 3: Sharing is Caring! This grade group also brought in one of their favorite toys from home to share with their class. They also made beautiful Prayer Bracelets. 

Fourth and Fifth grade: Once again fourth and fifth graders came together for a Catholic Schools’ week event. This time it was delicious. Their teachers, Ms. Martinez and Mrs. Lawrence, treated them to breakfast. Students had their choice of several sweet cereals. Some were satisfied with one bowl, some had three, but all had fun!

Middle school teachers treated their students to a delicious breakfast! The 6th through 8th grade enjoyed time to hangout with their friends and enjoy an hour of fun in the morning.

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Assumption Catholic School Honors Local First Responders

This Friday, the police officers, firefighters and EMS visited Assumption school in Perth Amboy, NJ as part of the school’s activities for national Catholic Schools Week. These heroic men and women live each day fulfilling the theme of this year’s theme for Catholic Schools Week that is Learn, Serve, Lead and Succeed. The good work they do is not often mentioned in the papers or on the evening news, but they are the unsung heroes of our communities. Thank you for your service and we ask God’s blessing and protection on each of you.
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ACS Day 2: Catholic Schools Week 2020!

Pre-K was the entertainment today!! They went to each classroom and performed their famous Tooty Ta Ta song and dance! What a show! 

Kindergarten had round 1 of their Spelling Bee Competition and finished their cards for our Police officers (one of our special guests for Friday!) 

Grades 1 to 3: Catholic School’s coloring activity and discussing how we learn, serve, lead and succeed in our school. 

Fourth and Fifth grade – Tuesday Project Day!! AND what a project day it was! They made “rubber” balls made out of glue mixed with corn starch which is then dropped into water and borax. The last step is rolling the ball to get out the air and water bubbles. There’s a lot of rolling involved. In the end, the balls do bounce and as a fringe benefit, all the students now know how to roll a meat ball!

Middle school played their first round of Jeopardy and did some cooking …. ohhh and don’t miss grade 8 doing the Tooty Ta Ta with Pre-K!!

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