School April Fools Day

All our ACS teachers are busy planning, teaching and working with students remotely.  Using google hangouts each class meets with their teacher during designated times and can ask questions throughout the day.  Today, to add a little fun on April Fools Day, Miss Martinez played a teddy bear prank on the fourth grade!  The kids were so excited to see a stuffed bear instead of their teacher teaching the lesson. All had a good laugh!  We are so blessed to have such creative and dedicated teachers at our school. We continue to pray that the pandemic comes to an end yet, also remembering to make time to share a little laugh with our students and ease our their stress.

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ACS’s first virtual faculty meeting

ACS’s first virtual faculty meeting; it has been a challenging week but with the grace of God and many prayers we made it.  This week grades 6, 7, and 8 have held scheduled classes and have used Google Hangouts to teach and communicate with every student.  Google Classroom has been used to send and submit assignments and we are so pleased with all of our students’ efforts.  Grades 3 and 4 have ran test classes and also answered many student and parent questions. Monday our grades 1 to 8 will all be actively teaching and parents will have each classes schedule . We continue to pray for all who have felt the effects of the coronavirus.

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Sharing Lunches.

The ACS Class of 2020 had a short lesson in history and social awareness when they helped prepare 100 lunches alongside our friends from Perth Amboy Catholic, the University of Notre Dame NJ Alumni Group, and NJ Troopers. The program is called “Sharing Lunches”. It benefits the Hogar Crea Treatment Center and the Center for Support and Success , both right here in Perth Amboy.
They experienced first hand the assembly line way of working. While they assembled sandwiches and filled the “Sharing Lunches” lunch bags, the class discussed what it must have been like to work doing the same job for 12 hours a day at the turn of the 20th Century.
Students also talked about the value of helping those in our community that may be in need of extra support. We are called to serve God by serving others; so, today the Class of 2020 worked together to hopefully make someone’s day just a little easier and happier. During this season of Lent what better way to give of ourselves then to do work of charity!
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First and second grade have been learning about Space and the many things we can see with in the sky. We learned about day and night the sun the stars and the moon. Today we ended the week making models of the phases of the moon using Oreo cookies and the cream. It was educational, fun and delicious!

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The Middle Ages Journey

ACS students had a history lesson presented by the noble court set within the walls of an 11th Century style castle. Everyone took a personal journey into the Middle Ages. The day started with an educational presentation followed by a 4 course meal while enjoying an epic 90 minute show.
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Read Across America

The First through fourth Grade students have been celebrating Read Across America all week with different activities during our D.E.A.R. time. Today when we “Dropped Everything to Read” we used our blankets and sat in a spot anywhere in the room to read for 15 minutes. The best part was using our flashlights to read! 
It was followed by our weekly Library Special when everyone was excited to select a book from the ACS Sister Yosephata Library.
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Science standards

In 6th grade we are working on a 2 day fun, eye opening and mathematically accurate activity to teach students about scale sizes and orbits of the planets around the sun while adhering to our Science standards. The students where shocked to see just how different in size the planets are. We are excited to continue our lab tomorrow to see the distance each planet is from each other.

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