It’s finally happening, the original parking lot of Assumption school  in Perth Amboy, NJ  is being replaced this Summer. Our school playground doubles as a parking lot for our teaching staff and for parishioners attending Divine Liturgies. The playground also serves as the principal area of gathering for our main parish fundraiser, the Ukrainian Cultural Festival as well as a parking lot for Bingo players. This is the original parking lot that we have maintained by patchwork and tar for the past fifty years. Due to safety concerns for our students, parishioners and visitors we have come to the point where we now must completely replace it. Since this is such a large expense, it requires the permission of the the Chancery Office  of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, which has been received. Our parishioner and President of the Holy Name Society Mr. Joe Britton has agreed to oversee the project that started today. The new parking lot will provide safety for our students and parishioners  and  help Assumption community return to being the vibrant  school and a church that will energetically lead all out of COVID-19.

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Ms Cuff was off and running with her Pre K – Grade 1 program participants.  The week started on a secret note since it is Secret Agent Week in her room. Children traveled from center to center using their “ I spy” capabilities to discover, play, and identify. They used invisible ink pens to uncover pictures provided by Ms Cuff. After some fun using their new found discovery skills outdoors, they returned to the classroom  to watch a fun spy movie. Needless to say, the children were returned to their parents tired and ready to recharge their batteries for their next adventure.

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ACS 21st Century Community Learning Center Starts Summer Learning

School closed last week, but you would have not known it if you saw the ACS playground this morning. Students from grades 3  through 8 eagerly lined up waiting to find out who their teacher would be for the next four weeks. Groups were introduced and the day began! The first day included Language Arts, math, and clubs. Students participated in STEM club and recreational activities club. By the end of the day students were tired and happy knowing that they get to do  it all over again tomorrow! In what new clubs will they participate? Time will tell.

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Principal’s Newsletter of 2020-2021 School Year

Dear Students of Assumption Catholic School, 

It is with a heart filled with joy, excitement, and gratitude that I reminisce about our 2020-2021 school year. As my fourth year as principal, I had the most sleepless nights planning to reopen this year. The responsibility of reopening our doors during a pandemic, ensuring every safety protocol and detail was thought about, thinking of student and teacher safety measures was truly overwhelming. I had many projects and ideas in mind that had to wait, and many ZOOM calls to attend and yet deep down inside I somehow knew that we would be okay. As I greeted each of you on the first day of school, I quickly realized that God was in control and the Blessed Mother would protect us. Even though we had to wear masks, deal with tech issues, had to buy enough hand sanitizer for a small army, and had to keep our personal belongings in plastic bins – WE MADE IT HAPPEN – AND MADE IT LOOK EASY! 

As the school year started we welcomed new teachers and almost 20 new in-school and virtual students! What a blessing. And more students, means more minds to keep engaged and busy. So, in addition to the existing 21CCLC ACS clubs, your teachers started: Chess, Accelerated Math Club, Gaming, Scrapbooking, Impact Innovators, Knitting and Crocheting.  But we didn’t stop there.  With our allocated funds, grant money and COVID Relief monies we added nine new Promethean Boards, new access points, 100+ new Chromebooks, rolled out a new science curriculum for grade 6 (wait till next year 7 and 8!), and built a brand new STEM room.  Surely, we can’t forget the new windows and shades. 

Behind the scenes, ACS teachers attended over 44 hours of professional development– we are all Googled out! 

Let’s continue to take a look at the highlights from this year.  With the FSA Board at the helm, we raised over to $30,000 with a very successful Virtual Christmas Bazaar, plant sales, donations and candy sales. Despite the limitations, we also sustained our Student Community Outreach projects and focused on raising awareness of those in need.  We did the following: School Supplies for the needy, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Easter Food Drive, and Adopt a Seminarian.  During Catholic Schools Week our activities also focused on praying for those in need and those affected by the pandemic.   

  We were able to have small celebrations; unlike any other school year we could not celebrate as a whole school community.  Yet, we still took time to rejoice and be grateful for all the good in the world and all Catholic Schools who continue to build our children’s faith and love in Christ.  

We also have to mention the beautiful send off to the Class of 2021.  They had a Countdown to Grad Lunch, Lawn Signs, Personalized t-shirts and of course their class trip to Great Adventure topped off with a lovely dinner at the Armory. Their Graduation ceremony was celebrated with a beautiful liturgy in their honor and presentation of their diplomas and awards.  We also celebrated the Class of 2029 Kindergarten Graduation with family and friends in our school auditorium and what a delight! 

It was a very different type of school year and yet, so productive! Throughout it all, we recognize our dedicated Pastor, Father Ivan, who guided administrative decisions with love, allegiance to our school, and our best interests at heart, which made this reopening possible and made this a successful school year. We also thank our Deacon and parishioners for their unwavering commitment to ACS even through this pandemic. This school year would not have been possible without the dedicated teachers who work so hard and give so much of themselves. The changes that ACS has gone through the last couple of years has been possible through their courage and commitment to Catholic School education and our mission. They are the driving force for our success. I thank my school parents, who entrusted their children to us during this difficult time and appreciate you more than words can express.  

In closing, to the ACS Class of 2021, as you start high school and continue your academic careers, may God always protect you and our Blessed Mother always offer you her protection.  Always remember, ACS is your home and we are your biggest supporters. Congratulations!  

To the rest of the ACS student body, have a wonderful summer!  Do your Summer assignments to keep the brain sharp and most importantly be kind and keep God in all of your hearts.  Your teachers and I wish you the best summer ever – WE HAVE ALL EARNED IT! 

God Bless,  

Mrs. Shumny 

End-of-Year School Picnic.

Great day for an end of year school picnic! The year started out with anxiety and uncertainty but today was filled with beautiful weather, a great time and excellent food.  Look at these happy faces – kids being kids and enjoying time together with their ACS family!

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Pre-k and Kindergarteners Graduations!

ACS Prek had their Stepping Up Ceremony. It was wonderful to be able to have these ceremonies in person. The children did an amazing job of reciting poem and singing songs for their families. We are also so excited to congratulate our Kindergarteners on completing their first year of Elementary School!

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8th Grade Graduation Liturgy and Ceremony.

The class of 2021, have worked hard to arrive at this moment and nothing, not even global pandemic, could take that away from them. Their final year at ACS has been a challenging one. A year ago, last March, they were sent home to finish the school remotely. They returned in September, but it has not been easy. It was a year of masks and social distancing but through it all, THEY ALL have endured. No matter of these unusual circumstances, 13 graduates tackled challenges and successfully got to the finish line. You’ve made it! And we are all so proud of You! Thank God, we found the strength, the courage, the perseverance and the love to come through it together. Congratulations!

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Greeting from Archbishop Borys

Most Rev. Borys Gudziak. Archbishop-Metropolitan for Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia congratulates  13 Graduates of Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy, NJ.

Congratulations  to our Graduates!  ВАТАЄМО!

Virtual Visit to Australia Zoo

Today, our Ukrainian classes at Assumption virtually visited the Australia Zoo and took part in an “Escape Room”.  Our younger classes enjoyed traveling down under with their Zoopark passports, stamping them at each animal that we saw.  They learned the names of different animals in Ukrainian to help them with their visit. Each student received a little souvenir animal from the Mrs. Kukuruza gift shop and took their photos at the Zoo photo booth.  Our 3rd & 4th graders experienced an Escape Room in the Assumption Library.  In order to “escape” and win, they had to figure out a series of 7 clues – all using what they learned this past year in Ukrainian class.  Father Ivan was one of our special clues.
His clue:  “All Hearts Beat In Ukrainian. Some would say that this person is the “Tato” of our parish family.  Find that person and tell them you love them – in Ukrainian!” Father then gave the team their next clue.  The students enjoyed looking for their clues by assembling a Tryzub puzzle, putting the Ukrainian alphabet in order, popping balloons and other challenges to find their team’s prizes.  It was a super fun day for our young Assumption Students!

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70 Chromebooks purchased for ACS

BIG NEWS!!!  Another 70 Chromebooks purchased for ACS Students!  Thank you to our Parents who participate in our fundraisers, our wonderful parishioners who always donate and pray for us and the Perth Amboy BOE for working with us on grant funding.  We are truly blessed.