ACS finally received their 12 new Anywhere Carts and everyone was super excited! We now have a safer (and less bulky) place to store our chromebooks and chargers. We always plan the use of our funding with students and teacher’s needs in mind. We feel so incredibly blessed.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9503,9504"]Kahoot
Project Based Learning 🔥 5th grade!!
Kindergarten IXL Math
Students has been using their chromebooks with so much ease and continued excitement! They have their system of charging them and are all responsible for properly using and storing them. This week they used them to practice their IXL Math and their reading sight words using our Reading Street curriculum. Way to go Miss Drayton and Kindergarten!
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9484,9485,9486"]NED’s Mindset Mission
Principal’s Newsletter – January 14, 2022
A blessed Feast of Theophany to you!
School’s 2021 Christmas Concert.
The last time we were together was December 2019 and although that doesn’t seem like that long, we all know it has been a difficult couple of years. We stand proud of the work that the teachers and staff have done and continue to do daily. They are passionate about their profession and during this pandemic have shown that Catholic Schools have been able to get the job done. We have kept our children on grade level, continue to offer them a safe space and opportunities to express their thoughts, and have shown them to trust in God’s plan.
The show was dedicated to all the parents, guardians and extended family members who support our students and our mission at Assumption Catholic School – to know, to love, to serve God.