Breathing With ‘Two Lungs’
In the current world around us there are many who suffer and face grave challenges.
This morning, the students and faculty members from Assumption Catholic School, a Ukrainian Catholic school, and Perth Amboy Catholic School, a Roman Catholic school, gathered together in friendship and in solidarity to pray for peace in Ukraine and for brave Ukrainians risking their lives in defense of their freedoms, liberty, and their democratic way of life. Most Rev. James F. Checchio the Bishop of the Diocese of Metuchen was present at the Liturgy and expressed his support for the Ukrainian people. Bishop James also has asked parishes in the diocese to participate in a special Collection to Aid the Church in Central and Eastern Europe, which will allow the faithful to provide assistance to the victims of war in Ukraine and many other projects the Collection supports in the region.
100th day of school at ACS on this amazing “Two’s”Day!!
Here are some highlights….
Prek began the 100th day celebration by putting 100 dot stickers on their crowns.
Students and teachers dressed like they were 100 years old. We read the story, One Hundred Shoes. We then colored 100 shoes. We also read, One Hundred Hungry Ants, and cut and glued 100 ants on a hundreds chart. 100 plastic eggs filled with candy were hidden on the playground. Each student collected 5 and we practiced counting by 5’s too 100. We enjoyed our free lunch of delicious tacos.
First grade had a wonderful day celebrating the 100th day of school. We started the day with reading Biscuits 100th day of School during our morning meeting. We ended the day with making 100th day posters. The most funnest part of the poster was drawing what we would like in 100 years!
Second grade celebrated 100 days on Twos-day by writing 100 two-digit addition & subtraction problems and at 2:22, we had a Dance Party!
5th grade: We made time boxes to be open 20 years from now!
6th grade class
Word challenge how many words can you make using the letters in the phrase Twos Day ?
Drawing challenge- create a drawing g using the image below, Creative writing How old will you be in 22 years from now and made a 100th day bead necklaces
AND we can’t forget the TACO TUESDAY LUNCH provided by the FSA!! Thank you!!
More 100 Days of school fun! I couldn’t forget third and fifth grade….
Yesterday, 3rd grade’s favorite senior citizens had an amazing day in class. They wrote letters to their future selves to be opened on 3/3/33, and made a list of 100 things they love about ACS
Fifth grade made time capsules! They wrote about their favorite likes and some of their dislikes and they put together very creative time capsules – 100 days smarter!
Fourth graders charged into ACS’s 100th day celebration on 2/22/22. They did oodles of doodles, oodles of noodles, 100 nouns, 100 verbs, read 100 pages and ended with a STEM challenge of building a 100 centimeter tower out of plastic
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9686,9687,9688,9689,9690,9691,9692,9693,9694,9695,9696,9697,9698,9699,9700,9701,9702,9703,9704,9705,9706,9707,9708,9709,9710,9711"]Black History Month
As part of the school’s celebration of Black History Month, Assumption students were invited to create a poster of an African American woman or man and important events that they admire and that shaped the history of our nation.
Principal’s Newsletter – February 17, 2022
Class of 2022 Makes Rosary With Parent of Alumnus Chris Troche
A Holy Rosary is a string of knots and beads used to count component prayers of the Holy Rosary, an important tool used to help meditate on the the life of Jesus in the Catholic faith.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9668,9669,9670,9671,9672,9673,9674,9675"]School’s Open House Success.
Our 2022 Catholic Schools Week Open House was a success! We gave tours to 9 new families and answered many questions and showed our ACS pride! We are glad that so many people are as excited and sure about Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy, NJ as we are. The Principal Mrs. Shumny, Fr. Ivan, Mrs. Palhais, the FSA President, Sisters Veronika and Maria, Teachers were delighted to share the information about our school programs and host interested families and prospective parents. Also, a big thank you goes to 8th graders who gave tours of the school and many visitors were thoroughly impressed! If you missed the Open House today and would like to arrange a tour or school visit, please call 732-826-0721 or stop by an time for a visit!
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9655,9656,9657,9658,9659,9660,9661,9662"]CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: FRIDAY
Where do we start?
Even though the weather changed our plans, we showed our students that we can celebrate even in the rain! Grades 3 to 8 went to church and celebrated our Mother Mary with a beautiful Moleben service.
All our grades wrapped up their projects and letters and cards and final appreciation “Post-It” notes.
And then….. our finale….Pep Rally/Honor Roll/Student of the Month/Winners of Scavenger Hunt/ACS Trivia winners/ AMAZING TALENT SHOW!!!! That is not a typo my friends!
We celebrated all the special clubs that we have at ACS, all our scholars and all of our students who were so brace and shared their talents on stage. God has blessed each and everyone one of us with gifts and today we celebrated them!
Oh what a wonderful day and an outstanding Catholic Schools Week!
Perth Amboy police and firefighters are honored at ACS.
Today Assumption Catholic Students welcomed members of the Perth Amboy Fire and Police Departments to join them for a special celebration of the Catholic Schools Week. The students and staff wanted to show their appreciation for first responders and provided officers with binders full of appreciation and thank you letters from the students. These heroic men and women also played games with students and were treated with a special lunch from Assumption Family. Assumption school is very honored that some of officers’ children already attending ACS.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9622,9623,9624,9625,9626,9627,9628,9629,9630,9631,9632"]CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: THURSDAY
1st and 2nd grade started their Book Tasting