Report on the Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine.
God Protect Ukraine and God Bless the United States of America!
The six steps of research
Ms. Shumny’s third grade class learned about the six steps of research: identifying the area of study, choosing the topic, formulating a research plan, collecting and then analyzing the data and then finally writing up the study.
Working in groups of two or three, every student had to create a safety feature to protect an egg from falling 1 yard. Oh how creative they were! Contraptions to protect the egg ranged from simple to complex (with glitter!) and the students really had the opportunity to test their theories.
Then the fun part came… testing it out.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9797,9798,9799,9800,9801,9802,9803,9804"]Lenten Retreat
Assumption Catholic School students gathered in Church for Divine Liturgy celebrating the feast of the Annunciation. It was also a very special day for two reasons. First, Pope Francis consecrated both Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Secondly, students were introduced to Father Ihor Kolisnyk who gave a beautiful sermon.
Father Ihor is spending the weekend at the parish hosting a parish mission. Father Ivan told the students they were the first to hear Father Ihor speak. Our third graders were very lucky to represent the students of ACS at the end of the liturgy in presenting yellow and blue carnations to the Blessed Mother. What a wonderful way to show our faith in our Holy Mother on the day we ask Her protection for the people of Ukraine.
Principal’s Newletter – March 18, 2022
ACS Family School Association Board.

How was St. Patrick’s Day celebrated?
2nd grade all green. We made shamrocks in Religion that remind us what we learned about the Holy Trinity.
Grades 3 to 8 went to Confession today and we all learned about St. Patrick!
Prek and grade 5 made leprechaun traps together. They had a leprechaun chase on Go Noodle and had green Oreos for snack. In math, second grade worked on pot o’ gold addition and subtraction riddles. For penmanship, we practiced St. Patrick’s Breastplate in cursive. After our delicious lunch, Ms. Shumny treated 2nd & 3rd grade to a mini-dance party.
Kindergarten and third grade had a green bagel breakfast and a super fun dance party!
The whole middle school did a compare and contrast project of St. Patrick and St. Joseph! So very interesting!
Fourth graders celebrated Saint Patrick’s day with the arts. We learned how to draw a leprechaun while listening to Irish Celtic music. Some of us were even “Irish jigging” in our seats.
The FSA treated all the students to a delicious pancake breakfast with whipped cream and green sprinkles!
YET, the BIG excitement came from….
ACS had a very special visitor on St Patrick’s Day. It all started when the members of the 21CLC STEM club decided to see if they could catch a Leprechaun on St Patrick’s Day. They designed and made different style traps with lures of gold coins to entice the Leprechaun. The next thing they did was place them in strategic places like the principal’s office, outside Pre K , Kindergarten, grades one, two and three. Then they waited. Surely, one of these traps would catch the leprechaun trying to steal the gold. But, at each and every trap they found the same note that read: “ Dear Students, Happy St. Patrick’s Day You almost caught me with your trap! Too bad, you didn’t catch me, I’m too quick for you! Thanks for the gold! Better luck next time!”
Oh well, maybe next year’s STEM club will design a better trap.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9769,9770,9771,9772,9773,9774,9775,9776,9777,9778,9779,9780"]ACS Students learn about an Icon: Taras Shevchenko

Perth Amboy Community Gathers for Prayer Vigil for Peace in Ukraine
By: Katherine Massopust
PERTH AMBOY – On Tuesday, March 15, 2022, the community of Perth Amboy held a prayer vigil to pray for Ukraine. The vigil was organized by the city of Perth Amboy and Assumption Catholic School. Over a hundred people gathered at city hall circle in support of Ukraine.
The vigil began with Principal of Assumption Catholic School Mrs. Lissette Shumny, who spoke of the generosity of the community which has been incredible. She stated that many donations were received toward the humanitarian fund for Ukrainian aid. Mrs. Shumny stated that the school has united in prayer daily for the last 3 weeks to pray to the Blessed Mother for peace in Ukraine. She gave a brief history of the Perth Amboy Ukrainian Community, “The Ukrainian Catholic Community has gathered to worship in the City of Perth Amboy since 1908 at its original location on Wayne Street. Our current church, the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Alta Vista Place was built in 1952 by Ukrainian immigrants which established themselves in our city.In 1963, our school (Ukrainian Assumption School which was later renamed Assumption Catholic School) opened and has been a staple in this community. It has served as an important foundation in many families lives as they entered Assumption Catholic School to educate their children. These same children have become pillars of the community of whom we are immensely proud. Currently, our demographics have added a beautiful diversity to our school, yet our Ukrainian Catholic identity is at the root at who we are. We need your generosity and support. Pray for the nearly 3 million Ukrainians, mothers, children, and refugees. Pray for the soldiers that stood their ground against all odds. Pray for the world leaders that they find the strength and guidance to help put an end to this unprovoked attack.”
Fr. Michael Morgan, Priest at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Perth Amboy gave the opening prayer. “We need to pray for peace among the nations of the world. Let us pray for peace on earth.”
NJ Legislative District 19 Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez offered her remarks, “We are here to offer our collective support to people of Ukraine to this evil attack on democracy.” She denounced the Russian airstrike on a maternity hospital intentionally killing women and children. “Despite these horrorsand against all odds the Ukrainian people are holding strong in their determination to remain a free and sovereign nation. I am proud that our country and our state has taken action to block the Russian government in every turn to make sure that they do not engage in the world economy while waging a senseless war. I urge everyone to pray for the people of Ukraine – for the brave men and women on the front lines fighting for freedom and the loved ones they are fighting for. Let us all pray for an end of this conflict and for the recovery of the Ukrainian people.”
Members of the Assumption Catholic School choir sang a hymn to the Blessed Mother.
The next person to speak was Mayor Helmin Caba who recognized the members of the City Council, County Commissioners, and other politicians who were present to unite in the power of communal prayer. He cited the definition of local leaders, “Our job is to protect our residents and provide services to preserve the best life in our cities. We are to serve our communities and represent our residents to preserve their welfare. We are to serve our community to preserve their wellbeing.” Mayor Caba spoke of the sorrow of the people of Ukraine. “Imagine leaving all your belongings, your home, your job, your community – all of it – leaving it behind. Their reality serves as a reminder to each and every one of us that we should not take our freedom and our liberties for granted. We are a diverse community made up of many different backgrounds, cultures, religions, and beliefs. There is so much that divides us, yet there is so much that unites us, and perhaps nothing is more important than our shared beliefs on democracy and freedom.Today we stand united in support for peace with the Ukrainian people in prayer for the protection. We remain humble by their remarkable courage. We stand in solidarity for peace and for freedom.”
Assumption Catholic School Student Kiera Colon read a poem.
Mrs. Shumny explained that the significance of the Moleben Prayer Service which began in the beginning of the 20th Century in Ukraine. “It honors Mary, the mother of God, which is usually said during the month of May, but we will honor her now for the love of Ukraine.”
Mrs. Shumny introduced Fr. Ivan Turyk, Pastor at Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Assumption in Perth Amboy. Fr. Ivan began, “It is painful to see forces of darkness at work.” He quoted the Gospel of John 1:5 “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” Fr. Ivan continued “What is going on in Ukraine is very dark, but each candle that is lit at today’s vigil, reminds all who gather that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World and who brings Hope and Peace to all of us even in the midst of the darkness of war. I ask you to light the candles. They are made from the beeswax, the same ingredients from Ukraine, the Breadbasket of Europe which flows with honey and milk. It is so prosperous and good. We stand here together to pray for my motherland Ukraine, and I am so proud and honored that of my adoptive land of the United States of America who gave us so many opportunities to my fellow immigrant Ukrainians to participate in today’s service to show that the voice of the Ukrainian people cannot be silenced by the munitions of the Russian army. We pray for the ceasefire and the withdrawal of the Russian occupants. We pray to the Blessed Mother of God for her to intercede on her behalf to our LordJesus to bring an end to the war in Ukraine.” Fr. Ivan Turyk then led the vigil in the prayer of the Moleben.
After the Moleben, Assumption Catholic School Alumni Apryl Coffman Shumny sang a beautiful rendition of “Via Dolorosa”.
Mrs. Anna Maria Kukuruza, the Second Grade Teacher at Assumption Catholic School and parishioner at Ukrainian Assumption Church gave a brief history of Ukraine. “When someone says: “Glory to Ukraine,” you respond, “Glory to its heroes!” She explained giving the Ukrainian translation.
Mrs. Kukuruza continued, “I am here today to talk to you a little about courage. I am a second-generation Ukrainian, which means my grandparents came here from Ukraine. My family and I have always been active participants in the Ukrainian American Community. We have never been shy when talkingabout our Ukrainian background or explaining where Ukraine is. We are proud of our Ukrainian ancestry. Our families were forced to leave our beloved homeland to escape during World War II and never to return for fear of retribution. Being courageous was instilled in us to never forget what we left behind, our country, culture,
Fr. Michael T. Chendorain from St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church gave the ending prayer. Students from