Holy Week 2009

ACS students found themselves immersed in many activities that helped to bring the days leading up to Easter into focus. The week included lessons on pysanky, the art of Ukrainian egg dying for older students and traditional Easter egg decorating for the younger students. Discussions took place in classrooms based on the last week of Christ’s life.  On Holy Thursday the classes of 2009, 2010, and 2011 presented the Living Stations of the Cross to the school. This was followed by spiritual activities back in the classrooms.

The school week culminated with students, parents, and parishioners participating in Good Friday services at Church led by Father Roman. Sub-deacon Paul Makar congratulated Sister Yosaphata on the beautiful chanting that students provided for the services. Over twenty – five altar boys and members of Sodality also kept vigil at Our Lord’s grave throughout the afternoon and into Holy Saturday.

Happy Easter to All

“This is the day which the Lord hath made.  Let us rejoice and be glad therein.”  

Easter commemorates the victory of Christ over every worldly evil including sin and death.  His resurrection from the dead placed the seal of divinity upon His teachings.  That is why at Easter time the Church sings with joy and gladness.

How proud you should be to profess your faith; to live it; to generously support it and help bring it to others.

May the glory of our Risen Savior bring to you and yours peace, happiness and spiritual contentment!
Christ is Risen!  Indeed He is Risen!

Holy Week Services and Meditation

Students and parents,
This week, we prepare for two great truths that shed light on everything we believe in as Christians: The death of our Lord Jesus Christ, followed by His glorious resurrection.
Check the Weekly Bulletin section of the parish church site for both the Holy Week Services and the Student's Adoration and Veneration schedule.
There are special Holy week services every day from Wednesday to Sunday.  Consider attending as many services as you are able to as a family; either at our parish church or at your own parish.  Find peace as you "lay aside all earthly cares" from this hectic and troubled world while quietly meditating at the Lord's grave on Good Friday or Holy Saturday.
May the Risen Christ fill your hearts and entire being with His love.

ACS Graduate to be Ordained Deacon

ACS graduate Paul J. Makar will be ordained as a deacon on Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2009, here in his parish church.

Paul, who is currently studying for the priesthood at Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, DC, was ordained in November here in his home parish to the Catholic order of subdiaconate.  

Paul, 36, has a degree in Maritime Engineering from SUNY and spent five years in the US Navy. He was released from active duty in 1999 with the rank of lieutenant. He later worked as an engineer and served in the Navy Reserves.  In 2004 he felt a calling to the priesthood and entered St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Washington, DC.  “His father Paul, a married deacon who serves here, his mother and family, along with the rest of the parish and school couldn’t be prouder,” said Father Roman.

Two Former ACS Students are Fiddling

Two ACS graduates have roles in the musical, "Fiddler on the Roof" with the St. Joseph High School Theatre Company. This classic drama is set in Russia about 100 years ago.  The actors are sisters -Jessica, ACS '06 and Marisa, ACS '08.

Evening performances are: April 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, and 25 at 7:30 PM. Sunday matinee is April 19 at 3 PM. The St. Joseph Theatre is behind the main school building at 145 Plainfield Ave., Metuchen, NJ. Tickets are available at the door.

Please support our talented and hard-working ACS graduates!

ACS Graduate Wins Bowling Title

Nicole Baginsky, ACS '06, is making quite a name for herself in high school bowling.  Nicole captured the crown in the Greater Middlesex County (GMC) Individual Girl's Bowling Tournament. In doing so, she became the first student from her high school to ever win an individual title.
Nicole is a junior at Bishop McCarrick High School and sings in the parish choir.
ACS is proud of our graduates. If you know of an achievement attained by an ACS graduate, send information to the school office.

Home News Tribune article   

Star Ledger article 

Read Home News Tribune article as PDF

Read Star Ledger article as PDF

Spaghetti Dinner – postponed

The ACS faculty will hold a Spaghetti Dinner in the school auditorium on Tuesday, January 27, 2009.    Tickets are $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for children (through 8th grade) if purchased in advance from the school. Tickets purchased at the door are $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children.

Please support this worthwhile effort!

Catholic Schools Week January 25 to 31

An Open House on Sunday, January 25 will kick-off Catholic Schools Week here at Assumption Catholic School.  Open House is from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Registration for the 2009-2010 school year will begin at this time.

Please promote our school by telling your neighbors, friends, and family about the Open House.

School Closing Announcements

Reminder, when there is bad weather, you can check for school closings or delayed openings on:
– Comcast – Channel 62
– Cablevision, Time Warner, or Service Electric – Channel 12

You can log onto:
– News12.com (look for Ukrainian Assumption School)
– centraljerseysnow.com (look for Assumption Catholic School)

The Honeywell Instant Alert system will be notifying families regarding school closings or delayed openings.