Christmas Shoppe for Kids

Students recently had an opportunity to do some secret Christmas shopping for family members. The Class of 2011 sponsored the annual ACS Christmas Shoppe. The class inventoried and set up for business on Tuesday, November 30th.  On Wednesday ACS students had the chance to browse and make wish lists for shopping on Thursday or Friday.

It may seem like it was just shopping, but there were many lessons learned by the eighth grade and their assistants, the Class of 2012. Inventorying items before and after the event helped students understand the need for accountability for a product. The seventh graders learned patience when working with kindergarten and first grade as shopping assistants. Customer interaction gave the older students a taste of what it means to deal with the public.  The shoppers learned that sometimes their money did not cover their purchases and, without a parent there, they had to make big decisions about what to buy and what not to buy.

The Classes of 2011 and 2012 worked hard and because of that the Shoppe was successful. Now all that needs to be done is to wait for Christmas to get here so that all of those purchases can be opened by all of the special people in the lives of our students.

St. Nicholas Arrives to Assumption School

On Monday December 6, Saint Nicholas paid a visit to Assumption School.  He brought with him some gifts for the students. Everyone was grateful to see St. Nicholas and greeted him with the traditional Hymn to St. Nicholas. During the visit,   the Drama Junior and Glee Club (under the direction of Mrs. Lawrence) have performed a special play about the life of St. Nicholas for the entire school.

Thanksgiving Tradition Continues

On Wednesday, November 24, 2010 a tradition at Assumption Catholic School continued. What begin several years ago as a simple gathering to give thanks to God together as a school, has grown into a real Thanksgiving Feast.  The day started with Divine Liturgy, continued with entertainment related to Thanksgiving, and finally dinner was served!

This year students in the Senior Drama Club took classes on a pilgrimage around the school to learn how the original Pilgrims left the life they knew to take their chances in the New World. Pilgrim Guides led groups from room to room where they met pilgrims to find out about why they left with their families. The heard of what life was like on the Mayflower and what the first government was after their arrival. The last stop of their pilgrimage took them to the auditorium where they learned of how the Pilgrims and Native Americans prepared for the first Thanksgiving as well as how Thanksgiving came to be a national holiday today.

Once all groups had the opportunity to go on the pilgrimage it was time to eat. ACS faculty and students were joined by invited members of Saint Ann Society, Holy Name, Bingo workers and the Senior Citizens Club. Many parents, including the FSA board, under the direction of Mrs. Derevenska, our kindergarten teacher, prepared and served a full Thanksgiving dinner. Cornbread was prepared by grade four. Sister Maria and the second grade prepared fresh cranberry sauce.  Homemade pies were prepared by student in grade six, seven, and eight.

At the end of the day the seventh and eighth graders helped to clean the cafeteria and auditorium. Extra plates were prepared by the kitchen workers and delivered by Father Ivan and a few eighth graders to nearby parish members.

Thank you to everyone involved in making the day such a special day!

Christmas Poinsettias

A sea of holiday blooms filled the auditorium of Assumption Catholic School as the poinsettia plants arrived on Monday, November 22. Red, pink, white and marble flowers were ordered by the Garden Club as a Holiday Fund raiser. What a way to kick off the Christmas Season!

East Jersey Old Towne Field Trip

Third, Fourth, and Fifth grade students gathered together for a trip back in time! On Friday, November 4, 2010 ACS students boarded buses and traveled back in time over 200 years to the time of the American Revolution. Our visit included a trip to the Indian Queen Tavern where politicians of the time met to discuss the war, have a drink and perhaps spend the night. Students were amazed at the many artifacts on display which demonstrated how people lived without plumbing and electricity. Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and John Adams were just a few of the men who visited the Indian Queen Tavern. Another favorite stop among the students was the one room schoolhouse, where our tour guide took us through a day in the life of an 18th century school child. Most impressive to the students was the fact that students of several grades were in the same classroom, using the same materials at the same time. Also on display was history's first smartboard – the slate! The Revolution in a Trunk Program taught students about a real revolutionary solider named "Natty". Students learned first hand what soldiers during the Revolutionary War wore even during the hot summer months! We also learned about battles of Trenton, Princeton and Monmouth. A scavenger hunt through the Farley Blacksmith Shop revealed time pieces such as anvils, blowers and horseshoes!


On Friday, November 19, 2010 the eighth grade class was buzzing with excitement. If you saw them you would have witnessed them practically floating through the halls. This was their big day. They received their class rings. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy Father Ivan blessed their rings in a beautiful ceremony. The students were told about the significance of the ring and how it should always remind them of their days here at ACS. Each student then came forward to Father Ivan and received their rings. Father Paul Makar was also part of this special day. Students were happy to be the first to receive their rings from Father Ivan. They were also happy to have two priests for their ceremony.

After students received their rings, they had their pictures taken with both priests, their principal, Mr. S. and their teacher, Mrs. Pickering. They then took their families to the Church hall for a small celebration. More pictures were taken and rings were turned. The turning of the rings is a tradition in which the students have others give one complete turn to their rings until they reach the year of their graduation. For this year’s class it would be 111 because the class of 1999 turned theirs 99 times.

The Class of 2011 has lived up to their responsibility of being good role models for the rest of the school. The entire ACS family congratulates them and hopes they enjoy the rest of their days here at ACS.


On Monday, November 22, ACS Student Council members were very happy to be able to put together five gift baskets for local needy families. It was the generosity of our own ACS families that allowed this activity to be successful. Families receiving these baskets will be able to put together a complete day of meals from breakfast right through to dinner. Thank you for your generosity and Happy Thanksgiving from the ACS Student Council.

It was Roman Numeral Day!

Did you know that the Romans used only seven letters to represent all the numbers?  Well, the Fourth grade at Assumption Catholic School does.  Today the students learned all about the history of Rome and the Roman Numerals.  They read about it, then worked with the numerals in Math and then wrote about the history in Grammar.  They received information from every angle.  No pun intended.

Thanksgiving Pie

Andrew Charles Baralecki, a fourth grader at Assumption Catholic School, is shown preparing a recipe that will be served next week at the Thanksgiving Feast.  “It was Fantastic,” Andrew said after he tasted some of the Pineapple Dump cake he had made for the teachers.  All you have to do is layer the ingredients.  First a can of apple pie filling, then a can of crushed pineapple followed by a box of cake mix.  On top of that you pour two sticks of butter then coconut and almonds if you like.  You bake it in the oven for one hour and enjoy the best cake ever baked in my class. 



You could feel excitement in the air on October 27, 2010 as the Fabulous Fifth gathered to watch a live webcast, Read Now with Taylor Swift. Webcasting is a new addition to ACS. Using the internet, a projector and a Smartboard, students participated with thousands of students from across the nation in a live webcast event. The students were amazed at how technology enabled them to watch and participate in real time. The Fabulous Fifth was especially excited because this broadcast featured one of their favorite musicians, Taylor Swift. This year Scholastic celebrates 90 years of promoting literacy in the United States. This year’s campaign is called “Read Every Day-Lead a Better Life”. To help celebrate, Scholastic partnered with Grammy-Award Winning Recording Artist, Taylor Swift and Actor-Musician-Comedian Nick Cannon to teach kids the importance of reading every day. Nick and Taylor talked about their favorite stories and answered questions from students across the country. The show ended with Taylor Swift singing her new hit single “Mine”. The Fabulous Fifth was singing along! We are looking forward to our next webcasting experience!