New Parent Orientation
The last day of 21CCLC
Sr. Veronica Professes Her Solemn Vows
This Sunday was a glorious day at Assumption Ukrainian Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ, as our Sr. Maria Veronica of Jesus professed her solemn vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and Marian consecration.
The vows were taken after reading of the Holy Gospel during the Divine Liturgy and in front of Most Rev. Andriy Rabiy, Auxiliary Bishop for Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia and the Mother Mary of the Immaculate Conception Ambrogio, the Provincial Superior of the Sisters Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará. Present at the Liturgy were Fr. Alberto Barattero, IVE, the Provincial Superior of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, Fr. Ivan Turyk, Pastor of Assumption Church, alongside many religious sisters, guests and parishioners. Sister Veronica was especially grateful for the presence and support of Major Superiors of Women’s Ukrainian Religious Congregations in the USA, Sr. Eliane Ilnitski, SSMI, the Provincial of the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Conception and Mother Maria Kelly M.S.M.G, Superior of the Missionary Sisters of the Mother of God.
At the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, the beautiful symbols – the ring of espousal with Jesus, the white crown of flowers, the lighted candle and the Constitution of the Sisters Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará were presented to the newly professed. The rite of perpetual profession also included the prostration of Sister during the Litany, the pronouncement of the handwritten formula of vows into the hands of the Provincial Mother Superior, the signing of the document of the vows, and greeting by other perpetually professed members of the community. The final profession of Sr. Veronica was like a wedding day, because consecrating her life entirely to God through life-long vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, Sister accepted a vocational call to become a bride of Jesus Christ.
The solemn ceremony was followed by a beautiful reception at our school hall.
Photos by John Baginsky and some by our parishioners.
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The Knights of Columbus Shield Awards.
The Knights of San Salvador Council # 299 presented their annual Shield Awards. Each year, the Council honors a firefighter, an EMT, a police office, a Senior Citizen and a good local hero who have performed exceptional service during this year. This year, the Council also honored two ACS teachers with the Teacher of the Year Award : Kindergarten teacher Miss Drayton for the year of 2020 and Seventh Grade teacher Mrs. Lombardi for the year of 2021.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="10180,10181,10182,10183,10184,10185,10186,10187,10188,10189"]Pre-K Graduation 2022
We bid our little graduates best of luck and farewell from their ACS home. Kindergarten here they come! Find information for enrolling your child in HPCA for 2022-2023! http://
ACS School Picnic 2022
The sky was gray and full of clouds but there was sunshine in our hearts. It was picnic day for Assumption Catholic School at Warren Park in Woodbridge. ACS students played basketball, soccer, catch, went on hikes, talked, went on swings, and just enjoyed the park. Our Family and School Association grilled burgers and hot dogs for everyone, plus provided watermelon. All the smiling faces told us it was just the perfect day.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="10158,10159,10160,10161,10162,10163,10164,10165,10166,10167"]ACS Kindergarten Class of 2022.
Their family and friends cheered them on as they received their diplomas in recognition of all of their hard work. We are so proud of this class and cannot wait to see what they accomplish as first graders. Congratulations ACS Kindergarten class of 2022!
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