School Christmas Bazaar A Success!!

As the Christmas holidays are upon us, I would like to thank everyone in our school for their hard work. Thank you to FSA and to everyone who contributed in one way or another to make all of the events this year so successful and memorable. A huge well done and thank you to everyone who helped organize and supported the School Christmas Bazaar. Thank you to everyone who came forward to help – we couldn't do it without you! The buzz of the children loving it was fantastic!

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Class of 2012 Receives Rings

Today was a very special day for the Class of 2012. After Divine Liturgy Father Ivan blessed the rings that represent the hard work and accomplishments of the students. Each student was filled with excitement as they anticipated their own special moment at which they were given their ring.

At the conclusion of the ring ceremony they posed for many pictures showing their new rings. Following the pictures, the Class of 2012 and their invited guests went downstairs for a small celebration. They were treated to an assortment of bagels and muffins. They also had a chance to spend some time with family.

Upon returning to school, the eighth graders went from class to class following the tradition of having someone “turn” their ring for luck. This year the class will have their ring turned 112 times. If, during their quest to get 112 turns of their ring, the ring should come off their finger they will have to start all over.

Now that they have their rings, they are truly the leaders of the school. While these rings represent their accomplishments, there is still much work to be done. We hope that God blesses them in their remaining time at ACS.

Assumption Catholic School Welcomes St. Nicholas!

On December 6th, St. Nicholas paid a visit to Assumption Catholic School! The festivities began with a production called “The Real St. Nicholas” performed by Mrs. Bernstein’s 3rd grade class (under the musical direction of Miss Lawrence). The 3rd grade students led students on a musical journey around the world to see how different countries and cultures celebrate St. Nicholas. The production included background on: Santa Claus (North America), Dun Che La Ren (China), Grandfather Frost (Russia), Father Christmas (England), Pere Noel (France), Kris Kringle (German) and of course, St. Nicholas. The play concluded with the students welcoming St. Nicholas to ACS by singing the traditional St. Nicholas Song, O kto, kto Nikolaja l'ubit. St. Nicholas greeted the students and staff with gifts. As St Nicholas was leaving for the next visit on his list, students returned to their classroom to enjoy their new gifts and chocolates donated by our FSA.

We Are All One In Christ!

The administration and faculty of Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy, NJ gathered together on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 for a religious education seminar, presented by the Rev. Archpriest Daniel Troyan, Director of the Office of Evangelization for the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. Father Ivan Turyk, pastor of Ukrainian Assumption Catholic Church, arranged for the first half of the presentation to take place in the Church.  He warmly greeted everyone and introduced the day’s topic:  “The Western and Eastern Rites, Different – Yet the Same, Two Traditions, But One Catholic Church.”

Fr. Dan began his talk by explaining the how the physical design, artistic arrangements, and all other elements of the Byzantine church have a purpose and profound meaning, specifically aimed at raising one’s heart and mind to the Lord God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. His talk was highly informative and covered many areas including wonderful explanations about the different Diving Liturgies we celebrate throughout the year, the emphasis placed on Mary as the Most Pure Mother of God, the significance of the royal doors, the order of the icons on the iconostas, the sanctuary as the “Holy of Holies,” and the Divine Reception of the Sacraments or Holy Mysteries.  The participants were especially intrigued by the beauty of Matrimony in the Byzantine Rite, with its betrothal ceremony, exchange of vows, crowning, and dance of Isaiah. 

Fr. Dan also brought to light the basic differences and similarities between the Latin and the Byzantine Rites, emphasizing how both belong to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church, yet witness to and express their shared faith in distinct ways.  The historical fact that Catholicism originated in Jerusalem, was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, and now has a multitude of particular churches throughout the world, is a glorious testimony of the embodiment of the fullness of the one Catholic Church.

Everyone came away with an increased knowledge of our church roots and how various devotional practices were adapted over the centuries by the faithful. As one teacher stated: “Today’s presentation was a wonderful, down to earth explanation, of the “one-ness” of our Catholicism and the uniqueness of our Ukrainian Catholic traditions.”  Also in attendance, as a special guest, was Ms. Irene Sena, Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Metuchen, who expressed her deep gratitude to our principal, Mr. Szpyhulsky, for his invitation to such an enlightening and uplifting conference.

Student Ambassador Grammar School Competition

On Monday, November 7th, seventeen student representatives from Assumption Catholic School took part in the Bishop Ahr High School’s Fourteenth Annual Student Ambassador Grammar School Competition.  Our Students represented ACS in 5 categories:  Athletic, Dramatic Arts, Jeopardy, Problem Solving and Spelling Bee competitions.  

Bishop Ahr’s faculty and ambassadors graciously welcomed all the competitors from 11 grammar schools in the Middlesex area, and after initial presentations our ACS students from grades 5 through 7 were raring to get started.  Our athletic students downed 27 baskets; Jeopardy contestants buzzed their way through responses; our spellers were exposed to their first grand spelling bee.  ACS dramatic arts competitors, our own future thespians, brought in 2nd place with their written rendition of an outer space skit.  Not to be outdone, the problem solving crew came in with a first place win!  Did someone say that problem solving was difficult?

Overall, our students participated, enjoyed and distinguished themselves among their peers; bringing back with them pride and accomplishment for our school.

Congratulations to the participants for their exemplary representation:
Athletic team:  Adam ’13, Luis ’13, Andrew ’14 and Cassandra ‘14
Dramatic team:  Anthony ’13, Samantha ’13, Brianna ’14 and Amarilis ‘14
Jeopardy team:  Rachel ’13, Thomas ’13, and Jennifer ‘14
Problem Solving team:  Oleksandr ’13, Dylan ’13, and Alexandra ‘14
Spelling Bee Team:   Steven ’15 and Peter ‘15

School Trip to the American Museum of Natural History in New York

Dinosaurs, animals, rocks and gems, the students didn’t know which they liked the best.  ACS spent the day at the American Museum of Natural History to visit the new dinosaur exhibit.  Students were busy taking notes, on the dinosaurs, that they would later use in class working on various assignments.   Some students were fascinated by the mere size of the animals and others marveled at their shapes.  Sixth, seventh and eight grade students watched a video on dinosaurs internal organs, and as they watched the organ came alive on the dinosaur. 

Fourth grade students were told to pay special attention to the Native American exhibit since they are studying the Lenape Indians in Social Study.  They saw longhouses, tools, and several different types of clothing.

First graders were captivated by a video of the blue whale as they sat under the life size model of the animal.  Parents were relieved just to have their children sit for a while, after walking up and down the stairs of the four-story museum. 

It was a perfect day at the museum except for the traffic on the return home.  Several parents and students fell asleep on the bus ride home always an indicator of a successful field trip!

Flower Sale

The A.C.S. Garden Club sponsored a flower sale. The Dutch Mills Bulb Company was the supplier for this fundraiser. Students sold tulip, daffodil, grape hyacinth and various other bulbs that will bloom in the spring. The sale was a tremendous success with the help of Martin Vavrak in Fifth grade who sold $ 222.00 dollars worth of bulbs. Aiden Gall in Kindergarten sold a total of $144.00 and Yancarlos Jimenez in Sixth grade sold a total of $78.00 dollars worth of bulbs. Each student received a small gift as a token of our appreciation for a job well done. Our next flower sale will be before Thanksgiving , so be on the lookout for our Poinsettia sale. Thank you to all those who participated in this sale.

Eagle Academic Challenge

On Thursday, October 27, 2011 students form ACS seventh and eighth grade traveled to Cardinal McCarrick/Saint Mary High School in South Amboy. There they represented our school in the Eagle Academic Challenge.

This year each school participated in four rounds, earning one point for each correct answer. By the end, as a team ACS had earned an impressive 27 points. They answered such questions as Who flipped the crabby patties at the Krusty Krab? and Who wrote The Iliad and the Odyssey? ( Sponge Bob and Homer)

In the end, although they did not win the gold cup, they still did an amazing job representing our school in the categories of math, science, English, and academic appreciation. Congratulations to the Class of 2012 and 2013: Vanessa E, Steven L, Xavier R, Dylan L, Rachel R, and Tommy Z.

3rd Annual American Math Challenge

On October 12-13th, students in the Terrific Third competed against students across the country in the 3rd Annual American Math Challenge. Day 1, students were given challenge specific material which tested their knowledge and ability on various mathematical concepts such as time, money, addition and subtraction. Day 2, the students were able to test their mental math abilities by competing against students in 60-second drill-based activities. Students participated online both at home and in the classroom. Certificates of Participation were granted to all students. In addition to Participation Certificates, the following students were recognized for achieving Bronze Status: Julie (1,264), Samantha (1,459 points), Donovan (1,729 points), and Richard (2,157 points). Congratulations 3rd graders for a job well done.

Tricky Trunk Event

Every year, the Assumption School with the help of the Famil School Association sponsors the “Tricky Trunk Event”.  The school ask students parents to bring their cars to the school parking lot  with their trunks decorated so the children can come by and get their treats out of the trunk. It is open to all students and the children come in costume as do many of their parents. It seems to get bigger and better every year. There are really some creative people out there and it is amazing what they can come up with to make the trunk of a car look inviting. This year, because of the snow, the event took place inside the school auditorium.