Congratulations to Peter Zulin and Anthony Ciko, students of Assumption Catholic School, who were named Top Academic Students of our parish school by Perth Amboy Merchants Association, Inc., in a program held on June 12. Congratulations to our students for their exception achievement in 2012.
From Toothpicks to Newspapers
Mrs. Lawrence’s fifth grade class learned all about structures this year. They used the world wide web to view different types of bridges and buildings as well as to understand the engineering aspects of each type of structure. In October they designed and “built” their own building using toothpicks and Playdoh.
The culminating assignment was to build a geodesic dome out of newspapers, cardboard tubes, and masking tape. Eight groups tried their best to construct a dome about six feet in diameter on the school playground. Despite the uncooperative weather most groups nearly completed their domes. Considering this was a first time experience for all, including Mrs. Lawrence, the results were good.
Congratulations Kindergarten Graduates!
Assumption Catholic School celebrated the graduation of 19 kindergarteners with a ceremony held on Monday evening, June 11, 2012.
The ceremony included a concert with the awarding of graduation certificates. The boys and girls looked so nice in their caps and gowns. Congratulations to our kindergarteners.
ACS Graduation Awards – June 9, 2012
Award, Benefactor
Academic Excellence, ACS Family & School Association – Xavier RiveUkrainian Assumption St. Anne’s Society – Karan Patel
Wasyl Czaban Memorial (Rozalia Czaban) – Vanessa Espino
Religion Award – Semen and Paraskevia Dzioba Memorial (Rev. Deacon Paul and Mrs. Ann Makar) – Vanessa Espino
Math Award – Helen Czaban Memorial (Rozalia Czaban) – Xavier Rivera
Science Award – Bodnar Family – Karan Patel
Language Arts Award – Dorothy Drury Memorial (Mrs. Carol Fiore) – Xavier Rivera
Writing Award – Michael and Glenys Romanko Memorial (Romanko Family) – Vanessa Espino
Social Studies Award – RJ Shumny Memorial (Shumny Family) – Karan Patel
Social Studies Award – RJ Shumny Memorial (Shumny Family) – Xavier Rivera
Computer Science Award – Bill and Janet Pickering Memorial (Pickering Family) – Kayla Cabrera
Computer Science Award – Michael “Benny” Andruseczko Memorial (Rozalia Czaban) – Karan Patel
Fine Arts Award – Dorothy Drury Memorial (Mrs. Carol Fiore) – Karan Patel
Fine Arts Award – Ukrainian Assumption Bingo Committee – Brianna Ortega
Christian Living Award – Ukrainian Assumption Holy Name Society – Brianna Ortega
Deserving Student – Mother Andrea MSMG, Mother Josepha MSMG, and Mother Nadia MSMG Memorial (Bill and Joyce Adamshick) – Kayla Cabrera
Deserving Student – – Mother Andrea MSMG, Mother Josepha MSMG, and Mother Nadia MSMG Memorial (Bill and Joyce Adamshick) – Gregory Cruz
Deserving Student – Mark Lawrence Memorial (Lawrence Family)
Daniel Flood VoTech Award – Paul and Marjorie Makar Memorial (Rev. Deacon Pauland Mrs. Ann Makar) – Derek Harris
Community Service Award – Ukrainian Assumption Seniors – Karan Patel
Community Service Award – Ukrainian Assumption Seniors – Gregory Cruz
Spirit of Involvement Award – Ukrainian Assumption Holy Name Society – Daniel Flood
Patriotism Award – Ed Troche – Steven Lapka
Brian Flood Memorial Track Award (Mr. Gutierrez and Mrs. Flood-Gutierrez) – Gregory Cruz
Brian Flood Memorial Track Award (Mr. Gutierrez and Mrs. Flood-Gutierrez) – Xavier Rivera
Perfect Attendance – Harry & Helen Szpyhulsky Memorial (Szpyhulsky Family) – Xavier Rivera
Participation Remembrances – Altar Servers: Gregory Cruz, Daniel Flood, Derek Harris, Xavier Rivera
Sr. Drama Club: Kayla Cabrera, Gregory Cruz, Vanessa Espino, Daniel Flood, Derek Harris, Steven Lapka, Karan Patel, Brianna Ortega, Xavier Rivera
Bowling: Gregory Cruz, Daniel Flood, Steven Lapka, Xavier Rivera
Track: Gregory Cruz, Daniel Flood, Derek Harris, Karan Patel, Xavier Rivera
Student Council: Kayla Cabrera, Gregory Cruz, Vanessa Espino, Steven Lapka, Karan Patel
Class of 2012 Graduates
The week of June 4 was an extremely busy week for A.C.S. Class of 2012. On June 5th the class boarded a train bound for New York City. They started their day visiting the U.S.S. Intrepid where they were able to see what life must have been like on a submarine and an aircraft carrier during WWII. After a light lunch they boarded a water taxi and headed down to the 9 – 11 memorial. This was followed by a water taxi ride back uptown and dinner. The class continued their evening with a visit to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. A walk through Times Square and down to the train station ended their graduation trip.
On Thursday evening, the Class of 2013 hosted a graduation dinner that included some fun entertainment. After the seventh grade welcomed the graduating class with a memorable dinner, they entertained them with a play that took the audience 40years into the future. There they found out what happened to the Class of 2012. Seventh graders concluded their program with two songs for the graduates. The Class of 2012 ended the evening with songs for the Class of 2013. The first told the seventh graders about what they might expect in the eighth grade and then sang a song to wish the seventh graders happiness next year. The Class of 2012 ended the evening by reading their Last Will and Testament.
The morning of June ninth arrived with an excited class ready to receive their diplomas. Father Ivan celebrated Divine Liturgy followed by the students receiving their diplomas. Students took one last walk as a class back to school where the awards breakfast took place. After breakfast they were then awarded various recognitions from academic s to club participation. The day ended with the graduates thanking everyone for the support they have been given throughout their years at A.C.S.
Congratulations Class of 2012!
Being of relatively sound minds and bodies, we, the Class of 2012,¬ realize that we are in our final days of our school life here at Assumption Catholic School. We will take many things with us as we start our new journey. It is only fair that we leave a little bit if ourselves behind. This will ensure that you will not soon forget us!
I Kayla, leave my place in the late line to Melannie. My advice is that it is better to be the person writing the late slips than to be receiving one. So, arrive on time because morning detention is not fun.
I Greg, leave a little bit of my quiet demeanor to Anthony V. and Sam. Sometimes it’s fun to just sit back and watch. You learn so much when people don’t think that you are listening.
I Vanessa, leave to Rachel my responsibility for the auditorium lights. Get used to the idea of leaving the auditorium last, and be ready to go back down when someone else forgets to turn them off.
I Daniel, leave to Oleksandr and Adam my place at the starting line. Remember to run like the wind and always keep everyone behind you.
I Derek, leave to my brother Adrian, the job to ring the bell daily. Don’t forget, you don’t get to go home until the bell rings.
I Steven leave to Amanda, Kaila, and Jacob, a little bit of my ability to overcome even the loudest sounds. Just don’t get too loud or you will find yourself visiting Sister Yosaphata and Mr. S.
I Brianna, leave to Katherine and Dylan a little bit of my ability to get the job done. Always remember to listen to directions first. Then you will not have to repeat the job.
I Karan, leave to Anthony C. and Luis my place at the flag pole. Don’t put the flag out if it is raining. Be ready to run outside even if it is pouring, to bring in the flag. Never forget to take it down at the end of the day. You will hear about it in the morning.
I Xavier, leave to Ziara my job taking care of the microphones. Be sure to wrap the wires correctly and put the microphones back in the bags. You can be sure you will hear your name called whenever anyone needs them.
I also leave to Tommy the sense to have a great time and to know when to stop. Paying attention during class makes it fun at the end of the year. Exempting so many exams gives you lots of free time.
This Last Will and Testament is now finished with just a little more advice to the Class of 2013.
This time last year we sat where you are right now. It seemed we had all the time in the world. Trust us; time goes by like the blink of an eye. So, don’t waste time fighting or getting into trouble.
Know that you make your own happiness or misery. You aren’t entitled to something just because you are in eighth grade. Privileges are earned and can be lost.
Doing things like tables and chairs, taking Pre K to Church and moving candy might seem like fun. It’s not! But do the job to the best of your ability and don’t whine about it. Only an eighth grader can get the job done quickly and correctly.
Make the best memories that you can. As you take over the leadership role here at ACS know that you are setting examples for the younger kids. They will look to see the way you do things and follow you. Make sure they see the best in you.
The most important thing you can do is to remember that Mr. S, Sister Yosaphata and all of the teachers want you to achieve your personal best. They will remind you of that every day and might become annoying about it. But, that is because they love you like your parents.
Thank you to Father Ivan, Mr. S, Sister Yosphata and our teachers. We are better young adults because we spent our time in the greatest school in the diocese! Some of us have been here forever, others just stayed for a few years.
As we leave we know we are taking more than we could ever hope for. We take with us the security that God loves us and will always be there for us. We take knowledge and memories. We take directions that will guide us into the next chapter of our lives. Most importantly we take with us the memory that we can always come home. For this we are grateful.
Cyber Bullying and Internet Safety
What's a parent to do to keep their child safe with computers in every home and children surfing the internet alone on tablets, phones, and personal computers? Parents were appraised, at the last F.S.A. meeting to first: discuss with your child/children what sites they can use and second: help them understand internet safety and cyber bullying by following the recommendations given by Detective Charydczak, guest speaker of the evening.
On May 30th, Detective Charydczak met with our A.C.S. students, from third to eighth grade. He taught the children what they can or cannot reveal to a stranger on the internet. When they have problems, any problems, they should go only to a trusted adult. Students were advised to ask permission about what basic information they might share. They should never meet anyone face to face, initiated from an encounter on the internet and should be positive about their dealings with each other. Never put yourself in a position to be a bully or an accomplice to bullying. A general rule is: if you cannot say anything nice, don’t say it at all.
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The Buddies are at it again
Pre-K and Fourth grade buddies teamed together to build an earthworm. Both classes were learning about the decomposers and even had a living habitat in their room so they could observe them in real life. So, using recycled material they created an earthworm. Stephanie from Fourth grade made her earthworm with a digestive system, and that is all I will say about that. Fourth graders guided and suggested ideas for their “Buddy,” and then they just let them create. All earthworms were on display for the last FSA meeting. What a great way to wrap up the year!
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Cursive Writing
Cursive writing is a dying art form. It was once the primary form of communication. Since we are in the computer age people simply choose the font they want to use and then begin to write effortlessly. Well, it has been said that a lot can be told about you from your handwriting. You can certainly pick out those people who attended a Catholic educational institution. Catholic schools are known for teaching proficient penmanship. We at ACS decided to hold a handwriting contest.
One winner was chosen from each class beginning with Fourth Grade. The winners were from Fourth Grade; Matthew, Fifth grade Julieana, Sixth Grade Veronica, Seventh Grade Rachel and our graduating Eighth Grader was Derek. They were done so well it was hard to tell which was the computer generated writing sample and which was their writing. Each winning “writer” was presented with a ballpoint pen following morning prayers. Congratulations.
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Senior Drama Performs
If you were at the show you would have seen some very lively scenery. That is because the younger siblings of senior drama members made up the trees, the flowers, and even some animals. They followed directions and helped to make the show even more fun to see.
ACS art teacher, Miss Hananiah provided the leafy look to the tree branches and thanks to the help of first grade parent, Mr. Menendez, Mrs. Rizkallah was able to take her performance as the mirror to a new level. She did not appear on the stage, but was very much part of the show by way of computer technology. Her image was projected on the wall, which took ACS another step into the future.
We thank everyone that supported the ACS Drama Club this year. Best of luck to our exiting Class of 2012. See…You…Next…Year!