On Thursday, May 15, 2014 A.C.S. Senior Drama Club presented the Pioneer Drama Service production of Princess Who? It is the story of a young girl who woke up only to find that she had forgotten who she was.
Princess Who? wandered through the forest where she met several familiar characters. She met Cinderella, Snow White, Goldilocks, and even Rumplestiltskin. Each of the fairy tale characters was able to offer some advice or a clue as to where she might have come from or who she might be.
The production even included a few of our own faculty members as fairies. Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Bernstein were the good fairies. Mrs. Shumny portrayed the evil fairy that put a curse on the little baby destined to grow up and be the princess that could not remember her name.
In the end Sr. Drama cast members had a great time bringing entertainment to their families, friends, and ACS classmates.