Patriotic Travels on a Patriotic Holiday

Today the ACS middle school team followed in their ancestor’s footsteps with a visit to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Keeping with our historical theme  and following the Perth Amboy  walking tour, we enjoyed a boat ride, visiting with the Coast Guard and an afternoon of technology and discovery.  What a great field trip for teachers, chaperones and all the students! Stay tuned for next year’s excursions.

May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

ACS honored our Blessed Virgin Mary on Friday, May 20th with our yearly Moleben, a service of intercession and supplication. The Moleben began with a procession of two students from each class and the Sodality placing flowers at the feet of Our Lady. This was followed by the Moleben service officiated by Fr. Ivan Turyk. Participating and lifting up their voices in praise and in song to our beloved Holy Mother was the faculty, students, and Sodality of the B.V.M

Spring Formal.

May is a busy month at ACS! On Thursday evening the Student Council coordinated the annual Spring Formal and they did a terrific job.  Laughter filled the party as students from grades fifth through eighth danced, ate and danced some more. Teachers came to chaperone and prepare snacks and all who attended had a great time!

Empanada Sale

Today the seventh graders and their teachers whipped up 200 beef and pizza empanadas as a fundraiser! The whole class worked together to prepare and distribute the student’s empanada orders. They will use their profit towards their end of year farewell party for the Class of 2016. Congratulations on excellent team work!

Poetry contest

The entire ACS sixth grade class has entered the 20th Annual National Poetry Contest! The class voted and agreed they would enter the contest as a whole group. They have a chance at winning a classroom computer, tablet or school shopping spree gift card, yet, they were more excited at the chance of having their poems published!

Haiti Presentation

The middle school at ACS enjoyed an excellent presentation from one of our very own missionaries, Anali.  Our seventh grader spent seven days in a school in Haiti.  She worked directly with children in a school along with her father and sister, Amarilis (ACS class of ’14). They were in charge of teaching lessons and coordinating recreational activities.

We commend our student on her dedication to this mission and we will continue to pray for the children in The Child of Jesus  School in Haiti.

First Penance and Solemn Communion Class of 2016

Seventeen children of the Assumption School and parish had First Confession on Friday, May 13, and received First Solemn Holy Communion on Sunday, May 15, 2016. As a parish community celebration, the day was as usual a huge success. Our pastor Fr. Ivan Turyk delivered a homily just for children as they gathered in a church for this special day. We would like to congratulate the children and their parents. Thank you all for you…r cooperation with the school and parish catechists throughout the entire year of catechesis and in the busy final days of preparation and rehearsals. Thank you to Sr. Yosaphata, MSMG for many years of commitment and dedication in preparing the children for First Confession and First Solemn Holy Communion, providing not only the necessary knowledge but, above all, sharing your faith with the children and parents. Special thanks go to our school’s FSA for preparing a delicious breakfast for our children and their families.

Chromebooks for Education.

We gathered two students from each grade for this picture showing off our new chromebooks. These chromebooks add to the technology already in use by our students. Technology, used properly, has made learning easier for many students at ACS and we want all our students to stay comfortable with the latest technology. Thanks to our Principal Mr. S for acquiring funds for this project.

4th and 5th grade field trip.

Cloudy skies and cool temperatures did not dampen the enthusiasm of fourth and fifth grade students as they toured East Jersey Old Town in Piscataway. Guided by Mrs. Flynn and Mr. Mike, students toured the Runyon House, Indian Queen Tavern, Dunn House, Church of the Three Mile Run, and Smalleytown School House. It was a great educational experience. After the tour students completed a map of the village. With all they learned, students now have a new appreciation for living in the 21st century!