Guess who is completing their first Google slides project? That’s right – ACS third and fourth graders! The sixth graders assisted them in reading an assigned story, annotating the story and then using the VIP (Very Important Parts) to create a Google slide presentation. We can’t wait until they are done and present their stories.
What Happened After Once Upon a Time.
On Thursday May 11, 2017 the Senior Drama of ACS performed their children’s play “What Happened After Once Upon a Time.” The play was directed by Mrs. Pickering and the cast included students from 6,7,8th grades. This beautiful and a funny play revolved around the fairy tales that are very close to our hearts, but with a little bit of twist! Thanks to all students who participated in the show and especially thanks to our good storytellers who got the opportunity to tell the story and as well as participated in the story, interacting with the characters!
First Penance and Solemn Communion Class of 2017.
Today was a very special and joyous day at Assumption parish in Perth Amboy, NJ as we welcome fifteen of our little parishioners and students of ACS who received their First Solemn Confession, and their Solemn Holy Communion. We congratulate them on this very important step in their religious life where they received these two sacraments. This is indeed a happy occasion for our parish community, school and for the children’s families. A sincere thank you to Sr. Yosaphata, Sr. Thomas, and Ms. Hucul (2nd grade teacher) who have served as their catechists. Special thanks go to our school’s FSA for preparing a delicious breakfast for our children and their families.
Pre-K Math Lesson
The pre-k class was excited to find out they were going to have a surprise guest teacher. A fellow ACS student from third grade came in to their classroom to teach a math lesson. She used snap cubes to help them practice counting and to teach addition.
The New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium.
On Tuesday, ACS 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students went to Sandy Hook NJ Sea Grant Consortium, for our class trip. The students learned the history of the Lenape People. They went seining in the bay, learned how to make fire by friction, and practiced hunting techniques . They played a hoop and spear game and a fun firewood game that they can play at recess. Fun was had by all! Seventh grade, eighth grade, where art thy seventh and eighth grade?
Caring for a special child
On Wednesday, May 3, the third and fourth graders had a special visitor. Mrs. Billy’s daughter, Abby, came to school. The students were very excited to learn about Abby and her extra chromosome that causes her to be "unique and different" — the topic of study in the third grade Reading Street unit. The students enjoyed holding, feeding, and learning all about her uniqueness. To culminate the activity they are writing essays on how Abby is the same and how she is different than other babies. One student even went home and did research on his own about Trisomy or Down Syndrome. All of the students had a great time, and so did Abby!
Seventh grade, eighth grade, where art thy seventh and eighth grade?
You guessed it! They are reading Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet". They have been analyzing the text and studying the era of Shakespeare and his impact on literature. As an assignment this week, both classes where challenged to write as Shakespeare himself did. The class was put into groups and assigned a modern teenage problem scenario. They worked collaboratively in order to create a scene using Shakespearean phrases and write completely in Old English. The students stepped up to the challenge and even performed each scene for their classmates. At the end of class all agreed that, "Parting is such sweet sorrow".
Earth Day
To commemorate Earth Day, our middle school students joined with the Perth Amboy Public Works Department, ShopRite of Perth Amboy, and Perth Amboy Catholic students in creating decorative bags reminding shoppers to reduce, reuse and recycle. Mrs. Barcheski of the Public Works Department delivered plain paper bags to our school that our fifth through eighth grade students decorated with recycling slogans. When they were complete, Mrs. Barcheski stopped by to pick them up and deliver them to ShopRite. On Thursday, April 20, one of our students, Andrew, (along with 2 PACS students) met Mayor Wilda Diaz, Mrs. Barcheski, and the ShopRite Store Manager for a short program at the ShopRite of Perth Amboy. The students then handed out the decorated bags to shoppers to remind them to take care of our Earth. We should take care of the Earth God gave us EVERY day – not just on Earth Day!
Research Papers
And the Research is in! All ACS 7th and 8th graders developed their research and long term writing skills by selecting a World War II topic and compiling a three page research paper for their Language Arts and Social Studies classes. Both classes read, The Diary of Anne Frank, while simultaneously learning about important events from the war which led to their topic selection. A High School level outline and rubric was used and each student met the challenge with a great attitude. Their teachers were impressed and continue to develop projects that prepare the students for success in high school and college. Way to go Class of 2017 and 2018!
“How To” Projects
The sixth graders have worked hard throughout the third marking period! Their latest project was a "How To" demonstration and written report where they had to select a topic, and demonstrate how to create it to their teacher and classmates. Students had to follow a step by step process on how to make their selected topic and all did a terrific job. Topics ranged from how to make pancakes, an origami frog, ice a cake, make crafts, make slime and even a 3D model of the earth! The Class of 2019 are developing their writing skills and using their creativity!