Spanish Presentations

The fifth and sixth graders have traveled to many Latin countries this marking period! As part of their Spanish Travel Project, each team had to select, budget, and make travel arrangements to visit three historic places in their assigned country.  They had to describe their sightseeing excursions using their Spanish vocabulary in addition to developing their technical skills to create their google slide show.   Their favorite part was definitely selecting a restaurant to dine at, creating their pretend orders and then calculating the cost of their meal.  Some visited five star restaurants and others enjoyed  mom and pop cantinas. 

Mrs. Shumny did not give the teams a budget – so trips ranged from Ferrari rentals to backpacking trips! It was a chance for the fifth and sixth graders to use their imagination, history, math and of course Spanish skills! Can’t wait until we start our next chapter in Spanish – we have very creative and intelligent fifth and sixth graders!