Time Flies

There is an idiom which states: time flies. Does it really? It’s hard to believe, but ACS has already finished the first marking period of the 2013 – 2014 school year. For the sixth graders this was their first time taking exams in all subjects.  It was also their first experience with parent/guardian conferencing in which they attended the conference to find out how they themselves were doing. The seventh and eighth graders knew exactly what to expect.

The middle school level at ACS has three categories to acknowledge personal achievement. They are Highest Honors with a 95 average, High Honors with a 90 average, and Honors achieving an 85 average.

Highest Honors:
Grade 8- Sasha Aquino, Cassandra Rizkallah, Amarilis Rodriguez, Alexandra Slavik                                                              
Grade 7- Carlos Cruz, Steven Marcucchi, Arjun Patel, Katherine Perez, Justin Scocco, Elena Zambrowski
Grade 6 – Jillian Pogoda, Andrea Vira

High Honors:
Grade 8 – Mia Rodriguez, Alton Thompson, Brianna Williams
Grade 7 – Andrew Baralecki, Alyssa Montalvo, Emily Ortiz, Brandon, Peter Zulin          
Grade 6 – Paula Ciko, Stephanie Chubenko, Megan Ortega, Casey Shumny               

Grade 8 – Kayleen Amaro, Adriana Arroyo, Jack Kosiorowski
Grade 7 – Eric Molina, Danny Sierra, Martin Vavrik, Elonnie Walters

Congratulations to all of our students. Keep up the good work!