Over the past few weeks ACS has been well represented at two different academic competitions hosted by Cardinal McCarrick and Bishop George Ahr High Schools. Our students competed in a Jeopardy style contest at Cardinal McCarrick High. Jack K, Alexandra S, and Sasha A. represented the Class of 2014; while the Class of 2015 was represented by Steven M, Carlos C, and Katherine P. Each round found Team ACS answering almost impossible questions. While they did not win the competition, they either won the round or lost by no more than 2 points.
Second, Bishop George Ahr hosted a different style event that covered everything from spelling for students in the fifth grade to physical competition for sixth and seventh graders. Jeopardy was also part of the competition as well as drama. This was Bishop Ahr’s 15th competition, and ACS was one of 15 teams competing.
Our competitors in Jeopardy took third place. They are Steven M, Carlos C, both of the Class of 2015 and Jillian P, Class of 2016. The Problem Solving Team consisted of Arjun P, Katie P, and Elena Z, Class of 2015, and Stephanie C of the Class of 2016. Martin V, Marissa N, both members of the Class of 2015 and Paula C and Casey S, Class of 2016, represented ACS in Dramatic Arts. Our Athletic Team was composed of Brandon S, Justin S, Elonnie W, Class of 2015 and Megan O of the Class of 2016. ACS final competitors for the Spelling Team were Samantha L and Richard V. of the Class of 2017.
We at ACS pride ourselves in working hard and always promoting academic excellence. Participating in and exposing our children to different types of experiences has proved to be beneficial and very exciting to the ACS community!