Principal’s Newsletter – October 22, 2020

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Last week and into this week all ACS students in grades 1 to 8 have taken their MAP assessments in Language Arts, Math and Social Studies.  We are proud at how hard they worked during this testing period.  Result will be sent home by next week and will be a topic of conversation at Parent Teacher Conferences.   The assessment is a starting point for your child’s progress for this school year and gives the teacher clear direction for your child’s academic needs.

Please follow our Assumption Catholic Facebook page and see updates on our weekly happenings.  We have posted articles and pictures about our STEM program, our whole school outdoor Rosary and many others. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to call.                                 

God Bless, Mrs. Shumny

Principal’s Newsletter – October 9, 2020

Download Full Newsletter (PDF)

It is hard to believe that we are half way through the first marking period.  Time is truly flying by.  A huge ACS SHOUT OUT to ALL of our students and teachers who are working tremendously hard.  A special acknowledgment goes out to our September Student of the Months: 

Pre-Kindergarten: Jace R.

Kindergarten: Noah S.

First grade: Anna K.

Second Grade: John Michael R.

Third Grade: Danika A.

Fourth Grade: Sophia M.

Fifth Grade: Mia D.

Sixth Grade: Corey P.

Seventh Grade: Marasia G.

Eighth Grade: Brian D.

These students worked to their full potential, followed the classroom rules, showed Christ like kindness and behavior to their classmates and teacher.  For October we plan on having one grade 1 to 8 VIRTUAL Student of the Month so we can recognize our online learners as well.  Lastly, I want to recognize our ACS Sept. Teacher of the month: Miss Drayton, Grade 2!  She is new to our staff and has truly gone above and beyond with her planning, parent communication and upbeat attitude. She has been a blessing to ACS and a wonderful addition to our staff.

In closing, I want to let everyone know that students in grades 3 to 8 will be going to Liturgy tomorrow, Friday, October 9th. We are unable to live stream the service right now but are working on it. If you have any questions, please feel free to call.

God Bless, Mrs. Shumny