Middle School Stars

For the past several weeks the teachers in ACS middle school section have selected a Star Student of the Week. The criteria for selection can be: all assignments are completed, excellent effort, extra helpful, positive attitude, etc. Our stars have received certificates of acknowledgement and were treated to lunch (Wendy’s, subs, pizza) by their teachers.
Winners of the award during the first marking period are as follows:
Grade 6:  Andrea V, Megan O, Jasmine P, and Matthew S.
Grade 7: Peter Z, Alyssa M, Isaiah A, and Carlos C.
Grade 8: Alexandra S, Alton T Kyle D, and Sasha A.


The seventh grade class at ACS has just completed their first “Glogster” presentation on an assigned European Explorer.  After an exciting Social Studies lesson on various explorers’ contributions to trade and exploration, as well as technology used to make long sea voyages possible, the class of 2015 used current technology to share the information they researched.

Each student was assigned an explorer in which they were required to research.  It was essential they follow the teacher outline for all the information needed in their presentation.  The rest was all creativity!  The interactive “Glogster” poster board is a program that allows students the ability to add pictures, video clips, and let their ingenuity shine.  This was a rigorous project which used the traditional poster board way of displaying information and added a technological twist that the students enjoyed and kept them engaged.  A short oral presentation followed which gave students the opportunity to share their new knowledge.  Mrs. Shumny’s class did thorough research and put together detailed presentations and took great pride in their work.  They are eager to start their next project endeavor!


November 11, a very special day in the life of our country. It is the day set aside to honor those that served and continue to serve our country in the military. Here at ACS we have not only honored these men and women with our Wall of Honor, we are also honoring those currently serving our country in other lands.

Through the efforts of ACS Student Council, and their secretary Mia R. of the Class of 2014, nonperishable food items and other useful items for our vets were donated by our ACS families. Mia delivered these items to Perth Amboy City Hall where they will be individually packed and sent out to or troops. Than you to all of the families that supported the efforts of ACS Student Council.

Veteran’s Day

In honor of Veterans' Day, Mrs. Lawrence's fifth grade students made cards of appreciation and thanks.  The children wrote simple messages expressing their gratitude to those men and women who gave their time to our country.  All the cards will be sent to the Veterans' Home in Edison, NJ.

From Our Table to Yours

Did you ever wonder how all of those delicious pyrohy and beautiful stuffed cabbages make it to the kitchen on Bazaar day? Well, there is a long process for the end result to be reached.
It all starts with the purchase of the necessary items. This is usually handled by the board of our Family School Association. This year Lou Montalvo and Tom Zambrowski made up the purchasing team. Next, the Classes of 2014 and 2015 teamed up to peel 350 pounds of potatoes that would be needed. How long does it take to peel that many potatoes? This time it took less than 2 hours! The next day the dough making team, led by Sister Yosaphata, makes the tender dough and tasty filling for the pyrohy.  By 3 p. m. teachers along with parent/guardian volunteers assemble the  little pockets of delicious cheese and potatoes. Then they make their way to the ACS Bazaar where they are often sold out by midday.
The stuffed cabbages are usually prepared by a much smaller group. They start by cooking the cabbage and preparing the meat filling. The team, made up of Mrs. Derevenska, Miss Makar, and   Mrs. Androshchuk then work to assemble each one by hand. On Sunday they also become one of the most popular items on the menu.

ACS Middle School Students Make Their Mark

Over the past few weeks ACS has been well represented at two different academic competitions hosted by Cardinal McCarrick and Bishop George Ahr High Schools. Our students competed in a Jeopardy style contest at Cardinal McCarrick High. Jack K, Alexandra S, and Sasha A. represented the Class of 2014; while the Class of 2015 was represented by Steven M, Carlos C, and Katherine P. Each round found Team ACS answering almost impossible questions. While they did not win the competition, they either won the round or lost by no more than 2 points.

Second, Bishop George Ahr hosted a different style event that covered everything from spelling for students in the fifth grade to physical competition for sixth and seventh graders. Jeopardy was also part of the competition as well as drama. This was Bishop Ahr’s 15th competition, and ACS was one of 15 teams competing.

Our competitors in Jeopardy took third place. They are Steven M, Carlos C, both of the Class of 2015 and Jillian P, Class of 2016. The Problem Solving Team consisted of Arjun P, Katie P, and Elena Z, Class of 2015, and Stephanie C of the Class of 2016. Martin V, Marissa N, both members of the Class of 2015 and Paula C and Casey S, Class of 2016, represented ACS in Dramatic Arts. Our Athletic Team was composed of Brandon S, Justin S, Elonnie W, Class of 2015 and Megan O of the Class of 2016. ACS final competitors for the Spelling Team were Samantha L and Richard V. of the Class of 2017.

We at ACS pride ourselves in working hard and always promoting academic excellence. Participating in and exposing our children to different types of experiences has proved to be beneficial and very exciting to the ACS community!

A Season of Gratitude

In celebration of ACS's fifty year anniversary, the Sodality girls are making autumnal colored lanterns with a candy treat inside each one.  They will be a gift of gratitude to parish groups who have supported the school all these years.  Hand-printed on the handle of each lantern is a simple but heartfelt message; "ACS students are grateful for you!"  They gave a bunch to Father Ivan to deliver to senior parishioners who are unable to attend church.  In addition, gratitude lanterns will be delivered to members of St. Ann's Society, the Holy Name Society, the Assumption Seniors, and the Bingo committee. In this season of thanks, the girls are showing their spirit!

Spanish Cultures Celebrated in Middle School

As you may or may not know, students in grades six through eight study Spanish as part of their curriculum.  Alumnus, Miss Michelle Diaz is in her first year of teaching Spanish once a week to the students. As part of learning the language, they also learn about various Hispanic cultures. Students learn about the different Spanish countries, their people, and their foods.

As an extra credit project students recently brought a Spanish dish to share for lunch. Students were able to taste all of the delicious foods prepared by several great cooks! Thanks to all of the parents/guardians that contributed!

It’s Holy-ween!

In observance of All Souls Day, the classes of 2018 and 2019 prepared oral and written presentations on the lives of various saints.  Each student was asked to research where their chosen saint was from, how the individual became a saint, and when we celebrate their feast day.  Students spent weeks pouring through books and surfing the web in preparation for the big day. In addition to the beautifully decorated posters, the students dressed as their chosen saint.  The combined classroom of saints were all abuzz as we all gathered together to share our presentations.  Saint Kolbe spoke with Saint Helena, Saint Elizabeth Ann Bailey Seton joined the conversation as did St. Anne, Mother Mary’s Mother!  Saint Frances Cabrini gave a glance at Saint Francis of Assisi.  Saint Katharine Drexel spoke in a modulated voice with Saint Peter while the two Saint Anthonys were busy looking for lost items.  Saint Vincent de Paul collaborated with Saint Florian to help those in need.  Father Ivan joined in the festivities and shared additional information about the Lives of the Saints.