It’s Holy-ween!

In observance of All Souls Day, the classes of 2018 and 2019 prepared oral and written presentations on the lives of various saints.  Each student was asked to research where their chosen saint was from, how the individual became a saint, and when we celebrate their feast day.  Students spent weeks pouring through books and surfing the web in preparation for the big day. In addition to the beautifully decorated posters, the students dressed as their chosen saint.  The combined classroom of saints were all abuzz as we all gathered together to share our presentations.  Saint Kolbe spoke with Saint Helena, Saint Elizabeth Ann Bailey Seton joined the conversation as did St. Anne, Mother Mary’s Mother!  Saint Frances Cabrini gave a glance at Saint Francis of Assisi.  Saint Katharine Drexel spoke in a modulated voice with Saint Peter while the two Saint Anthonys were busy looking for lost items.  Saint Vincent de Paul collaborated with Saint Florian to help those in need.  Father Ivan joined in the festivities and shared additional information about the Lives of the Saints.

Middle School Finishes 50th Anniversary Timeline

The Classes of 2014, 2015, and 2016 recently finished a project  to recognize the 50th anniversary of ACS. Students were assigned teams across all three grades. Each member worked to research different events that were happening in the world from the day ACS became a vision until the present. When all of the information was gathered the teams recorded their information on to symbols and then added them to the timeline.

The finished timeline is on display in the middle school hallway. It will be on display until after parent/teacher conferences in November.

Welcome to the Hectic Life of Middle School

Sixth grade students have been working hard as they are transitioning to middle school. They have already completed an individual as well as group project for two of their summer reading books.  They are currently working on book number three. Sixth graders along with seventh and eighth graders have just completed a timeline project related to our school’s 50th anniversary.

Assumption Catholic School 50th Anniversary Begins with Prayer

Assumption Catholic School’s students, facility and parishioners celebrate the 50th anniversary of the  school on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013. The parishioners,  faculty members and staff joined together with alumni  for the 4:30  p.m. Liturgy  (Mass)  celebrated by Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka of the Philadelphia Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy, the  Most Rev. Bishop Bootkowski of the Metuchen Roman Catholic Diocese, the Archbishop Emeritus Stephen Sulyk, the former Pastor Rev. Roman Dubitsky, the Rev. Paul J. Makar and a current pastor and the school administrator Rev. Ivan Turyk. Among the honored guests present for the Liturgy were  Hon. Wilda Diaz, Mayor of Perth Amboy, NJ, the Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Ellen F. Ayoub and members of the Missionary Sisters of the Mother of God, who have staffed ACS  from its founding to the present day. Over the past 50 years, the school has thrived and expanded and now has an enrollment of 191 students and 10 full-time teachers. Many thanks to everyone who helped make the Assumption School’s 50th anniversary celebration so memorable. For more pictures from the 50th Anniversary Liturgy  and Banquet Celebration, please view pictures on our school’s website  at

NY Giants football player visited ACS

In September, a  former New York Giant Chris Godfrey visited with the students at ACS. He was at the school to speak about dedicating oneself to a life of virtue through his foundation: Life Athletes. Mr. Godfrey spoke to our students about building their relationships with God and the need for virtue, abstinence and respect for life. He complimented our students on their interest, questions and behavior.  It was a fantastic event and all the students and faculty  gained something from the presentation.

Back to School BBQ

The Annual Back to School BBQ was amazing this year. Our wonderful teachers   served up about 150 meals to students and their parents. We want to thank all of you for joining us each year for the Back to School night, it is because of you that this event is so successful!  Also, a big thank you to ACS teachers  who made it happen! You guys are great! Thanks to our teachers, field trips will cost a little less.

Welcome To Our 50th School Year

On Wednesday, September4th the doors of Assumption Catholic School opened to start a new school year for the 50th time. Almost 200 students from Pre – K to the eighth grade eagerly waited for the bell to ring. Teachers greeted many familiar faces as well as welcomed new students, making them feel right at home. Students received a nice surprise as they entered the auditorium. Over the summer the area had received a facelift in preparation for our 50th anniversary celebration. In addition, all of the bathrooms were nice and shiny with the addition of new sinks. Once all of the students entered and found their places, Mr. S. led the student body in prayer. He followed prayers with an official welcome to new students while welcoming back our veteran students. A new school year has officially begun!

Welcome Back and Welcome Home!

The start of the new school year has been anything but a typical start. Mr. S. ended last year with no changes in grade assignments, and happy that all of the specials teachers would be returning. By the time school started in September, not only were there new grade assignments, a few specials teachers had also moved on to other jobs. Despite the changes, ACS is as strong as ever! Our faculty welcomed Miss Julie Salamon, teacher of grade 2, to the group at their first meeting in August. At that same meeting Mrs. Shumny of grade 7 was welcomed back home after a year away from ACS.

Shortly after the start of the year Mr. S. had to find a new physical education teacher, a new Spanish teacher, a new librarian and a new computer teacher. As God’s blessings would shine upon us again, he was successful.  Teaching Spanish to the older students is alumnus, Miss Michelle Diaz, and our new physical education teacher, alumnus, Miss Ivette Sosa.  We have also welcomed new computer teacher Mr. Gary Charydczak, as well as our new librarian, Mrs. Anne Keefe. One more alumnus that will be helping out this year is Miss Joan Kuchie. She will be our substitute teacher. If you see any of these new additions, be sure to make them feel at home!

Teacher assignments for 2013-2014

Hope that everyone is enjoying the summer and doing their best to stay cool. 

Unfortunately we must bid farewell to Mrs. Rizkallah and Miss Fiore. Both are moving on to positions in the public school system.  I thank them for all their efforts on behalf of our students and wish them all the best. 

There are a few changes to our lineup this year.  For the year 2013-2014 the teacher assignments will be as follows:
PreK – Miss Giordano
K – Mrs. Derevenska
1 – Mrs. Khouzam
2 – Mrs. Gaffney
3 – Mrs. Bernstein
4 – Mrs. Lojko
5 – Mrs. Lawrence
6 – Miss Makar
7 – Mrs. Shumny
8 – Mrs. Pickering
Acc Math – Miss Hanna

I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new teachers:  Mrs. Gaffney is an alumnus of our school and a parishioner with 15 years experience in the business field.  She holds a NJ Teaching Certificate of Eligibility for Grades K to 5.  You all know Mrs.Shumny and we are certainly happy to have her back.  I believe we have a strong group of teachers that will continue to provide an excellent education for our children.