Theophany 2023 – Great Blessing of the Waters at Assumption Parish.

After the Vesperal Liturgy, we celebrated the Great Blessing of the Waters, and parishioners were sprinkled with, and partook of the newly-blessed Holy Water.  The next next day, the morning Divine Liturgy for the Feast was celebrated with the students of Assumption Catholic Church. After the blessing of the water ceremony, Fr. Ivan walked around the school with a small group of 8 grades students and blessed each room with holy water and offered a blessing to students and staff.

Many thanks to John Baginsky for these wonderful photos.

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Christmas Bazaar

The 2022 Christmas Bazaar was a tremendous success because of everyone’s participation and teamwork!   I am grateful and feel blessed to tell you we made an estimated (finalizing expenses) $30,000 – this is not a typo lol.

Everyone showing up to work their 4 hours, inviting your friends and family and working your posts with an open heart and loving smile made this possible. To my bakers, my vendors, my cleaners, my garbage detail, my middle school helpers – ACS appreciates you! AND to the FSA Board who led this team in planning and executing a successful event, thank you!  A true success!

As a small Catholic school this is a tremendous help for building repairs, supporting school activities and giving our students more opportunities.

To all our students…. Monday AND Tuesday is a F R E E Dress Down because I appreciate you too.
Thank you!

Mrs. Shumny💛💙

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Happy Thanksgiving!

You may think that traditionally everyone celebrates Thanksgiving on the last Thursday in November. You would be correct!  However, ACS has their own celebration on Wednesday, the day before the big day. Prep work actually starts on Tuesday when students in grades 5 through 8 make apple, pumpkin, and chocolate pudding pies. In addition they prepared 2 big trays of cornbread.

Our FSA parents took over the morning of the feast with the preparation of all the wonderful sides that go with the star of the show, the turkey. Grades 3 and 4 completed a STEM project together which culminated with a parade through the halls of school showing off their Thanksgiving floats. Grade 5 provided entertainment for our guests with a poem and explanation of the history behind the day. This was followed by Father Ivan’s blessing of the food. There was nothing else left to do except to eat! Thank you to all involved in the making of the feast.

Our ACS family wishes everyone a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

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8th Grade Ring Ceremony

This Friday, Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy, NJ welcomed the Class of 2023 and their parents to the Annual Blessing of Class Rings Ceremony. The class rings were blessed by Fr. Ivan Turyk and presented to the graduates of this year by the school’s Principal, Mrs. Lissette Shumny.  This year, Fr. Ruslan Romaniuk, Pastor of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church in  Elizabeth, NJ concelebrated at the Liturgy, and was very proud to see his son David, ACS student, receiving a graduating ring.
In his homily, Fr. Ivan spoke about the symbolism of the rings and the Principal expressed how proud she and the eighth-grade teacher Mrs. Pickering were of their soon-to-be graduates. After posing for a group picture, students and their families enjoyed a small breakfast celebration in the church hall. Congratulations class of 2023. We look forward to journeying with you over the next couple of months and having your diploma be the next object we hand to you as a class.

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ACS Shares Their Love

A few years ago our ACS family began to support graduates, Amarilis and Analee Rodriguez in their nonprofit organization called Baskets for Neighbors. The Class of 2023 collected each day for the past few weeks many different types of nonperishables and personal items. This year Assumption School  collected a record amount of donations. The girls will use the donations to help local families in need. Thank you to all of our families that chose to support this great cause!  All donations that were also collected by Assumption Parish were picked up by  the Baskets for Neighbors organization. 

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