Earth Day

To commemorate Earth Day, our middle school students joined with the Perth Amboy Public Works Department, ShopRite of Perth Amboy, and Perth Amboy Catholic students in creating decorative bags reminding shoppers to reduce, reuse and recycle.  Mrs. Barcheski of the Public Works Department delivered plain paper bags to our school that our fifth through eighth grade students decorated with recycling slogans.  When they were complete, Mrs. Barcheski stopped by to pick them up and deliver them to ShopRite. On Thursday, April 20, one of our students, Andrew, (along with 2 PACS students) met Mayor Wilda Diaz, Mrs. Barcheski, and the ShopRite Store Manager for a short program at the ShopRite of Perth Amboy.  The students then handed out the decorated bags to shoppers to remind them to take care of our Earth.  We should take care of the Earth God gave us EVERY day – not just on Earth Day!

Research Papers

And the Research is in! All ACS 7th and 8th graders developed their research and long term writing skills by selecting a World War II topic and compiling a three page research paper for their Language Arts and Social Studies classes.  Both classes read, The Diary of Anne Frank, while simultaneously learning about important events from the war which led to their topic selection.  A High School level outline and rubric was used and each student met the challenge with a great attitude.   Their teachers were impressed and continue to develop projects that prepare the students for success in high school and college. Way to go Class of 2017 and 2018!

“How To” Projects

The sixth graders have worked hard throughout the third marking period!  Their latest project was a "How To" demonstration and written report where they had to select a topic, and demonstrate how to create it to their teacher and classmates.   Students had to follow a step by step process on how to make their selected topic and all did a terrific job.  Topics ranged from how to make pancakes, an origami frog, ice a cake, make crafts, make slime and even a 3D model of the earth! The Class of 2019 are developing their writing skills and using their creativity!

Living Stations of the Cross

During Holy Week, ACS students celebrate The Living Stations of the Cross presented by the 7th and 8th grade classes.  This is a deeply spiritual re-enactment of the events leading up to and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  Living Stations are a yearly school community event that reminds the students of the great sacrifice that Jesus made for us.  As Holy Week comes to a close, the ACS community wishes everyone a blessed Easter and happy Spring break.

Earth Week Grocery Bag Project.

This year our local ShopRite donated the brown paper bags that our students enjoyed decorating. Many messages were colorfully illustrated on these bags to send reminders to local residents to help save our Earth. ACS students really enjoyed participating in this project and look forward to our school participating in the future.

ACS Hold Successful Lenten Retreat-Mission.

This year’s Lenten Mission at ACS took place on Friday, April 7 and was conducted by Fr. Taras Kchik, a Redemptorist Father from Canada. Fr. Taras had a question and answer session with students and gave a spiritual talk on importance of Lent in our life.
The Lenten mission provided all students and administration of ACS with an opportunity to grow spiritually and to develop a deeper appreciation for our faith.

ACS teacher received the Teacher of the Year Award

On Saturday, April 4th, 2017 at their Annual Shield Awards ceremony, the Knights of Columbus, San Salvador Council No. 299 in Perth Amboy, have honored ACS 8th grade teacher Mrs. Mary Beth Pickering with the Teacher of the Year Award. The award is finally in the hands of the most deserving and worthy candidate. Congratulations Mrs. Pickering on over 20 years with ACS. All of the school programs in ACS have benefited from your experience and work ethic over the years. Your knowledge, hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated. May God bless you all as you continue to give your best to ACS.

Ukranian Egg Dying (Pysanky) Workshop

The middle school students learned to “write” Easter eggs (pysanky) in the Ukrainian style. Mrs. Melanie  Fedynyshyn, our librarian, has graciously accepted this undertaking.  They will hopefully complete their projects next week and bring home a beautiful pysanka to be admired by all.

LEAD program for ACC students.

Our fifth graders have been introduced to a weekly program called Law Enforcement Against Drugs (LEAD). Sgt. Zaleski, of the Perth Amboy Police Dept., is leading them in a curriculum entitled Too Good For Drugs (TGFD) which includes instruction and discussion in many topics including goal setting, decision making, self esteem, bullying and other relevant topics. TGFD delivers a strong and effective anti-substance abuse message and fosters the creation of trusting relationships between the police department and your child and family. Thank you to Sgt. Zaleski, Officer Chris Joy and the PA PD for bringing this program to our students.

Assumption Catholic and Saint Nicholas Schools Retreat Day

Recently the seventh and eighth grade students of Assumption Catholic School, Perth Amboy, welcomed the seventh and eighth grade students of Saint Nicholas School, Passaic for a day of retreat presented by Father Paul Makar, the vocations director for the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia. This day was the result of conversations between Father Ivan Turyk , Assumption Catholic and Father Andriy Dudkevych, St. Nic…holas. Conversation led to plans, and plans led to reality. The retreat would not be possible without our wonderful 8th grade teacher Mrs. Mary Beth Pickering and 7th grade teacher Mrs. Donna Vattelana who worked tirelessly to make this a successful event.

Early in the morning, ACS principal Mr. Michael Szpyhulsky greeted Father Andriy, SNS principal Sister Eliane Ilnitski, S.S.M.I. teachers, and students. The day began with Divine Liturgy followed by the Stations of the Cross. Afterwards, students proceeded to ACS auditorium where they participated in a short activity to allow both schools to get to know each other. ACS students next took their new friends from SNS on a tour of their school, while SNS teachers were given a tour by ACS teachers. The next part of the morning was spent in discussion with Father Paul where he spoke to students about being the best they can be and having no fear to follow God’s calling.

Before lunch was served, Sister Yosaphata, MSMG, ACS vice principal, showed the new best friends how to create beautiful pictures using only picture frames, sharpies, and paint. During this creative hour teachers and administrators also had some time for their own conversations. Students could be overheard discussing their schedules, activities, and daily lives with each other. Following a lunch of pizza, salad, and of course cupcakes, everyone involved took a group picture to make a permanent memory of the day.
The day continued with one more talk by Father Paul to reinforce to the students not to be afraid to follow their dreams as long as they kept God in their hearts. Father Ivan thanked Father Paul for his time and then everyone returned to the school to continue working on their masterpieces.

As we know, all good things must come to an end. In what seemed like a blink of an eye, it was time for Saint Nicholas School family to get ready to leave for home. Final minutes were spent making promises to keep in touch. It was an awesome day with students from both schools expressing the hope of the beginning of a new tradition!