ACS Food Club!

ACS’s Mrs Pickering and Mrs Shumny along with a wonderful group of 8th graders have started a Food Club!  The ACS Food Club met for the first time today and picked lasagna as the first meal they were going to prepare.  They made their own sauce – from scratch – they seasoned their own beef and even wrote out their Recipe to share with their classmates.  Next month! You guessed it – empanadas and arroz con gandules!

St.Nick Program

Each year St. Nicholas pays a visit to the students of Assumption Catholic School. Born in Patara, a land that is part of present-day Turkey, St. Nicholas was a Christian bishop who helped the needy and gave gifts to good children. In Ukraine, children wait for St. Nicholas to come and to put a present under their pillows provided that the children were good during the year. Children who behaved badly may expect to find a twig or a piece of coal under thei…r pillows. On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, ACS students welcomed him with once again much enthusiasm. Students were first treated to a play about St. Nichalas performed by the Junior Drama Club members and then called to the stage by class where each child received a present sponsored by the school ( FSA) Family School Association. As St Nicholas was leaving for the next visit on his list, students returned to their classroom to enjoy their new gifts.

Stomp Out Bullying

The Perth Amboy Police Department and the New York Jets have joined together to "Stomp Out Bullying" in schools. ACS first grader, Sophia, was selected for her efforts to report and being a true friend for those in kindergarten through second grade. Having young student take initiative to be positive role models is what the police department is looking for and what ACS works hard to instill in each and every student.

Thanksgiving Tradition Continues at ACS

On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 a Thanksgiving tradition at Assumption Catholic School continued. What begin several years ago as a simple gathering to give thanks to God together as a school, has grown into a real Thanksgiving Feast. This year students in the Senior Drama Club prepared a short program about the history of Thanksgiving: Fact or Fiction. The FSA board member, students and volunteers, under the direction of Mrs. Maria Derevenska, our kindergarten teacher, prepared and served a full Thanksgiving dinner. In addition to pie baking, the students of ACS also helped with the preparation of the cornbread and potatoes. At the end of the day all of the students felt good that they had contributed to what would be a wonderful Thanksgiving meal that was shared by everyone in school. This year, we were highly honored by the presence of Mrs. Wilda Diaz , Mayor of the City of Perth Amboy and the Perth Amboy’s New Fire Chief.

We would like to wish all of our ACS families a very happy Thanksgiving Weekend! Thanksgiving is a time for family and we hope that you and your family have an extra enjoyable weekend. Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you all! Thanks for sharing your child with us.

Friction in Action

Friction – a contact force that opposes motion. The sixth grade students at ACS completed an investigation to learn how to reduce the effects of friction when they visited the lab. They discussed the definition, read over the lab, wrote their hypothesis, then, tested their hypothesis. Each group worked together making sure to carry out each step carefully, recording their data as they went along. They measured the force it took to pull a piece of wood along the floor, on a set of marbles, and across sand paper. In the end they were able to observe the effect of friction as a force and have a better understanding of how friction works.

ACS Bowling

For the last eight weeks, ACS students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade have participated in Bowling.  It is a commitment on their part and of course on parents who drive and cheer them on.  They did a great job and will be acknowledge on our Sports Awards night in June.  Thank you to Connie and Sean Daly for all their help and dedication to the ACS Bowling Team.  Excellent job coordinating and encouraging our bowlers!

New sixth grade teacher

Assumption Catholic School would like to welcome the new sixth grade teacher, Mr. Wythe.  In addition to teaching sixth grade Religion, Social Studies and Language Arts, he will instruct fifth, seventh and eighth grade Social Studies.   With his history degree and teaching experience from the Rutgers Literacy Program we are excited to have him as part of our ACS team!  On Saturday he met many of our families and got right to work helping the FSA in the kitchen for the Christmas Bazaar.  He is eager to work with our children and has a lot planned for the school year.Thank you and welcome Mr. Wythe!

Mrs.Lissette Shumny
Assumption Catholic School

Christmas Bazaar 2017 – a big Thank You

The festive season has officially started here at Assumption School with our annual Christmas Bazaar taking place last Sunday. This is one of the highlights of our school calendar and the success of this fundraising event boils down to the commitment of our FSA (Family School Association). A special thank you goes to Mrs. Allyson Fizer, President of FSA and her Board who worked tirelessly in the build up to the day and at the Bazaar.They planned and executed a great event for the school. By all measures, it was a huge success! The turnout was great and the atmosphere fantastic. We thank the FSA and all those who helped in any way – whether you baked, cooked, worked in the kitchen or sold ruffle tickets, solicited donations, donated “stuff” for the auction, it all helped to make our Bazaar successful! Thank you to all who supported the Bazaar, blessings to all this holiday season.

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Assumption Catholic School Student Help Warm Hearts in Ukraine

Students from Assumption Catholic School (ACS) in Perth Amboy, New Jersey give back and have impacted the lives of children in Ukraine. For the second year in a row, the 8th grade class, in cooperation with the Carteret Youth Chapter of the Ukrainian Youth Association (CYM), have collected items of warm clothing, school supplies, sweets and toys packaged in backpacks to be distributed to children of parents who are currently engaged in military action or have given their lives in Eastern Ukraine or who have been displaced from their homes as a result of the fighting.  This initiative, known as Warming Warm Heart, was initiated by the world executive board of CYM, and is now in its fourth year of action. Last year, the U.S. CYM chapters coordinated efforts for this action to collect 1,041 backpacks, which was viewed as very successful. This year, the goal of collecting 1,235 backpacks has been reached and will be sent to these children in time for the Feast Day of St. Nicholas and the beginning of the Christmas season.
The inclusion of ACS to this charitable action began with a query from Ms. Anna Lawrence, the music teacher at ACS, to a CYM social media campaign of this initiative. After initial inquiries, ASC students and staff members became interested in contributing to this campaign. “It would have never occurred to me that we’d ask a grade school to be involved with such a campaign. But when members of ACS learned about what we were doing and inquired about how it could help, it revealed itself as being a perfect fit. We are very fortunate to include these amazing students in these actions.” recounted Roman Wernyj, Youth Program Director of Carteret CYM. This year, the 8th grade class, under the direction of their teacher Mrs. Mary Beth Pickering and new principal Mrs. Lissette Shumny, brought in various items to snuggly fills 16 backpacks, which accounts for over 60% of the materials collected by Carteret CYM. Fr. Ivan Turyk, the pastor of Assumption Catholic church, who supervises the activities at ACS, noted, “This is a group of caring young men and women who don’t only study but also practice their faith. They and the entire ACS are always eager to reach out and help the less fortunate either here in this country or overseas.” Overall, over 200 lbs. of material was shipped to Ukraine on October 31, 2017 to children in the area of Kalush in the Ivano-Frankivsk oblast in Ukraine.