ACS students first day back.

ACS is proud to announce that it’s 57th first day of school was a true success! A true blessing. We started the day with prayer and invited parents to join us, and then right to our classrooms! Our students and teachers were excited to welcome the 2019-2020 school year and dived right in to discuss procedures, safety and their summer reading projects.  
PS Stay tuned tomorrow for the other half of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten!
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ACS Parent Orientation Night.

New parent orientation for the 2019-2020 school year was a success! We welcomed 33 new students and gave tours to another three families. Our parents and students met our new teachers Miss Martinez and Mrs. Mieczkowski and had the opportunity to ask questions and meet fellow parents. Mrs. Shumny and the teachers served ice cream and answered many questions. We hope our presentation was helpful and now we are ready to enjoy the last couple weeks of summer and get ready to kick off the school year! NOW ENROLLING. Call 732-826-8721 to set up your visit.

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Parish Festivals Bring Community Together.

On Saturday, June 22, 2019  beyond our expectations, the church grounds of the Assumption Ukrainian Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ swelled with neighbors and those who traveled quite a distance to appreciate Ukrainian culture, crafts, foods and entertainment at the 7th Annual Parish Festival.  Throughout the sun filled day, more than 3,000 guests, could be seen enjoying themselves, eating the delicious Ukrainian food, and there certainly was plenty for everyone, listening to lively Ukrainian music, visiting our beautiful church at the church tours, socializing with friends and neighbors, and enjoying the entertainment of our incredible Ukrainian dance performances.

Fr. Ivan Turyk,  the pastor of the church said that  “festival creates  an atmosphere of hospitality”, as people can come and have fun, and at the same time, it becomes an expression of our faith.

God blessed us with perfect weather which helped to bring many people to the Festival. The reviews were wonderful; a lot of people told us  that, “It sure is a big crowd this year,” and “We had such a great time.”  We were honored with the presence of NJ Congressman Frank Pallone, Mrs. Wilda Diaz, the mayor of the City of Perth Amboy and His Grace Bishop Andriy Rabiy, auxiliary bishop for the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy who opened the festival with his blessing and prayer.

 A great time and great food was enjoyed by all those who attended. We served  6 thousands of purohys, 1, 550 Stuffed Cabbages,  250 pounds of kovbasa, 80 cases of the Ukrainian beer ( 20 bottles in a case), hundreds of pieces of  homemade desserts  and we used  415 pounds of meat to prepare our delicious shish kebab.

It was amazing to see so many people enjoying the day together! It was also wonderful to know that we have so many hardworking parishioners and school parents who are doing their best to help keep our church and school  financially stable. It was another proof that Assumption Parish Community  shines when we all work together as one family.

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Congrats Class of 2019!

Last week, on Saturday June 8, 2019 His Grace, Bishop Hruhoriy Komar from Ukraine and Fr. Ivan Turyk celebrated Graduation Divine Liturgy followed by the students receiving their diplomas from ACS Principal Mrs. Shumny. After the Liturgy, students took one last walk as a class back to school where the awards breakfast sponsored FSA took place. After breakfast they were awarded various recognitions from academic to club participation. Over 230 families, friends, educators, gathered at the graduation breakfast to honor the class of 2019. Congratulations to all of our graduates for all they have achieved. We look forward to seeing them continue to grow and improve in the years to come!
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Pre-K Graduation

Pre-K graduation was held on stage at the ACS on Friday, June 7, 2019. The graduation program was very fun for students and helped commemorate their learning achievements throughout the year. Students had their own relationship with the stage; some milked the time for all it was worth, others couldn’t wait to flee. All students received a diploma and were congratulated by the Principal, Mrs. Shumny. Pre-K teacher, Mrs. Cuff prepared children well with the skills they need for success.

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Annual Picnic!

We did not let the rainy weather put a damper on our fun. We had relay races, basketball games, drums and boomwackers for some musical fun, and delicious food sponsored by our terrific FSA.We ended the event with a whole school game of Musical Chairs! It was a terrific time. Again thank you to our FSA for putting together this event!

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Kindergarten graduation.

Assumption Catholic School celebrated the graduation of 14 kindergarteners with a ceremony held on Friday evening, June 6, 2019. These group of students are bound with a strong foundation of the school’s excellent curriculum that includes not just scholastic skills but life skills as well. They will go into first grade with a deep understanding of friendship, love for God, honoring authority and obeying their parents. What a solid start for this generation! After the program that was filled with songs singing and poems recitals, the school principal Mrs. Shumny presented students with their well deserved diplomas and offered thanks to their wonderful teacher Mrs. D and to the music teacher Miss Anna Lawrence for preparing the great program.
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NYC Trip to see Aladdin.

The ACS 8th graders have arrived in NYC on Wednesday early morning! They  have walked (a lot) to Time Square, visited the M&M store,  St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the  LEGO store (the boy’s request), United Nations and  had a  big lunch and big rest at Planet Hollywood! Everyone enjoyed their food and each other’s company. The waiter even complimented students good manners! NYC shopping was also on a list – girls choice: Forever 21 boys choice: Disney Store!  After a little sugar the Class of 2019 enjoyed the city happenings and then off to the theater for Aladdin on Broadway! Thank you to the ACS FSA for the amazing seats.

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8th grade Farewell Dinner

The ACS Class of 2020 did a fantastic job putting together the 8th grade Farewell Dinner for the Class of 2019! They sang several friendship songs and performed a short “Grammy Awards – With a Twist” play for their upperclassman. Everyone had fun! Thank you to all the teachers, parent helpers and the FSA Board for all their hard work!

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Spanish Project Class

Today was an exciting lunch for the 8th grade class! They went to Latin Grill, a Peruvian Restaurant, in Perth Amboy. As an end of year Spanish project they had to read the menu in Spanish and place their order! Thank you to Miss Arce for organizing this event

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